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Re: Cats & Their Abilities To Ward Off Negative Spirits

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 8:36 am
by planewalker
Do a basic clearing of residual energies is OK. Maybe my terms make it hard. What your calling a cleanse is {At least for the 42 years I've been actively doing them as more than an assistant, and then to, how I was taught} a clearing(maybe - cleaning). A cleanse is when you have an entity actively causing problems on a home or ,more rarely, a personal level. They are there, don't want to move and are going to put up a fight about it. Most spirits can be come to terms with and can even be an asset. I know of one case where a thief was a babbling pile in the corner of a room when the police got him because a spirit protected "His" peoples house. Burglar, not on his watch. Four witches on Long Island got a burglar in much the same way in the 80's, but I digress. A full cleanse opens a door to push something, usually kicking and screaming, out. I don't drive a spirit out into the world to cause havoc there. I find that to be against my ethics and religion. It can be involved and can cause run on problems. Your fairly close I think {I'm in NY north of NYC. You feel like a day trip so I could do a cleanse on a weekend. I'm old enough that anything I'd travel more than an hour for I don't really do unless it's something I want to see or have someone I know asking my help.} I haven't heard of anything kicking up from Chicago to Boston , Portland to Philly. I don't have the contacts I once did but I'd probably have gotten a head's up. I trained a few of the people who trained some of the "kids" {you know those young 30 year olds} who are big in the field right now. I would definitely have heard from Amy's Aunt if anything was kicking in the NY area and I might hear from one of the Zaffis clan for things in New England. Sometimes I'll hear from the Gates but not so much now that Jay is out on his own.

Re: Cats & Their Abilities To Ward Off Negative Spirits

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 6:00 pm
by Throughalloftime
Unfortunately i am no longer in New England. I moved to Ohio :/ and I dont think I need a cleanse. I just think I may be overthinking this. Maybe it was an unintentional movement othat caused me to receive these answers

Re: Cats & Their Abilities To Ward Off Negative Spirits

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 6:22 pm
by planewalker
It wouldn't have been a cleanse that I would have had you do. I would tell you how to do a clearing/cleaning to sweep out old lingering energies left by other's. And I figured you for an 8 to 10 hr drive, so it would take a weekend, but was old enough I don"T do long trips without very good reason. As I said ,If it was big in the NE US I'd hear about it.

Re: Cats & Their Abilities To Ward Off Negative Spirits

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 8:10 pm
by Throughalloftime
Do you think there is good reason for you to do a clearing/cleansing?

Re: Cats & Their Abilities To Ward Off Negative Spirits

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 8:34 pm
by SnowCat
Some years ago, I had a gray cat, Smoky, who was my familiar. One afternoon I had lain down to rest and try to get rid of a headache. I saw a malevolent presence across the room. Smoky stood between me and the presence until it left. The encounter drained a lot of his life energy, and he left us for the Summerland the following year. He was almost 16. That has been my only experience with cats doing anything to clear negative energy.


Re: Cats & Their Abilities To Ward Off Negative Spirits

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 12:31 am
by planewalker
Hi Snow. Smoky was being your shield and protector because he loved you so well and was more personally linked as your familiar. The average house cat wouldn't have the were-with-all to stand up to an attack on life energy. I've found familiars to be very special.
Hi Andi, If you'd like I can walk you through a CLEARING/CLEANING of old lingering pieces of others having already having occupied that space. The cleansing is a much more involved exercise in driving out a known entity or entities that are an active source of spiritual negativity and usually a bit of mayhem, either spiritual or physical. Also why it's a job for the 20 to 40 set. I'm too old for this spit. I know I don't have the physical requirements for a twenty hour go round with something that wants to beat on or eat my soul. It's the only one I've got. It's in good shape even with some self inflicted damage. I plan on keeping it that way thanks. Call me "Boring old folks", I'll take it in this matter. I'm crazy enough to be fighting with my Doctor to sign a release for the local airport to go sky diving again. You can see how I view spiritual combat. I'm more then happy to assist people I know and trust who need my expertise to slam a door on something that needs to NOT be in the world. Do it myself. Not for a million bucks. It's gone up there with SCUBA diving. I've got two things I wouldn't think once of doing cause it may be happening but it's not happening with me.

Re: Cats & Their Abilities To Ward Off Negative Spirits

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 2:19 pm
by SnowCat
I didn't realize, until that incident, that Smoky was my familiar. I asked him about it afterward. He confirmed that he was my familiar.


Re: Cats & Their Abilities To Ward Off Negative Spirits

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 3:11 pm
by Firebird
When I think of the cats that have sat at the petimeter of the circle looking out, perhaps they were warding in their own way, so ya then they would be a form of protection, acting as the outrider to the magic space.
As to said you just moved? If possible cleanse the space before you bring all your stuff in.
Bb, FF

Re: Cats & Their Abilities To Ward Off Negative Spirits

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 3:13 pm
by Throughalloftime
firebirdflys wrote:When I think of the cats that have sat at the petimeter of the circle looking out, perhaps they were warding in their own way, so ya then they would be a form of protection, acting as the outrider to the magic space.
As to said you just moved? If possible cleanse the space before you bring all your stuff in.
Bb, FF
But don't only specific cats know how to do that? My cat does not seem to be very protective. All she does is play and run around. She's only 10 months old.

Re: Cats & Their Abilities To Ward Off Negative Spirits

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 3:58 pm
by planewalker
She's still a kitten and the whole world is her adventure. A kitten is like a rambunctious 5 year old who drank Jolt while on a sugar high.

Re: Cats & Their Abilities To Ward Off Negative Spirits

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 4:37 pm
by Firebird
You'll know if a cat is a familiar by the way they come around whenever you are doing something witchy or magical. Keep an eye on the kitten and see how she reacts or behaves when in sacred space or preforming other Craft works (like whipping up a potion or something) You'll be able to tell after some time. What kind of markings does she have?
Bb, Firebird

Re: Cats & Their Abilities To Ward Off Negative Spirits

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 6:43 pm
by Throughalloftime
None really. And she's never come around when I'm doing my divination so far....only marking she has is a white patch under her stomach

Re: Cats & Their Abilities To Ward Off Negative Spirits

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 7:02 pm
by SpiritTalker
TAOT, How does your cat behave when you create sacred space? You said somewhere that you are new to Wicca. Have you learned that part yet?

Re: Cats & Their Abilities To Ward Off Negative Spirits

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 10:51 pm
by Throughalloftime
So unless she's hanging around when Im doing divination or spells she's just another pet?

Re: Cats & Their Abilities To Ward Off Negative Spirits

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 11:36 pm
by Firebird
SpiritTalker wrote: TAOT, How does your cat behave when you create sacred space? You said somewhere that you are new to Wicca. Have you learned that part yet?
Spirit talker has a good question here.