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Gratitude/Prayer Box as a Tool

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 5:31 am
by EveningWithAstaroth

I am not sure if there is another thread like this here, but thought I'd share something I use often in my own practice perhaps some have not considered, or thought of.

It is a simple tool really, I use a Prayer/Gratitude box to help with intentions , and to help manifest desired results, also I use it in prayer when it is others ask for it.

Here is an image of the Prayer/Gratitude Box I am currently using. There are two small candles I use within to light for the setting of Intentions/ Desires, or while in Prayer.


I have been attempting to utilize different storage ideas and trying to keep my altar for the most part clear, for ritual items it currently has atop only a lidded candy dish, Yellow Candle, Day of the Dead ceremonial candle, my small rose stem wand, and my athame. Therefore when not in use I am currently storing the Prayer/ Gratitude box in an alatr storage cabinet set up at the back of my small altar:


Has anyone else done anything similar to this, or use anything like this as a frequent tool?

Re: Gratitude/Prayer Box as a Tool

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 10:57 am
by SpiritTalker
I think we're on the same wavelength :) I've used a "spell box" on my altar as a place to store long term petitions & charged spells until their intent is manifested, & then they get disassembled. The box itself is charged as well to aid whatever is inside. I light a gratitude candle as part of daily routine.

I like things where i can reach 'em, so keep a meditation-rock basket beside "my chair" with prayer charged stones & to house my prayer beads between run throughs. My stroking stone is kept there & Other stones get changed out as needed and will have properties attuned to what I'm working on. The residual energy off the beads aids the stones & visey versey.

Re: Gratitude/Prayer Box as a Tool

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:58 pm
by EveningWithAstaroth

Yes petition boxes. I used to do something very similar. When younger I used sigils, but not as much these days due to I fell out of Wicca related practice to study and practice shamanistic approach. Recently about six months ago, I felt it was time to try to continue on my path of magic again. I do not use sigils and petitions as much these days. I have recently begun to use one. Yes I too had a box when younger I would put the paper with relevant sigils and would write them out in colored ink, the color used most representing the intent. When manifested to my liking, the sigils would be torn into pieces. I forget now exactly what I did after tearing the pieces, I believe if I remember correctly I would leave the papers in the box for two more days after being torn, and would only then fully discard them.

A stroking stone,Yes I have something similar I use when I do energy readings, it is a river polished stone I found next to my apartment building. I would have paid it no mind as it is very plain but I found myself called to it. I keep it on the table where I keep my tablet when I do energy readings for others. While I read for another sometimes if I find it helpful I will lay my hand on the stone, while reading. Helps to focus, and the stone has a soothing quality for me for whatever reason. I therefore use it as a focus, and to maintain a peaceful state of mind, during readings.

Thank you for the response. :)