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How Do Your Prepare for Divination Sessions?

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 1:18 pm
by SpiritTalker
Whether we're the inquirer or the diviner, we may have preparation routines, or even mini-rituals that we generally do before a session to calm us & open all hailing frequencies. What do you generally do or what would you suggest for novices to help connect and receive reasonably reliable input? And if you use a divination tool, how often do you cleanse or charge it? What do you do?

Re: How Do Your Prepare for Divination Sessions?

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 2:25 pm
by planewalker
My favorite form of divination is the optical depth. I bless and clear my two mirriors every time I'm going to use them. I hang them to provide an optical depth that I may lift my gaze to them and divine the things to be seen in their depths. I use a single candle for light. I can see things that are past and effect what I'll see. See things as they are at a distance. And see things as they may be.

Re: How Do Your Prepare for Divination Sessions?

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 5:22 pm
by SpiritTalker
I can picture that. I always said they did it with mirrors :)

It is best if i haven't eaten for 2-3 hours. I prep for both channeling &/or divination sessions by deep breathing & centering, and focusing on another "density" that is both within and yet outside of me. I'm nervous with whole fleets of butterflies and quite miserable until the platform drops and I slide down the chute on the roller coaster. Then the controls are grasped & I hold position.

I have a 3" crystal ball that hums along OK, and we do well in low light that doesn't reflect in the ball. Electric lights are OK. I might lite some sandalwood/cinnamon incense. I insist on removing my shoes. Nothing can happen until i do.

I had kept the crystal segregated for years, wrapped and out of daylight, exposing it only to full moon light. I'd wash it with a cool mugwort "tea" whenever it seemed dull. Some months ago it "asked" to be with my other crystals and they get a 15 minute shot of sun on a clear day, before the shadow blocks the light. My crystal seems happier to be among friends.

I use a pendulum for dowsing or with a map to locate hidden/missing things. Again, centering and focussing on the inquiry is about all I can do walking around. No roller coasters 'tho.

Re: How Do Your Prepare for Divination Sessions?

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 7:04 pm
by LC
I use tarot cards. Most of what I read says to use dominant hand but instead I use my left. It just feels more natural. I also did a get to know your cards spread. It was amazing! I really got to know them and it felt like a good fit. We get along very well but they are not afraid to be honest

Re: How Do Your Prepare for Divination Sessions?

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:34 pm
by EveningWithAstaroth
I do both energy and astrological readings.

There is as well a bit of a want to connect with another's energy while doing the astrological readings as well.

My ritual during readings is to visualize connecting with the other individual- individual I am reading for- by visualizing 3 separate colored lights enveloping both the individual's aura and my own. The colors I use for the other should coincide with those I use for myself.

This I do most of the time when reading for others.

If I am praying for another - or if it is relevant to passed loved ones coming through during reading I will light a single white tea-light candle during the course of the reading.

During readings I also like to hold or rub a stone, so I will use often a stone to lay my hand upon or hold.

Recently I have been trying out my new rough rose quartz stone.

If it is an extraction ritual- if I find anything (negative emotions) there I will like to grab a clear or snow quartz for extraction.

So in actuality my procedure other than what I do naturally with the visualization and holding of a stone is subject to change in accordance to what is felt may be more helpful.

So if someone is suffering from current unsuccessful circumstances or very difficult times in the present life a prayer session wouldn't hurt, and would be appropriate.

If the person feels they are cursed by another and negative emotions due to this thinking pattern, behavior is evidently present an extraction tends to feel more appropriate.

So my normal ritual is visualization coupled with utilizing energy from whichever stone, and then if something comes up it will be implemented.