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How to discern between Anxiety and "Don't Do It"

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 1:54 pm
by casnarl
I want to send a text to someone today and I'm quite a bit nervous about how they'll respond or if they'll even respond at all.

I currently have it typed and set on a delay for when I know they're not in class. But as it gets closer to that time I'm questioning a little if I should or shouldn't even send it. That time is approximately 3 hours from now - it's 12:48 PM and it'll send at 3:25 PM (Central TIme) so if you see this after that it's probably already sent.

What I'm wondering though is how to tell the difference between just being anxious/nervous about something and intuition telling me not to do something? I consider myself a very nervous person - a perpetual worrier if you will. I often try and talk myself out of things I'm scared to do. But I WANT to send this text. I feel good about how I worded it and everything. I feel actually pretty good about it in general. But there's a teeny tiny part of me that thinks I shouldn't send it and I am curious if it's just me being anxious about it because it could potentially turn out badly, or if it's more than that and I really should consider not sending it.

Re: How to discern between Anxiety and "Don't Do It"

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:06 pm
by blue_moon
casnarl wrote: I consider myself a very nervous person - a perpetual worrier if you will. I often try and talk myself out of things I'm scared to do. But I WANT to send this text. I feel good about how I worded it and everything. I feel actually pretty good about it in general.
I've always been that way myself. I can imagine how you are feeling!
There are these things i try to avoid. People places topics... the older i got the better i got at differenciating. If the emotions get to strong i tend to trust them. A letter, a call, a visit - those things can be delayed.

If you feel good with the text and think you should send it, then it's probably anxiety/nervousness.

Breathe - accept any outcome - and send
Or decide not to send.

If my feelings feel like total nonsense! That often is a tipe of precog. If i start explaining around its usually nervousness- but i also listen closely to this.

Re: How to discern between Anxiety and "Don't Do It"

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:14 pm
by planewalker
Sometimes you should let logic be your guide. Also, ask yourself if you will be sorry you didn't send it if you don't.

Re: How to discern between Anxiety and "Don't Do It"

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 7:31 am
by Mr Crowley
planewalker wrote:Sometimes you should let logic be your guide.
Good advice!

Re: How to discern between Anxiety and "Don't Do It"

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:01 am
by casnarl
I rely so much on my emotions for stuff I'm not sure I'd know logic if it smacked me in the face :P