Drawn to the religion

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Drawn to the religion

Post by [SanityIsLost] »

Before I ever even knew what Wicca or even Paganism was I was drawn to different attributes of the religion. When I was younger (around age 7 or 8) I believed that there was a female and male God. I wasn't afraid to tell anyone either. I told everyone what I believed. (most likely because i was 7 :lol: ) Anyway... As I got older I started doodling in school and I would draw a five pointed star with a circle around it. I had no idea what it was or what the religion was. I drew the symbol everywhere and I called it my own personal symbol. I even used it in my name so that people would always know it was me who wrote it. (Yea... I was only 10...) I thought I had made a cool new design. I really believed no one had had the idea to put a star in a circle before. :roll:

Anyways to get to the point, I've always felt drawn to this path even before knew it existed. I thought I had made up a religion with a God and Goddess and I used the symbol of a star in a circle for the symbol. Has anybody else experienced anything similar? Did anybody feel drawn to their path from a young age?
p.s. Sorry this was so long... :(
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Post by brokenxdreams »

I have! When I was about 6 or 7, I would make up my own spells. I didn't even know that this religion existed until a year or so ago! But the thing is, my spells always worked. I can't remember one time when my spells didn't work.

I had always felt strangly close to witchcraft. I loved any movie that included witches. But the thing is, I never even beleived in witches that hollywood shows. I just always felt amazingly close to witches. If that makes sense at all...

Sorry! I'm not very good at explaining things :roll: :lol:


Post by HPCrowley »

I think that practicing Wicca/paganism/witchcraft before gaining knowlege of it's existance is a common trait umongst our kind. My most profound spiritual experiences as a young teen were at Methodist church camp, in the woods, away from the established worship services. I had a spot on the hiking trail; a small pond with waterfall that radiated "God" energy to me. My interest in herbalism was another clue. When it came to pass that my beliefs weren't compatable with the church, then it all fell into place.
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Post by Addalaide »

Well when i was born my mother was wiccan, but the only thing i ermeber her doing was to cleanse and charge crystals she whould burry them in flowerpots, with no flowers. She stoped because it was "bad" befor i learned anything more than my mommy plants rocks and i donno why. What i had though when i just started reading about it was maby my momblessed me because i know so much stuff but never even herd of it befor. My parents where extreamly protective of me when it came to many things as a child, i was so nieve(sp?). And the first time i remeber even larning a little about it was when the first harry potter movie came out and my aunt was telling me how pissed she was that people where calling him a warlock or something like that and she explaned to me what one was and told me when i was older she whould teach me more about it. But i have always felt like i had a connection with the elaments and things. But it makes sence to me that we have already known about it, because its earthbased right? we live on the earth so it was telling us things we needed to know.
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Post by elizabeth0126 »

I'm glad to know that there are others out there that went through being pulled by this religion from a young age. I used to be too scared to tell me too. And now just a couple years ago I found out that one of my aunt's is a High Priestess, and I have druids in my family.
Before I actually started doing my reading on Wicca I was a Christian. Had been for 6 or so years. So was my husband. We finally started talking about how we felt. I told him that I felt like I was destined for hell. But now after reading and understanding more of the Wicca religion I feel ALOT better. I like it and agree with it so much more than the christian religion. I just wish others could be understanding about it.

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Post by killawa »

when I was alittle girl I use to cast spells and talk to plants and think that I Could do whatever I wanted because nature would keep me safe. Now 17 years later I've been in to wicca since then! :wink:
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Post by WolfWitch »

I grew up in rural north western Kentucky. I had a 200 acre front yard that was being either planted or harvested at any given time. I have always, since I was little, felt at peace and at home in the woods or in the open fields. My aunt had a huge woods that was full of really tall skinny trees and I used to love going there as it made me feel like I was someplace special. At my Grandfathers farm (the 200 acre yard) their was an old oak tree next to his house. It was huge. It currently holds a size record in Ky. as well as the US. (At my chest highth it is 20 feet in circumfrance.) Whenever I was near it, I felt something. Like I was standing in the presence of something greater than myself. Like I was in the presence of something holy. To this day, the moment the chance is given to me, I will get a branch of that tree and make a wand from it. I'd like a walking staff but I will take what the tree is willing to impart me with. I am definatly no one to tell it anything.
As my mentor told me when I first stepped into my faith. "A lot of people who become wiccan say the same thing at first 'there's a name for this?' It's an easy, natural kind of religeon and a lot of people believe in it and practice it without ever knowing." This is why I don't say that I converted to Wicca so much as I awoke to it. Because that is exactly how it feels.

Blessed those that know and Goddess watch over those who don't.

The greatest advice I was ever given: It matters not what you believe. Only that you believe it wholeheartedly.
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Post by Rein »

Something similar happened to me.

Even though both my parents are pure Christian, my father has always been drawn to the woods, and I inherited his passion. When I was young we lived on a huge property that backed up to a somewhat large forest, and I would have the time of my life running through it and the field in front of it. Ever since I was small I've been unusually close to nature. To me, nothing is as wonderful as being in the woods. The closness that wiccans and pagans feel with nature is what originally drew me to the craft, even if I still don't share all of their beliefs. I am more at home among these kind of people than the stale old christians I grew up with.
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Post by [GeekyPagan] »

LOL, I love these stories!

When I was little, I used to ask "What do we believe in" and my mom would say "God", I would ask "Mom, what religion are we?" "Catholic". Which is wierd because I was never forced into Catholicism, but I grew up with it...my mom taught me how to pray on a rosary, things like that. I even had a patron Saint, St. Joan of Arc, the virgin (looking back now, I can't help but laugh XD). Anyway, I used feel drawn towards Wiccan people and centers. Gypsy Haven, a well known local store, which is now in New Hope PA used be in the major shopping center of my town. I used beg and plead to go in there every time we went to the pharmacy across the way from Gypsy Haven. Of course, I was never allowed. I also remember being like...14 and getting immersed in Wicca books at the book store, I tucked myself in a little corner and started reading...next thing I knew two hours had passed and my mom and screaming at me to stop reading and leave. Not sure if it was because of the Wicca books, or if she spent 2 hours in the store looking for me XD

regardless, I felt kind of a pull, not as strongly as some other, but there was always something that really interested me. A few years ago, I knew what Wicca was, but had forumulated my own belief structure....not even realizing it was Wicca!

...that was way too long. Sorry!
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Post by Butterfly1984 »

I have always felt very close to nature and was always out playing in the huge field behind my mum and dads. I love forests also, they are so peaceful. I also was always convinced, and still am, that there were fairies. I always leave an offering for them after I have performed my rituals and have statues and models of them all over my room so they know I love them. Sorry going off topic!!! :-) I got very interested in my early teens and once we had the internet i was off finding out loads of stuff. My dad used to get mad at me for looking on the sites but, bless him, he couldn't work out how to block them. I keep quiet from them now, just makes things easier.

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Post by Rein »

Oh yes, fairies! So many stories.....My poor father to this day gets paranoid whenever he sees a ring of mushrooms! He seems convinced that I'm going to step in one and disappear, based upon what went on when I was younger.

Never underestimate the fae! :lol:
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Post by [GeekyPagan] »

Kayako wrote:Oh yes, fairies! So many stories.....My poor father to this day gets paranoid whenever he sees a ring of mushrooms! He seems convinced that I'm going to step in one and disappear, based upon what went on when I was younger.

Never underestimate the fae! :lol:
Hehe, reminds me of what my Grandmother and Nanny (my Great Grandmother) told me once on St. Patrick's day when I was a kid. Well, my family is strong in the Irish tradition, so I thought I would dress in green - everything. Even my socks were green. Anyway, I come walking into my Grandmother's kitchen and she and Nanny started telling me to go change, because apparently if you wear too much green, the Leprachuans and Faries will steal you away.

Since then, I have kept the green down to a dull roar. :)
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Post by Rein »

I've never heard that one! In fact, I also have Irish roots...When I was younger, my parents thought that fairies we trying to kidnap me, because wherever I went circles of mushrooms would appear! Now I can't even say "fairy" without my father going "Now don't you start with the fairies again, they're finally leaving you alone!". :lol:

Maybe it's because people like us are drawn to nature?
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Post by Butterfly1984 »

I would love to be stolen away!!!! lol. I just love fairies. I wish my parents would have been a bit more like that instead of brushing all this off as a passing phase!!! Maybe one day they will understand. By the way would like to say a personel hello Kayato as we seem to post on the same threads most of the time. HELLO!!!!

Blessed Be
Butterflies are the most free life on this planet and i aspire to be that free spirited. Love and Light to all.
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Post by [GeekyPagan] »

Kayako wrote:I've never heard that one! In fact, I also have Irish roots...When I was younger, my parents thought that fairies we trying to kidnap me, because wherever I went circles of mushrooms would appear! Now I can't even say "fairy" without my father going "Now don't you start with the fairies again, they're finally leaving you alone!". :lol:

Maybe it's because people like us are drawn to nature?

I think it is because we're drawn to nature. XD When I was a kid I spent as much time outside as I could. Felt better that way ^^
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