Apartment cleansing help.

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Apartment cleansing help.

Post by Addalaide »

As many time as i try to purify this place it dosnt seam to work. Me and my fionce whent out of town and let our friend stay here to get away from some things where he lives, well something very very bad happend to him here in out apartment I wont go into much detail but he got cut up and strangles ( not to death hes mostly shooken up right now more than anything) and the police came and took one of my kitchen knifes and a power cord as evadence. And well its very very very uncormfortable to be in here now, is it posable for the purification to where off? I know i HAVE to do it agin to get the energy back to atlest simi normal. But this is the 5th time in a year i have recleansed the apt, is it maby because so much...negative...enery is all around us here in an apartment complex? Is there anything i can do to make it hold better? We are moveing in sep. but thats way to long to live this uncomfortably, i have had to stay out of here completly sence we walked in the door after the vacation. The cleansing i did befor had lasted sence end of febuary-begining of march. Witch was the longest it had lasted. Am i not stong enught to make one hold? I understand what happend was a freewill type thing but it brought evil in here. I think i mite need to do something extra to get it out, more than just cleansing it, but i dont know what ealse to do. Also once we move out should i recleans the place for the new people, or just leave and be done with it?
Merry Part
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Post by moonlit »

Well if it's the 5th time and it still isn't working.... and if people are in danger.. then perhaps you should find another place to live lol.

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Post by Addalaide »

Yeah...we are doing that....but we are here tell september when the lease runs out. We where looking at apts. But i looked in the paper and relized we can afford to rent a house, even though the perfect one had already been rented ( 3 br farm house on 5 acers out in the country ) I am hopeing another one comes by. Cause i really dont like haveing nabors much.
Merry Part

Post by Arianna »

If your feeling unsafe, by all means, cleanse the house! BUT since you said they don't last too long, then perhaps you chould have someone of a higher order bless the place.
Use salt, lots of it. It is a purifying agent. Mix blessed salt with moon water and sprinkle it about the house, put a besom over your door. Use the besom to 'sweep' evil out of your home. I can't remember the correct direction to use, but if you pay attention in the episode of charmed where they go back in time and learn of the old ways, then you'd know.
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Post by Elem »

but if you pay attention in the episode of charmed where they go back in time and learn of the old ways, then you'd know.
Apologies in advance for any offence caused, but.. Please, never quote 'Charmed' as a valid source of knowledge. <b>Never</b>. I mean... It's a TV show, and a rather incorrect one at that (obviously, since it's TV and has to appeal to a wide audience to make money).

The fact that the three 'Wiccan' sisters run around shouting magic words and 'orbing' things around says something to me.. It says that it's, largely, a big pile of commercialised bullsh*t with the 'Wicca' label tagged on to interest anybody who's even remotely intrigued by Wicca / Paganism. Nothing wrong with that, though.. As far as entertainment goes, it's fine. Problems only arise when people begin to take what's happening in the show as fact.

The Internet, or a book, are much more valid sources of knowledge. I'm not saying that you can't use a besom to cleanse a house.. I'd just rather see a more 'valid' reference than Charmed tagged on the end.

Sorry to rant - It's a pet peeve :).


Post by Arianna »

I wasn't quoting that bit. There is an episode, they go waaaaay back in time and learn the old ways, like how to use an apple for protection, using a besom to 'sweep away' evil, and a few other things like that.

In all honesty, Charmed isn't the only place that I heard of it from. It's just the only way I can remember it, because it's such a fake show when it comes to Wicca. I admit it was the last thing I wanted to mention, but people tend to remember things like that than an actual book or an internet site.

I do apologize for offending you though.
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Post by Elem »

Oh.. No, I wasn't offended :lol:. As I say, it's just a pet peeve of mine! Plus, I'm not feeling great.. And I do tend to rant a little when I'm not feeling well ;).

It's not actually your information I was ranting at, besides. Rather, it was the use of Charmed as a reference. It's like using the Roadrunner cartoon as a good reference for information on the effects of gravity.

Again, apologies if I offended.. I was being a little harsh / rantish. But, as I say, it does frustrate to see a TV show full of bogus information being referenced as a valid source :lol:.

<Shuts himself up before he causes more trouble ;)>


Post by Arianna »

*hugs* tis alright ^_^
I should have remembered my own distaste at using such things would offend.

Anyway, alls well that ends well.

And hopefully something of use can help this person with her apartment if she doesn't find a place to live soon.

I know how it is to be in a place that makes you uncomfortable.. unfortunatly for me, it is the living that is making me uncomfortable here... not the dead, for I have at least one human spirit hanging around... and one or two... other spirits but they protect me and keep me entertained... and do goofy stuff...

But thankfully, my spirits and I are only here for two weeks more... sadly the same cannot be said for you...
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Post by [ravenwing] »

Your problem appears not to be that you cant cleanse, but rather that it doesnt last. There are two simples reason for that - one is that youre not cleasning correctly, and the other is that youre doing it right and youre sending away the bad, but not doing anything to keep it from returning.

Might as well address both here.

Smudging (or cleansing) is a TWO part process. the first involves the use of Sage and traditionally an abalone shell, but any container to burn the sage will do. Open your doors and windows, and start at the room that is FARTHEST from the door you regularly use to enter your apt or house. Light the smudge, and cover YOURSELF in smoke first, then begin walking around the edges of each room in turn, repeating your ritual chant if you use one, and closing each window as you pass it, and each door as you leave the room. Go all the way through every room, finishing at the front door (or whatever door you use most). Step out, close the door, and tamp out the Sage.

Now for the second part - the one most people do not do. Your place is cleansed but if you dont do anything to protect it, you might as well just leave your door wide open to negative energies. The two most popular ways to protect evil from re-entering are #1 a Sweetgrass Braid, and #2 Amethyst points.

If you choose the braid, you would light its small end, burn it a few seconds, tamp it out, and place it over your door in an upside down "U" shape (like the opposite of a lucky horseshoe). Braids cost about $7-8 ea.

If you use amethyst points, you use a pair of them, and place them on the floor at either side of your doorway (or on the ledge above your door if you have small pets)- long points facing towards each other. these usually run about $10 a pair.

Either of these will cause someone who comes to your home to "drop" any negative energies they have at your doorway - it will not cross the line - and these energies will re-attach themselves to that person when they leave.
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Post by Comus »

This seems like a very strange situation. Am I right in believing that:

your partner got cut and or strangled,


the police came and took one of your kitchen knives and a power cord as evidence?

Can I just ask if you believe what happened to your partner was the work of evil spirits or simply that this incident happened and you wish to cleanse the area of negativity?
just clarifying,
Idz qaala
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