Is it possible to have the wrong birthchart?

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Is it possible to have the wrong birthchart?

Post by Alhandra »

Its been a long time since I have been on here.

Anyway I have a big question which the answer could explain a lot to me. I was supposed to be born at 6:30 pm like majorly but for some reason (blame the hospital) I was born at 10:30pm instead. The thing is when I ran up my birthchart for that time (curisoity got me) I was shocked to see how much it sounded like me, more than my proper one. Its similar but in different ways. Like for example I have Uranus in my first house but in my proper one I have an aquarius ascendant instead. The planets in the houses make more sense to me than my proper chart. Is it possible that the chart I ran up at 6:30 is the chart I should be using?

Thank You


Romany Saying~
"the tatcho drom to be a jinny penmergo is to dik, to shoon and to rig drey zi"
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Post by being-singular-plural »

Hi Alhandra,

How you have been missed!? I hope that you are well. You are certainly not the first who would rather have a different birth chart. . .one of my closest friends was born on the cusp between leo and virgo and we calculated her sun sign to be in virgo and she won't accept it--she wants to be a Leo--so let her be that then! Astrology, dear Alhandra is merely a tool to get you outside of your ego. Any spiritual practice will have a similar effect. If you find that it is not affecting your sense of self in positive ways, then I suggest letting it go for a while. The stars are not everything! Perhaps they themselves look to other things to get outside of their egos! In all honesty, I would say that your original chart is the most "proper" one, but how you live it is different at each moment. That's what I love about astrology--it is not fixed at all--Yes, you may have Aquarius rising as a fixed point, but that energy is so dynamic that saying "I have Aquarius Ascendant" says virtually nothing. It is cosmic energy particualrized through your expression, thus, no one else can tell you how that energy manifests through you since you are unique. I re-call from doing your chart way back when that you have quite an intuition--so I suggest that you follow it--if you really want the 6:30 time to be your time, then make it so! But, why? Deep self questioning can really get to the bottom of this. . .However, I also suggest that you look at your original chart even more closely and ask yourelf. . .and be honest. . .what don't you like about this chart--is it that Pluto in the 8th? Let it go. . it is a great place for Pluto be--your soul wants it there! Better yet--start with this question: What is it that you want out of these charts in the first place?
I look forward to your reply--email me if you prefer. It is great to see you around Alhandra and many, many blessings to you!!

Light beyond the stars,
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Post by Alhandra »

Thank you BSP, you got me. Theres a lot I dont like in my proper chart...where saturn is mainly. But the other chart really does sound like me to be honest. I think I will let go of astrology for a while. Im one of those who will stare at their chart for ages concentrating on the bad points and forgeting the good ones. Im quite insecure like that....unfortunatley. Now I tell others my progressed chart is better. Things just dont seem right in my chart. Career is one thing. Im very artistic yet it says I should go into caring and hospital work....which really isnt me. Im studying fashion design at college this year anyway. But that was a real eye-opener bsp.

Thank you :)


Romany Saying~
"the tatcho drom to be a jinny penmergo is to dik, to shoon and to rig drey zi"
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Post by being-singular-plural »

Well, the great thing about this art is that it ceaselessly offers more and more layers of interpretations. Nothing in the natal chart is "fixed" and one can get lost in the fear of this or that energy resonating in this or that house. But, by focussing on a particular aspect like this inherently neglects the total picture--the conglomeration of a plurality of singular aspects swaying to and fro across the abyss of the universe--it is really more like looking at a painting--so do not fret too much about your Saturn or your 6th house stellium. Re-call that your north node is in the 12th house, near your Saturn and that makes the South Node in the 6th among those other planets. You intuitiveley sense that you will move away from 6th house, traditionally interpreted as "Health" and/or "Work"--but this is a reductive view of the 6th. Granted, the 6th house/12th house polarity is always a polarity of service--service to God, service to self, service to others---service manifests in so many ways, it cannot be measured. Also, think of the 6th houuse and all the houses for that matter in relation to each other--it doesn't work like a nicely cut pie, the way the chart appears. The 6th follows the 5th house of self creation and artistic inspriation, the 6th grounds that energy and makes it more practical--I have no fear that you will not find your path of art available to you--perhaps even more easy than you think. Try a more fluid approach to your interpretation of the charts. And above all, trust that your faith and intuition will guide you. It offers endless metaphors of dreams--your imaginative self creations will somehow serve the universe--the question is really up to you to answer: how and who does this serve?---I think in each case you will find many, many answers and possibilities--service overlaps and loops all around--service goes a long way. . .Lighten up on yourself a bit and don't forget to enjoy the experience you are having! It is not only in the stars, but it is also beyond them, and right down here, right before your eyes, right now. . .! We will talk about your Saturn another time. . .

Bless you,

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