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The Great Awakening Map

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:17 pm
by birublackzoey

Re: The Great Awakening Map

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 3:53 am
by SpiritTalker

Re: The Great Awakening Map

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 8:58 pm
by birublackzoey
SpiritTalker wrote:5:5
Very cryptic, do elaborate! :)

The map came to me, as I was intention-meditating about recent events and big picture.
This is often my most common prayer/intent - just to have clarity and understanding.

And I have also reconnected with an old friend, how she was dealing with some issues herself (anxiety, creativity, expression)
and we got to talking about some higher states of consciousness brought on by ayahuasca, DMT and meditation.

A few days later, the map was found on my feed, and I was glad/perplexed/excited to see the connections, all the connections.
For the most part, I exist on the middle to right hand side of the map, which are elements which I feel I am aware and can control, esp in regards to inner clarity and ascension work.

Do share your throughts, or if there are any parts that are erroneous or missing?

As I am writing this, I do realise that it will be 10.10 tomorrow.

Thank you

Re: The Great Awakening Map

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 11:27 pm
by SnowCat
I need to look at the map on my laptop, instead of my phone. I've found that things usually have a purpose when they appear seemingly out of nowhere.

Re: The Great Awakening Map

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 5:17 am
by SpiritTalker
5:5 just means "I copy that" or "HUA" - heard, understood, acknowledged.

Overview: People are waking up & seeing that everything is connected. I see this diagram with the bottom semi-circle as It's labeled Earth & what shaped history (Military Industrial Economic Complex thru ancient builder civilizations). The circles are sun & planets, the ovals are institutions that shape beliefs etc. & return to source/reset (upper right). My iPad lets me see only portions at one time & i can't read all the fine print ... a good metaphor for focus of consciousness & there's a lot going on.

Re: The Great Awakening Map

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 9:28 pm
by birublackzoey
I've had some new insights about the creator(s) of the Great Awakening Map, and that he is a supporter of Trump - not so much his policies, but his role in the change/disruption of society.
American society at the very least - i am not American, and i don't own a tv so I am always a bit behind on politics and current affairs - only get them in micro-doses at the gym tv, or on social media.
but there are some interesting parallels happening on the instagram page, most notably this one for earlier this month.

I always reach out into the universe, and hear what others in the communities have to say. so do share your thoughts.
I do observe that we are living in a special time in human history, where all our issues are revealed to be different faces of the same cube.
our economic problems, are also our social problems, which are also our environmental problems, which are also our spiritual problems, etc.

As some point, they are no longer coincidences but synchronicities.

Re: The Great Awakening Map

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 11:00 am
by SpiritTalker
birublackzoey wrote:I've had some new insights about the creator(s) of the Great Awakening Map, and that he is a supporter of Trump - not so much his policies, but his role in the change/disruption of society.

I do observe that we are living in a special time in human history, where all our issues are revealed to be different faces of the same cube.
our economic problems, are also our social problems, which are also our environmental problems, which are also our spiritual problems, etc.

As some point, they are no longer coincidences but synchronicities.
Nicely condensed. Wish I'd said that. :D

Re: The Great Awakening Map

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 9:49 pm
by barker
SpiritTalker wrote:
birublackzoey wrote:I've had some new insights about the creator(s) of the Great Awakening Map, and that he is a supporter of Trump - not so much his policies, but his role in the change/disruption of society.

I do observe that we are living in a special time in human history, where all our issues are revealed to be different faces of the same cube.
our economic problems, are also our social problems, which are also our environmental problems, which are also our spiritual problems, etc.

As some point, they are no longer coincidences but synchronicities.
Nicely condensed. Wish I'd said that. :D
How easy is it to say, "I know how to believe!?" I think the world is going to find out.

Re: The Great Awakening Map

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 6:19 am
by L.J.Hex
Very interesting. Its been a good while now since I was digging up this sort of stuff... I used to be on certain conspiracy/UFO/paranormal/new age type forums, but I got pretty much oversaturated with the stuff and left. Mostly because of the extremely depressing doom and gloom thinking that seems to be quite popular among that bunch.

Who ever made that map is surely paying attention on detail. :mrgreen:

Re: The Great Awakening Map

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 9:07 pm
by birublackzoey
I think I only got pretty pretty deep in around 2012? But I was aware of the whole conspiracy/disclosure theories since 2006 - 2007, and I do agree with you that it was very doom and gloom. Funny thing is that half of those theories have been confirmed via CIA declassified documents over the years, and the other half is being tightly guarded. I do believe however there is still a degree of embellishment and cover-ups.

Today, I am quite happy to report that there is a more positive outlook on humanity and our future/destiny. The past notion of being victimised and then attempting to destroy the bodies of authority has been replaced with an inner self-sufficience, and witchcraft is a part of that. Of knowing thyself, so that we are no longer sheep. A lot of it has to do with awakening and then ascension, and it has happened plenty over the years. In just one decade, I have noticed a spirituality in most people, even those who don't necessarily prescribe to our ways. They are softer but stronger, and more affirmed in the belief that kindness is no longer a weakness. It is a new kind of strength that is based in love and the belief that one person is important, when we have been routinely forced to accept that one person or even a whole group of people cannot affect any change. Now, we know that it is not true, surprisingly early social media was instrumental in showing this, haha. Images and footages of kindness, and also of violence, are being shared and made public so we can no longer be asleep.

There is a shift in overall consciousness - a majority of human beings today are curious to discover and understand themselves, which is unprecedented. Although each take different paths, the desire to understand their place in this world is a good sign in itself. That is the doorway towards connecting the dots, and making the unseen connections. And even when they are seen, the sentiment today is of, "we can change this, by changing ourselves". There has been certain windows of higher energy and many, including myself are empowered and encouraged when we catch a glimpse of a what could be, and that is a wonderful vision. It may not look a lot like the world we live in now, and maybe that is also a good thing - but we either change, adapt and grow or become stuck.

I don't think this map could have even existed just 10 years ago, but today here it is, trying to capture all the things we need to arm ourselves with love, to change and be mindful of, and to fight back when it comes time to.

Re: The Great Awakening Map

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 9:39 pm
by Mr Crowley
As one without god/spirit, I want to point out that witchcraft isn't attached to god/spirit; in fact, it's the other way around: witchcraft attaches to god/spirit because that's what people want. Witchcraft is free from the ignorance of spirit/god/religions/imagination. In other words, one can do what they want with witchcraft, whether or not anyone likes it.

One heck of an awakening for some, huh?

If you don't mind me asking, what does Trump supporter have to do with 'new light' on the matter, with respect to your original post?

Re: The Great Awakening Map

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 10:13 pm
by birublackzoey
Power is what it is. It doesn't define who we are, but it magnifies and amplifiies instead. If we are bad, we will use if for bad. If we are good, we will use it to help, to alleviate suffering.

Witchcraft, just like any other forms of Power, works the same way. In that respect, there are aspects of the practice and craft that is divine, but there are also many parts that are just about plain old humans trying to wield and make sense of power.

As a member of a family that was half-wiped out systematically due to misuse of witchcraft, due to silly reasons like greed and land dispute - I was demystified and disgusted by the practice for many many years of my life, until I too was brought to the path. It is practiced to varying degrees in my culture, but mostly forgotten today except for the rare few shamans/witchdoctors. Turns out, there is a long history but for the most part, my family has not resorted to fighting witchcraft with witchcraft. It is not a stretch to say that I have inherited this sense, that if we did what they did to us, we would be the exact same. So even with walking the path that is being revealed to me, Kindness is key.

There is indeed power in what we practice, things we can actualise and manifest, but I do have to say that I don't believe it is a free for all. Just like any other forms of Power, there must also be restrain and sensibility. "Drunk on power" is a thing we see a lot in our modern culture, so to balance off with another cultural reference, I'd add "With great power, comes great responsibility".

I suppose in regards to Trump, we are geared to classify him within the lens of good and bad. When the creator of the map, who is an asian american by the way, started to show the signs of his role as a tool, it turned a lot of people off. Even the most enlightened of his followers were so hung up on their identification of what Trump is, that they had a hard time seeing him beyond his bloated personality and policies.

For me, he is a tool and a figure of change, I believe in the universe more than the ways and politics of man, so I am okay accepting him for what he is. He has a role to play, as do all of us.

Re: The Great Awakening Map

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 5:23 am
by L.J.Hex
Well said! I'm now awake enough (:lol:) to reply in any length right now, but will do so later. I need more coffee. ;)

Btw, I agree on peoples' attitudes being much better now than it was bit over ten years ago. Don't know about the "conspiracy" scene as I haven't been following that stuff for quite a long time now.