Does the full moon really enhance stones, magic, and spells?

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Does the full moon really enhance stones, magic, and spells?

Post by underthemoon18 »

So I have set my intentions for something, and focused on them for a long time, short time, put a lot of effort, put basic effort, and nothing.

I had heard about leaving stones under a full moon for energy and enhancing what your are doing and I finally got to try it.

I had two things I really wanted, but chose to go with the one that would make me the happiest.

I left my stones out under the recent full moon,
The next morning I took them inside, and just put them on my table and focused on what I wanted. I didn't do anything over the top, I just really focused, for only about 5 minutes, on what I wanted.
The next day I found out the thing I set my intentions on, was happening really soon.

When I set my intentions, the next morning I found out this one person was going to be at the place we were going, and instantly I got a feeling that he was going to tell us something that had to do with what we wanted. (1. He was not supposed to be there. 2. He is someone I see once a month, so I was not supposed to know this information until the middle of February. 3. He was there for a completely different purpose, not related to the thing we wanted).
Then we made small talk and he walked away. I was a little disappointed that we didn't get an update, but there were many reasons that could have been, -there was no update, -it was not an appropriate setting to discuss it, etc..

Then suddenly he turned around like he suddenly remembered and came back up and told us to start preparing because the thing we wanted was happing really soon. He didn't give a time frame at all, he just said really soon.

I was amazed because I was setting my intentions, with the assumption that I would not figure out anything until next month. Or that it would just come through a text/call if it was really important.
But then the very next day I was given the answer I wanted.
And just about 3 weeks ago I was given the answer 'It will be a while'
And then I was getting the answer 'really soon'.

So I am just wondering, is the full moon really a crazy powerful thing? If so, it sucks it only happens once a month, but then I love that because it gives you a month to really figure out what you truly want. I have been meaning to do this for quite some time, but I always miss it!
And with that, are there any other moon cycles that are really strong, or other things that can help really enhance things?
Like maybe, leaving stones out for more minor spells on like a half moon, or quarter moon, and leaving the life changing ones for the full moon?

Sorry if these questions sound ridiculous! Just really excited how quickly what I wanted became a 'real soon' possibility!

And one more:
Is it possible, to leave your stones out for a full moon, and then not use them, and then charge them the next full moon as well, and get an even more amount of energy? (or for more months if you desire)?
If yes, would it be best to leave them out for the full moon, and take them inside until the next, or just leave them outside for 1 month, or 2 months, and so on until it has been under as many moons as you desire?

Or is there nothing to any of this??????
I feel like I do things, and they work, and then I feel weird for believing I actually did it...
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Re: Does the full moon really enhance stones, magic, and spe

Post by corvidus »

Hi there :)

Personally, I believe the Moon is more powerful than most think, even more so than people who work with the Moon often might think. Alchemically, it’s placed on the same level as the Sun. If you look at alchemical images, the Sun and Moon are usually placed at the same height in the sky. Quite interesting :)

As for your other questions, if you plan on ‘supercharging’ a gemstone during consecutive full moons (which is entirely possible), make sure the Stone is never exposed to light in between! The best way I’ve found to do it is have a little box, lined with Silk (silk is very insulating for magic), which is taken outside beneath the full moon. Before the Sun rises, I wrap up the stones and close the box. However, without magnetising your stones to collect and hold energy, there’s only a certain amount a stone can naturally hold. Think of them like batteries. They all have a certain natural capacity, but you can ‘upgrade’ that capacity with sacred geometry and other methods.
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Re: Does the full moon really enhance stones, magic, and spe

Post by SpiritTalker »

Consider the rhythm of ocean tides, rain cycles, increased police incident reports & hospital ER activity at full moon. Lots of creatures function in time with lunar cycles (like oysters). Plants increase water intake at full moons. Moon Magic is part of Nature. Moon light is reflected sunlight & Sunlight impacts everything.

As for building up a charge from a series of moon baths - nah, i don't think quartz rock stores energy like a battery. There's quartz mixed in most rocks which I feel acts as a holographic image recorder. IMO light baths remove any contradictions to the "recording" when we set our intention so they have a clearer resonance of our goal. Light cleans them so they work better. That's what my crystal ball feels like. It's not juiced by moonlight but is clean & more responsive - crisper. Clarity of intention is unhampered & thus more powerful.

Natural flux & reflux with dusk & dawn can't be blocked without special materials like a copper wire Faraday cage. Some minerals like radium give off their own energy.
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Re: Does the full moon really enhance stones, magic, and spe

Post by Lord_of_Nightmares »

While I am a bit more unfamiliar with the Greek ideals, Aradia the goddess, instructed her followers, in the Gospel of Witches, to call upon her during a full moon so she could grant all their magick to come true. This is where that idea comes from.
I am the Earth, The Sun and the Stars
And I am the also the Moon
I am all animal and birds,
And I am the outcast as well, and the thief
I am the low person of dreadful deeds,
And the great person of excellent deeds
I am Female. I am Male and I am Neuter.
- Devi
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Re: Does the full moon really enhance stones, magic, and spe

Post by barker »

The Moon adds love energy to life force. So it makes it go.
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Re: Does the full moon really enhance stones, magic, and spe

Post by underthemoon18 »

Thank you all so much! It is nice to hear that there is something too it:) I will definitely plan on utilizing the full moon a lot more now!
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