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Question about sleep, tobacco, and nicotine

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 12:37 am
by Onlybeentenminutes
This is something I've noticed but others I've talked to about this haven't experienced and I was wondering if any of you might have any insight into this.

So I know tobacco and witchcraft have a rich history together.
My question here is, how does the nicotine affect a witch and is what I am experiencing normal in terms of nicotine in general or is this more of a metaphysical thing? Because I cannot for the life of me find anything on this.

I don't smoke cigarettes, but I do vape and use a lot of nicotine and I realized that when I do so and go to settle down to sleep for example

I'll begin seeing visions of sorts? Eyes closed, suddenly it's like shapes are dancing across my vision and I'll begin to feel things poking and prodding at me.

I know using substances can lead to things like communing with spirits and the like so I was wondering if this was one of those accidental cases where that's what I was beginning to experience or if this is a normal side effect of nicotine

Re: Question about sleep, tobacco, and nicotine

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 7:16 am
by L.J.Hex
I smoke and I get those kind of visions too while meditating or going to sleep. Never thought if the tobacco has anything to do with it though.

Re: Question about sleep, tobacco, and nicotine

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 8:19 am
by barker
Smoking boosts brain power and heightens psychic abilities...

Re: Question about sleep, tobacco, and nicotine

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 8:35 am
by RosieMoonflower
If the tobacco sparks a mind altering moment when you close your eyes that’s one thing. But nicotine is terribly addictive and made from terrible chemicals, I would avoid that. I stopped smoking cigarettes last August and I’ve done really well since then.

Smoking marijuana will induce some small hallucinations on the same level as what’s happening to you (closing your eyes and seeing shapes move across your vision) to those new to using it but eventually that wears off and someone who smokes constantly will not have any further (very very mild) hallucinations.

And then there are the true hallucinogens like mushrooms or lsd. Those obviously produce the effects of seeing shapes and images even if the eyes are closed. Though I’ve never done so, some believe in small doses, that these can be used as aids in meditation and spiritual work. However, you should be warned that this should never be taken lightly. Having an experienced user to guide you through along with doing your own research would be best.


Re: Question about sleep, tobacco, and nicotine

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 10:54 am
by Firebird
I smoked from age 15 to age 37 and I finally quit because I couldn't breathe in the mornings. It was really hard to quit. Really hard. Really really hard....did I stress REALLY.? As I understand vaping delivers more nicotine than a cigarette and are harder to quit. Folks are lured into the false idea that it is a healthier option. Not.

I cannot remember having "visions" except perhaps when I first started and I didn't pay it much attention, and this was more like a blissful floaty feeling. (When I got beyond the nausea) But I powerd through and became addicted :?
There must be something there however because it is known for it's magical properties. The Natives Americans knew this but used it only in certain circumstances and with reverance. I imagine there are very few smokers who make their smoke break a sacred ceremony honoring the plant and the vessel in which it is smoked through.

I only use it in offering or as a banishing ingredient nowadays.
Bb, Firebird

Re: Question about sleep, tobacco, and nicotine

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 5:51 pm
by Siona
Onlybeentenminutes wrote:I don't smoke cigarettes, but I do vape and use a lot of nicotine and I realized that when I do so and go to settle down to sleep for example
I'll begin seeing visions of sorts? Eyes closed, suddenly it's like shapes are dancing across my vision and I'll begin to feel things poking and prodding at me.
A lot of people with narcolepsy use nicotine (cigarettes, vapes, gum, patches, or whatever other form works for them) to help them stay awake, and it can stave off sleep attacks, and disrupt the sleep cycle. I have not heard particularly what you describe, but it's possible the nicotine is affecting the beginning of your sleep cycle in a strange way. It could be that it's working for you to produce some spiritual effect, or it could be a more mundane (is not common) side effect.

Re: Question about sleep, tobacco, and nicotine

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 12:15 pm
by SnowCat
Smoking killed my ex. Stage 4 metastatic pancreatic cancer. Just something to think about.

Re: Question about sleep, tobacco, and nicotine

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 7:11 am
by barker
I have noticed that there are two types of smokers:
1. red in the eyes and fuming underneath
2. circumspect and matter of fact

An anger dynamic could be profoundly unhealthy. Like with alcoholism and anguish.

Re: Question about sleep, tobacco, and nicotine

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 10:54 am
by SapphireRoad
barker wrote: 2. circumspect and matter of fact
Hahaha like a peaceful rising of the smoke?
Sitting on a cloud and smoking, smoke rising smoothly... sounds like some sort of a deity.
barker wrote: An anger dynamic could be profoundly unhealthy. Like with alcoholism and anguish.
Yea I've got a chewing tobacco. Last time I chewed it I saw an entity of a fire dragon that came to possess me. Good to enhance courage, but martial overburn leads to anger and fury.
I still have half of that box after 2 years because it makes my stomach a bit sick.

Also tobacco, it is said that the one for cigarettes comes from a bit radioactive farming environment. Don't know why but tobacco isn't my thing anymore.

Once I said I liked smoking herbal blends grinded with mortar and pestle. But I forgot to note that smoking more than 3 cigarettes a day leaves lungs not enough time to cleanse themselves. You've got to feel your own inner balance.
Same with tobacco.

Re: Question about sleep, tobacco, and nicotine

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 2:33 pm
by barker
SL wrote:Good to enhance courage, but martial overburn leads to anger and fury.
Anger technicians... saints.
Also tobacco, it is said that the one for cigarettes comes from a bit radioactive farming environment.
I believe some radioactivity is necessary for love.
But I forgot to note that smoking more than 3 cigarettes a day leaves lungs not enough time to cleanse themselves. You've got to feel your own inner balance.
Same with tobacco.
3 a day keeps confidence in the picture... any more and you get a diamond in your mind... these are quite well lethal... having to be alone.