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Possible clairaudience :)

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 4:16 pm
by Sparrow
Lately I've really been working on strengthening my intuition and trying to communicate with spirits through hearing. I've always had the ability to hear muffled talking when its quiet, I thought it was my brain, because I can imagine and create music clearly in my head too, but last night I really listened and tried to interact with the voices, then I asked my nan who died 15 years ago if she would speak with me. I was trying to remember her voice and I heard 'three pips' and I thought it was weird! But I did remember she used to say that to my mum when we headed home from hers because we lived so far away, she wanted mum to ring three times after arriving home so she'd know we were safe. I feel really excited! It's like a big breakthrough. My nan was naturally quite clairvoyant. She always said she'd visit me and let me know on the other side she was okay. I've had messages from her through mediums before, but literally I haven't heard of or thought of 'three pips' for years and years! I think shes letting me know shes okay there. Shes home :)
It might seem a weird post! But I don't have anybody in my normal world I could share this with. And I really wanted to share it because it's made me happy.

Re: Possible clairaudience :)

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 1:06 am
by SpiritTalker
It makes sense & it's 'zakly what I was thinking as I'd read it.

Re: Possible clairaudience :)

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 2:43 am
by Sparrow
Im so happy :) Thank you for reading and responding! Didnt work last night, I fell asleep!

Re: Possible clairaudience :)

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 5:25 am
by barker
Hearing from dead people is the real thing. There's no way of simply imagining them - our imaginations conceive of glorious things, honest things, but never decent things. Congratulations.

Re: Possible clairaudience :)

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 10:08 am
by Sparrow
Thanks barker! I've been on a real high ever since. Thanks for the reassurance. If it had been my own mind choosing what she'd have said it'd have been something like, 'how are you doing, love?' Or 'Kate! You need to tidy your house!' A sentence rather than two words, and I literally haven't thought of three pips for years. I always imagined I'd be clairvoyant like her, but I think I've been focusing on strengthening the wrong sense. Thank you guys, I'm so happy I've somewhere to talk about these things.

Re: Possible clairaudience :)

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 10:28 am
by Firebird
Very cool. I wonder ...three pips, meant three rings? This was the days of toll calls perhaps? We used to do a similar thing when returning from mom and dads house. Couldn't afford the long distance :lol: it was 2 rings and hang up.
Keep tuning in, see if you can connect with others also and a log or diary might be helpful, it will map out patterns and you may find a time of day or time of month when you are more 'open'. I used to be more clair..anything, when I was on my period.
Bb, FF

Re: Possible clairaudience :)

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 12:01 pm
by Sparrow
That's a really good idea. Thanks! I hadn't thought of writing it down. That's really interesting about your cycle. Yeh I don't know where the pips come from! It was rings, but I couldn't see anything online about it. Apart from pips on a radio show. What are toll calls? Like from a pay phone?

Re: Possible clairaudience :)

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 12:54 am
by Firebird
LOL :lol:
toll, when you placed a long distance call you would be charged depending on the distance called. Message units comes to mind, but I can't remember what they were for...local long distance? If you are under 30 you missed this messed up phone feature!
pip, pip was a term for hurry/ hurry up.

Re: Possible clairaudience :)

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:31 am
by Sparrow
Sorry for making you explain! But I appreciate it, I've never heard about that! Glad they changed it! Thats likely to be it then, thanks for taking the trouble :)

Re: Possible clairaudience :)

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:38 am
by Sparrow
Thinking about it, I don't know why she'd always ask for three pips. This wasnt long ago, it was the 90s. I never wondered about it! Why mum couldn't just say, 'we're home!' My nan was born in 1916, she and my grandad were pretty set in their ways. No double glazing or central heating so you could see your breath. Coal burner in the kitchen, open fire in lounge. I loved it down there!

Re: Possible clairaudience :)

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:13 am
by Firebird
Folks that were born before the 40's have a very different view of the telephone. You just didn't use it unless it was really important, and not for chatting. There were also party lines, I'm old enough to remember that. :shock:
When the phone rang it was also ringing in several other households.

The simpler life sounds wonderful in many ways, that old homestead must have been a great getaway :fairy:
I hope you are able to get more messages from her.

Bb, ff

Re: Possible clairaudience :)

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 12:16 pm
by Sparrow
Wow! I'm going to do a bit of research on early telephones. Cant believe they would ring in several households at once! And will look up party lines :)
Thank you, I'm hoping to communicate with her more. I feel her poking me sometimes in the back! Have done for years, and I knew it was her anyway because she was a cheeky poker person! But I was having a reading once and she jabbed me in the back, and the medium said, 'she wants you to know you can feel her sometimes.' I was like, yep! I am lucky. Thanks a lot for all you ideas and info.
Bb back

Re: Possible clairaudience :)

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:41 pm
by SpiritTalker
Oh yea, we had a party line when I was a kid & the desk-top phone did not have a dial. You'd place a call thru the operator. Our incoming call pick-up signal was 5 rings. My dad was an Army radio-tech lineman in WW2 so he tapped the phone line & created free extensions upstairs & in the basement. Also, when I went to college in the 1970s the way to let the folks know I was home safe was to call & hang up after 3 rings so no one was charged for a long distance call.

Re: Possible clairaudience :)

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:50 pm
by Sparrow
Cool, that's handy your dad was able to do that! One of the ladies I care for was a radio technician on ww2 aircraft. They used to morse code the info out, including how long aircraft stalled for before the pilot was able to get the engine going again. Sounds terrifying to me but she loved it!