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hello! mid’s introduction.

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 7:13 pm
by Raven Middlemist
hello! i am tickled to have found a community such as this one. i wouldn’t say that i’m new to the path, but i do also feel that my path has just opened to me in a way that it hasn’t before very recently, so i sought out the company of like-minded individuals and am delighted you all are here.

i knew starting when i was a child that there were green spirits (my words for them, i suppose) that were everywhere and deserved thanks and recognition. i liked to build little altars outdoors, make “potions” out of sticks and leaves and dirt and petals and things. when i was a teenager i thought that wicca was the natural conclusion to the path that was laid out for me as a kid, but i quickly became disenfranchised with it and abandoned it rather quickly in favor of doing “my own thing,” which i suppose i know now can be better described as a traditional path.

i have experience with herbalism and tarot and a predilection toward moving with the moon. after several years of working with these things, i have also very recently discovered i have a strong proclivity for hedge travel. this has opened up room for many many more questions about my path, what i am walking toward, and how to go about it, and i must say that i am very excited to find out.

i am in my mid-twenties and currently work as a barista at a well-known coffee chain. i am involved in a coven, though many of our members are across the country from the ones of us in the same city. i do not really align with a deity (not quite my thing!) but by coincidence, other things that i very well align with (such as yew wood) happen to coincide with things sacred to the goddess persephone. this is something i am trying to work out the significance of, as i don’t feel as though i have had any contact by any deity and have had trouble in that realm before.

it’s incredibly nice to meet you. i hope to find friends in you :)

Re: hello! mid’s introduction.

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 7:34 pm
by SpiritTalker
Hello to you & welcome.

Re: hello! mid’s introduction.

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 1:30 am
by Firebird
Very nice to meet you as well :fairy:
love your sticks and twigs story! right there with ya :mrgreen:
Blessings, Firebird

Re: hello! mid’s introduction.

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 1:33 am
by RavenClaw
Hail and welcome! I like your story about making altars for the green spirits and making potions.