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Any Spells involving Cleansing Bedroom?

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 7:25 pm
by thecupidstheatre
Hello all; I wanted to know if anyone has any ideas or spells that work well when it comes to cleansing the bedroom? I do all my divination work in my bedroom and I need some tips on really cleaning out the old, possible bad energy that may stay up in there.

I have used Palo Santo and Mugwort aswell as Aqua de Florida but if anyone has items they want to share feel free too!


Re: Any Spells involving Cleansing Bedroom?

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 6:09 am
by SpiritTalker
Salt water mist spray the area
Cleanse any mirrors with diluted vinegar ... 31058.html
Or LBRP ... ng#p191829

Re: Any Spells involving Cleansing Bedroom?

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 11:48 am
by Firebird
Ooo,I like the salt water, excellent for a quick negative ion re-organization. :fairy:

Next time you come on here could you swing by the intro dept. and let us know a little bit about yourself? Thanks. FF

Re: Any Spells involving Cleansing Bedroom?

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2019 7:15 am
by RoccoR
RE: Any Spells involving Cleansing Bedroom?
⁜→ thecupidstheatre, et al,

Cleaning anyplace is really a misnomer; what we would describe as bad notation in mathematics. What you are really asking about a Benediction of the place (the devout or formal invocation of blessedness) or watch by a "daimon" as a guardian spirit.

The invocation goes something like this [a variation of the Ars Notoria (King Solomon's Grimoire)]:
  • The following Oration hath power to expel evil and all unwanted Lusts.

    O Lord, Guardians of Powers and the Elements, omnipotent astral power, of inestimable mercy and immense goodness; O merciful Divine Spirit, repairer and restorer this place for me, defending it against any evil; comfort me in this place and love of the faithful: whose power nothing can resist, whose ways are beyond our understanding: defend my Soul, and deliver my Heart from the wicked exploitation of this World; extinguish and repress in me by thy power all the sparks of lust, that I may more intentively love thy works, and through virtue and power descend your spiritual grace, increased in me the will to resist the temptations, and reach out thy hand to comfort my Heart, Soul, and Body. O Divine One, I cry and sigh before the sight of thy great Majesty, beseeching thee, with my whole Heart, to restore me in this special place, under thy great mercy; give me thy wisdom, humility, and understand my words. Consider granting the greatness and goodness of thy blessings, who livest and reignest now and forever, Amen (So it be!)
Some might set small Sigils of protection at the entrances to ward off that which might contaminate your room.

Most Respectfully,


The term Watchtowers was coined by JOHN DEE (1527-1609) and EDWARD KELLY (1555-1597). Many suspects that it was a product of translation. The "guardians" of the Watchtowers" (like the guarding angels of the Abrahamic religions) are supernatural "daimon." Dee and Kelley conceived that the four quarters of the Earth are guarded by ANGELS and ELEMENTALS (north, east, south, west/earth, air fire, and water).

Some consider the Guardian of the Western Watchtower -- the quarter of Water, creativity, emotions, fertility, and courage to face one’s deepest feelings. It is associated with the chalice, the symbol of female creative power and fecundity, the after-life, and the colors red or gray. In Masonry, it represents reason, common sense, and material-mindedness. In that regard, they think the Sigils of protection should be oriented in that direction.

Re: Any Spells involving Cleansing Bedroom?

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 2:42 am
by barker
I put a bowl of salt under my bed every other time I clean/vacuum the house. It works by taking "noise" out of the room, the bed in it. Salt is a great neutraliser. For positive energies: Room spray, I have an amazing one that smells like cacti.

Re: Any Spells involving Cleansing Bedroom?

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 2:13 pm
by annika_kapalika
Salt in all 4 corners of your room. Salt in your door and window. Smoke Sage followed by Palo Santo :flyingwitch: