Rising paganism

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Rising paganism

Post by Juniper »

Good evening! Just a quick question, looking for thoughts and opinions. I've been seeing a Lot of videos and reading a lot of articles on the rise paganism in Europe and the u.s. Traveling as I do to different regions, cities, areas etc. I have to agree. There definitely is an interest and active participation in the old ways. Every article and video has no explanation for this sudden interest. I'm just wondering what all of your thoughts are in this. Is it a disbelief in the so called established religions? Is it a subliminal thought process brought on at youth by cartoons, games and movies? Is it a strong calling from the ancient gods to try to right the world and put nature back in our lives? I don't know, maybe a mixture! I put this under reincarnation because I believe that old souls are coming back and reconnecting with their past beliefs. There are 8 billion people in the world now, 7 billion in the past 200 years. If we,they,us, are remembering and connecting with past lives and beliefs it would explain the sudden rise. Who knows?? Looking forward to any thoughts. Thanks!
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Re: Rising paganism

Post by SnowCat »

You've posed an interesting bunch of questions. I know for me, it really started taking hold in seventh grade when we were studying Greek mythology. That was in 1968. I started questioning Catholicism, and then worried that I would go to hell. I think part of the growth is due to the internet. We have a lot more information readily available, and we have places like this forum, where we can discuss our beliefs. I also think reincarnation is a part of it. I think many people have returned with more open attitude towards old ways. And I think the old ones are making themselves better known to us.
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Re: Rising paganism

Post by barker »

I think there are two reasons:
1. The church, so it would seem, was proven in the first place.
2. Technologically itself would appear to becoming magically oriented.
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Re: Rising paganism

Post by Panthera »

I think there are several reasons. Many people cannot feel in adequacy with monotheistic ideologies.

There is also an interest that awakens through films or series that talk about witchcraft.

In any case, we're going to do what we think is right for us.

In my personal case, I have always appreciated the myths, legends and tales of various cultures. Witchcraft is often mentioned. Then I remembered a passage from The Craft and wanted to know what was real in practice.

There is an innate attraction for this subject in some people, that's a fact. And it may be related to an old life, yes.
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Re: Rising paganism

Post by Juniper »

Thank you all for the replies, I appreciate it! Technology is a big factor I'm sure. Instant answers,videos, and articles to any question you could possibly come up with. I also think it disconnects us in a way also. If you're on the computer you're not outside experiencing nature, hot, cold, feeling the wind and listening to the birds or bugs. You're not out in public experiencing other people, their sounds and feelings. No interaction physically. To me it's good and bad. I started my path at a very young age. I went to a Catholic school and never connected. I read all I could on Greek mythology, Roman mythology, Norse mythology and started wondering why the nuns didn't call what they were teaching Christian mythology. All the stories were the same! For the most part anyway, and the older I got the more I read and studied. I felt drawn to the outdoors and the strong otherworldly presences I felt there. It was a very natural thing for me. Almost like I've been doing it for ages, seeing and feeling the spirits around me. That's why I believe reincarnation plays a huge part in this rise of pagan beliefs. I see it in many young people all around in different places. I believe the world is shifting into a much better universal mindset because of it!
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Re: Rising paganism

Post by SpiritTalker »

I see it as people awakening to new "old-time" experiences & it spreads thru group consciousness.
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Re: Rising paganism

Post by stormofwind »

I was raised christen never went to church I feel on the whole
religion based on the bible is somewhat fiction for me anyways
Tower of babel.. etc I always held more belief in folklore and myths and magic
drawn too it even at a young age
I believe in higher power but not view of most
one deity watching us .
At times I think I was wiccan in another life
thats another topic in different form.
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Re: Rising paganism

Post by tourennatrix »

"Christian mythology" - I love it!

I have had this conversation with my therapist a few times, though not with these exact words. He is naturally older than me, and was a *huuuuge* hippie back in his youth. Through his experience growing up, and just in seeing how psychology has changed in the last 30-50 years... It's not surprising that we're seeing more paganism and witchcraft coming about.

* Psychology has learned a lot more about how people connect with themselves, each other, and a "higher purpose." And it has studied across many more cultures to see how certain religious cultures vary in temperament and satisfaction with life.

* Media has become increasingly more liberal and less censored, allowing more people to share their knowledge and beliefs with less fear of stigma.

* Millennials and hippies are bridging a gap and learning from each other about how to take care of themselves, each other, and the environment.

* People who don't resonate with predominant monotheistic religions have more and more access to other options- and validation that those options are not just flights of fancy.

* I could say more about vibrations and resonations and things like that, but even though that is something I feel, I'm not very good at speaking it :p

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Re: Rising paganism

Post by Juniper »

Once again thanks for your replies! I appreciate the different thoughts. Hopefully the "rise" will continue and help the planet. I live in a rural area,25 miles to the nearest town. Sometimes ill go in to town on a weekend and set up at the flea market. I sell Stones and crystals, rocks native to my area and sage ,carvings i do etc. I'm always amazed at the amount of people that come out just for me. They are happy that there is something like what I bring in the area. I feel like I already know most of them, like old friends. It tells me that if there are this many pagans in this small area then it must be rising. Get a lot of bible thumpers too, shaking their heads and fingers at me. I smile and wave and tell them have a nice day!
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Re: Rising paganism

Post by Silas Nightfall »

I think that, in today’s world, with politics as divided as they are, and extremism rising on all sides, together with the dogma inherent in most religions, that people are becoming tired of being controlled. The ne thing they can change is religion and spirituality.
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Re: Rising paganism

Post by barker »

The physical and spiritual themes are divided only by their sharings... I believe everybody will learn this soon enough.
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Re: Rising paganism

Post by Firebird »

It seemed as though there was a rising up in the late seventies early eighties. Books on the subject were more readily avaliable clubs were popping up in colleges, there were several metaphysical stores here, a few annual events, even a pagan coffee shop and a small publication that was generated here in the valley. All these a virtually gone now. One annual event is trying to make a comeback and we have Pagan Pride now and one pagan store, (this is within an hour travel, that not to say it is miles and miles away, but the time it takes to navigate the Valley) but I think due to the rise in internet accessibility many, many more folks are able to pick and choose their brand of spirituality. We are lacking places to gather though. I would think most on-line realized folks are solitary due to location and the rest aren't as interested in practicing within a group, Goddess forbid there are a few guidelines in these group contexts that many aren't willing to adhere to. I can appreciate independence but there is something to be said for organizations, events don't happen in a solitary world. And it seems less and less people want to circle in a group. So as much as it has increased we have also become separated in our isonection.
How many of you are able to get out and support a local pagan event?
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Re: Rising paganism

Post by Silas Nightfall »

I know what you mean firebirdflys. I would love to join a coven, but location makes it hard. I think the internet has done a lot to further the isolation people feel, and in some cases has normalized it. That’s sad.
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Re: Rising paganism

Post by Juniper »

Barker I think I'm getting what you're saying but could you please give some examples? I'm not into the political thing but I can see where it would have an effect on someone's choice of spirituality. If the normal is rotten look for alternatives! The internet is a great tool, you can see anything instantly but takes away from human contact. I like to see a person's expressions when I talk to them. The laughter, surprise in their faces and in some cases tears. Definitely miss that with the internet. I get to go to a lot of pagan festivals,crystalfests, rock shows and meet lots of wiccan/pagan people. I'm always amazed how many are out there in different places. I think it's great if you have a coven or group to meet with and share. I think it helps and builds up spiritual energy. People are out there,just have to find them. And most people are way more open when talking one on one!
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Re: Rising paganism

Post by SapphireRoad »

Firebird, I like your challenge, and your spirit of initiative.
firebirdflys wrote:Goddess forbid there are a few guidelines in these group contexts that many aren't willing to adhere to.
Good point. The reason to avoid group should never be the laziness to conform to the template.
firebirdflys wrote: I can appreciate independence but there is something to be said for organizations, events don't happen in a solitary world. And it seems less and less people want to circle in a group. So as much as it has increased we have also become separated in our isonection.
How many of you are able to get out and support a local pagan event?
There is an answer in this thread to your plea:

SpiritTalker wrote:I see it as people awakening to new "old-time" experiences & it spreads thru group consciousness.
Group consciousness happening now... not separate consciousness to join a group.

I do pity people living in solitude.

The world is thrown out of balance. Problems caused by science are people trying to solve by even more science. The left-hemisphere over burn.
Hence the rise of paganism as the natural call for re-balance.

Within the group of humanity I never see people doing the occult consciously to be something more than people who don't. There are the little gestures of everyday life - presented as challenges - to be done correctly so that the heart of the other opens a bit as it recognizes the grace so natural to who we are - thus reawakening the soul code in whoever I meet, which is for the Spirit to decide.

I can only be true to one coven, or association. My leader is the once-incarnated Egyptian Pharaoh and the emotion is so clear towards a natural leader that it is not perceived as any nuisance to overcome the comfort to conform to the rules of our team.
I don't know how many of the coven are incarnated and if it would be feasible to reach out to these people. Still it is the group-consciousness shift for which it is wise to accumulate the energy to modify, thus influencing the world to be a better place within the currents that occur as the irrational changes bringing new "fashion, thinking, art" eras.

If we were to gather a random (i.e. disrespecting whether people fit to it's structure ) big physical group to encourage the love for occult we'd attract the police, politicians, scientists that would deny it's relevance. To what avail? To be the first to try to convince would mirror the other side to try to convince us ever creating a chain of refusal. Actually this paragraph makes no sense for we would never use an occult group to demand formal change for the "occult" means hidden.
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