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Went back in time

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 12:46 pm
by stormofwind
Back in the 1920's I was in store. and some kind jazzy music was playing
And I was in ballroom large round light bulbs hanging..
It was a party .. a big party with music.

Re: Went back in time

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 5:12 pm
by Firebird
Had you seen the movie the Shining lately?

Re: Went back in time

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 9:58 pm
by stormofwind
A few times but this happens to me alot.. different periods of time too.
As somebody told me there is no more veil.

Re: Went back in time

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 11:22 pm
by Firebird
The veil is not gone, it is thin.
I think if it were gone we would all bleed into the other worlds.

Re: Went back in time

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2019 1:48 am
by SapphireRoad
firebirdflys wrote:The veil is not gone, it is thin.
I've a puzzling research going on with the Tree of Life.
Looks like all spheres manifest together nicely in Yesod - the Lunar sphere, and Malkut - Earth sphere is just a weird add-on.

Hence why we're so emotional about everything.
Actually matter is emotion too. You press your finger against the table - emotion. You press stronger, stronger emotion.

Re: Went back in time

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 10:58 pm
by stormofwind
The veil is hanging on it's last thread.. for me
I find myself going to alot of different periods 1987 when I was 15
to back in 1900s to the 1920's..
One psychic said I need reki healing been there..
(I'm not angry as use to be .. this is very trying ..

Re: Went back in time

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 3:46 pm
by SapphireRoad
stormofwind wrote:The veil is hanging on it's last thread..
Something is happening.
Not as unrealistic as spiritual people saying Earth ascends dimensionally.
Neither as depressive as mathematical conclusion that environmental crisis will wipe us all out.

I'd say it's fun. There's hope.

Also, a question of mindset, how you adjust yourself you manifest so quickly. Can fulfil your wishes within a day. Perhaps it was always like this and we're just getting better at it.

Blessed be