Would the Threefold law/rule be in effect here?

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Would the Threefold law/rule be in effect here?

Post by [Haley] »

Jigsaw wants to use this revenge ritual and I'd like to know if it's wise for him to use it. Would the 3x law/rule be in effect if he performed the ritual?

Heres the link:
http://www.everythingunderthemoon.net/s ... nother.htm
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Re: Would the Threefold law/rule be in effect here?

Post by juliaki »

Haley wrote: Would the 3x law/rule be in effect if he performed the ritual?
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Post by Rein »

Oh yes indeed it would. The Threefold Law effects EVERYTHING, it's not just bound to certain spells and rituals. I've been unfortunate enough to read some of Jigsawmessenger's posts before, and I'll tell you that he's bad news. The fact that he would even consider using a revenge spell shows what kind of person he is, and he deserves what ever he gets from doing it.
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Post by Addalaide »

Yes i belive it whould be. Its effective on every thing. What you say, what you do. But some people belive in just getting the equavilent of what youv given.either way. There ganna get something back for what there doing, good or bad.
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Post by [moondance] »

I cant believe ppl actually do spells that could harm others .... i mean in a way I can still sort of understand love spells (even though it can be technically be seen as "wrong" by some) but love spells are just when you love someone u want them to return that love (and love is one of the most good / positive feelings) ... but I mean ... to purposely do something to harm another ... yes even if they were horrid to you ... i just cant see it or understand why someone would want to do that - to PURPOSELY cause pain to someone else .. no matter how bad they may have been to you ... thats just wrong I think .. but thats my opinion .. what do i know ...
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Post by WolfWitch »

If someone has spurned you and used you like the description on the spell...then the 3X law will take into effect and give it back to them without you having to do a damn thing accept maybe call attention to them via prayer of justice or that ilk.

This spell is just BEGGING to blow up in the casters face. The three fold would me proprtionatly nasty even if the spell was only partially effective. If it was very succesfull...the resulting backlash would be apokolyptic. Depending on how much faith the caster places into this, it could actually ruin their life.

I'd advise serious caution here.

Blessed be.

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Post by [Haley] »

Thanks guys! I thought that too but didn't want to be wrong. He was going to use it on his dad.
I've been unfortunate enough to read some of Jigsawmessenger's posts before, and I'll tell you that he's bad news. The fact that he would even consider using a revenge spell shows what kind of person he is, and he deserves what ever he gets from doing it.
I'll admit his posts are a bit off, but in his defence he's a nice person that just has a few issuses....but who doesn't? I told him he shouldn't use the spell but it didn't sink in, perhaps you guys will have better luck.

Post by killawa »

To my understanding three times rule applies in every religion! Some believe and some don't, But as for me I once cast a spell to get revenge on a guy I was dating and made him really sick, well it came back and I was in bed for 5 days. Very bad :twisted: .. I learned my lesson from that!!!! :)
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Post by Addalaide »

Yes even in the bible i belive its a 10 fold law, my mom told me about it ( i missed it i guess ) but my aunt was telling me not to do something about it, and she said remeber the wiccan rule of 3! and my mom said no thats wrong its 10 fold in the bible. But it is in other religions weather is equaly bad or 10x as bad.
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Post by LaFiamma »

Jen wrote:To my understanding three times rule applies in every religion! Some believe and some don't, But as for me I once cast a spell to get revenge on a guy I was dating and made him really sick, well it came back and I was in bed for 5 days. Very bad :twisted: .. I learned my lesson from that!!!! :)

*sigh* what goes around comes around. I have no reason to believe that what goes around comes around and around and around. Please don't project your beliefs onto everyone else.
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Post by [ravenwing] »

Personally, I think youre all wrong. Well, let me state that a bit differently - you very well COULD be wrong - we just havent been given enough info to answer the question and anyone who has answered the question hasnt gotten ALL the info first.

Are we talking about Wicca here, or Witchcraft? It makes a HUGE difference. (it wasnt stated in the original post).

If youre talking about a Witch that happens to be a Wiccan performing this spell, then the answer is yes, to a Wiccan the Threefold Law would come into play. This Law is part of the Wiccan faith, its got nothing to do with Witchcraft whatsoever.

If we are talking about a Witch that is not Wiccan, that Witch has no ties to any Wiccan beliefs (there's no Threefold Law - there's no Wiccan Rede, etc etc), and therefore it is NOT in play.

To a Witch who is not Wiccan, there is no such belief. One does what one pleases, knowing full well there are repercussions for evey action -- Karma -- what goes around comes around. But if said Witch is willing to accept the fallout, and is prepared to defend him/herself against the inevitable consequences, nothing else matters. There are Witches of many faiths other than Wicca, even some with no faith at all, and they follow their own religious path, and Wicca does not guide them in making their choices.

Dont be confused and think that Wicca and Witchcraft are one in the same - they are not. Its true that many Wiccans practice Witchcraft, but not all. Its also true there are many Witches who are not Wiccan. One is a religion, and one is a practice - a learned ART. If you remember that fact, everything else falls into place.

I dont condone using that type of spell, but that isnt the question that asked here. And unless we know the particular FAITH of the person involved, we can not answer the question intelligently.
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Post by Rein »

I'm aware from reading Jigsawmessenger's other posts that he is an atheist who is thinking of changing his beliefs (though I don't think he has yet). Therefore, I suppose the Wicca Rede wouldn't be in effect. However, there is, like ravenwing said, the issue of karma, which I don't think excludes anyone.

Now, I didn't read the thread, but if he was planning on using the revenge spell on his father as Haley said, then I believe I stand by my earlier coments on his character.
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Post by [Haley] »

If we are talking about a Witch that is not Wiccan, that Witch has no ties to any Wiccan beliefs (there's no Threefold Law - there's no Wiccan Rede, etc etc), and therefore it is NOT in play.
Great point! He's athiest, and if that's the case then you would be correct.
I'm aware from reading Jigsawmessenger's other posts that he is an atheist who is thinking of changing his beliefs (though I don't think he has yet). Therefore, I suppose the Wicca Rede wouldn't be in effect. However, there is, like ravenwing said, the issue of karma, which I don't think excludes anyone.
Another excellent point! I agree with the karma comment. From what I've gathered on this thread, no matter your beliefs if you cast a spell to harm someone then it will come back to bite you in the butt. Would that observation be correct?
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Post by [ravenwing] »

Yes, and no actually. Let's deal with non-Wiccans here to make things easier (seeing as we have established the the Threefold Rule would apply to them due to their religious affiliation with Wicca).

Witchcraft has NO prerequisite for taking karma into consideration at all. It's simply a list of ways to accomplish things, be they good or bad, using spellwork and craftwork. Thats it -- nothing more, nothing less. you can do bad things with it, or good things with it - at your own risk.

Having said that, you can perform whatever spell or work that you want. The idea of "Karma" isnt involved. All thats at work here is your knowledge of what youre doing in order to complete it properly. Witchcraft doesnt contain Karma - thats the easiest way I can put this.

Karma is something we as individuals take into account when we decide we are going to do something. Lets use driving a car as an example.
Some cars can drive over 150mph. We know driving at 150mph on downtown Main st is pretty stupid, but if we wanted to take the RISK, we actually could. Karma tells us something pretty bad will most likely happen to us if we did that though - like crash into another car or a house, or maybe run someone over. Or we might get arrested for doing it. Basically we make our decision based on what we think might happen -- and THAT is karma getting involved. If we watched some guy drive down Main St at 150mph and hit a tree, our first response would be "he got what he deserved- what an idiot". We think Karma got him and we're right. Sometimes we might actually get away with doing it only to find out there was a camera mounted at the stop light, and it took pictures of our license plate and the cops sent us a ticket for $500 in the mail. Karma again doing its thing.

When youre talking about practicing what might be considered "Bad" Witchcraft, and doing harm to others, your choices are based on whether you think you can defend yourself against the Cosmic Karma. The Universe WILL balance itself out - youre just hoping it doesnt do it through YOU. Its an educated choice that no one who doesnt REALLY know what theyre doing should EVER make!

And for those who might say "Ive been studying for three years, taken two online courses, and read 8 books - I know i can handle it" - guess again - youre no where NEAR ready and I would advise you to think very seriously before you do something that effects another person's free will. Whomever this jigsaw person is WILL get bit hard in the arse trying to pull this one off, whether he likes hearing that or not. you take way someone's most precious thing, their free will, and expect youll be paying for it, and paying lots. This applies to ANYTHING that would make someone do something they did not choose to do on their own - like some love spell to make someone like you, or doing a spell to cause a person to have bad luck. Its even bad to do a spell to improve someone's health unless you asked permission to do it first! In that case, even though youre trying to do what you consider to be a good thing (make them feel better), if you dont ask first, then youre taking away their ability to choose - and therefore its BAD. In the end, what goes around, comes around - and if youre going to do something to impose YOUR will on someone, you should fully expect youll pay the price for it!
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Post by [Haley] »

:shock: Wow. I think I'm starting to understand this. Oh, good news everybody, or those who care, Jigsaw isn't going to do the spell! He read the posts and decided not to, I just hope he sticks to his word.
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