deities and intution

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Do you make up rituals instincitvely?

I go by the book
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deities and intution

Post by Comus »

I am (partly) of Italian descent, and am aware that most strega practices came from the common people. So lately I have just been making up my own rituals when calling upon strega deities, sometimes addressing them in Italian, sometimes in English. There is a gospel of the witches, which I believe calls for a more formalised approach--something to do with eating cresent-shaped cakes to honour the moon goddess, etc, but it doesn't feel right, (however sceptical this may sound) or probable that this took place. I am curious as to the research that went into such publications. In my mother's villiage there was a Strega, but there was only one, and she did things like fix broken arms and help out "girls in trouble". I prefer to do my own thing and have had excellent results with my spells (GRAZIE COMUS!!!).

Has anyone had similar experiences? Do you go by instinct and find it to be successful?
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Post by WolfWitch »

Personally, I prefer the "going by the gut" method. If it's coming from your heart than it'll be more effective than any formalized ritual that you might not put all of yourself into. Then again, some people like the formulized rituals and throw all they are into them with spectacular results.

I guess the point I am trying to make is, that, regardless weither or not you go by a book or wing it as you go, the important part is that you are putting yourself into the ritual. That you actually believe and feel what you are doing and in the results that will come.

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Post by Butterfly1984 »

I started off following rituals in books but found it difficult learining all the words and often had the book with me to help me if I needed. I read somewhere that if you make a mistake during a ritual or forget what to say the Goddess can find it amusing if you don't get too worked up about. So this put my mind at ease. I then started to chat to more people who were interested in the Craft and they said that making your own rituals can be more effective if you find pre-written one's are not fufilling your wishes. I now write my own sometimes and other get ideas from books and incorporate my own personal touch into it. I find this works much better for me. It also gives the added security that if you forget the words you can make something up quicker as you know what it was generally about. Sorry to waffle on.

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