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Hello and Sorry That This Will be a bit Long

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 6:49 pm
by DarkButterfly
Hi. I'm…a little confused to say the least. To start, I'm kinda new (obviously) to this site and the whole Wicca thing. I've found and began following two deities and I've made a small alter of sorts, which doesn't look like much of one because I'm not out to my mother yet. Though I've managed to get my hands on some tarrot cards, I can't really get my hands on any proper books. My best friend and I have started on this path together, and she's found her own deity.

But, here's the thing we really could use some help with. My best friend and I are beginning and we're both in the same boat. It's very hard to explain. We did this thing called 'linking' in which we would reach out with energy and connect to other people's minds. We could feel their emotions and see what they were seeing, if we were well enough focused. It led us down a path where we learned to feel out energies and we could manipulate them. Store it for later, draw on what we stored, we could store and use energy from the world around us. We kinda just figured out that these were magical energies, but it makes more sense. We also were-well, technically we still can-able to see and speak to shadow people and other various ghost types. After some times, we got connected with our souls. We're able to speak with them and even, through a meditative state (in a way) see and move around the soul world. Recently, though, we've been focusing more on ourselves and our souls have been leaving us alone to do so (rather than dragging us into all their problems, which I won't lie, got annoying and invasive of time that needed to be spent elsewhere). Now with us beginning in witchcraft, we feel a bit lost. There are things that feel like it's just the technical terminology for what we've done, or are possibly variations of it, and we need to know where we're at so we know what direction(s) to go from here.

This is a lot and possibly confusing. I'm really sorry to be a bother if this is completely new and not something that can be answered easily. It feels as though starting from scratch would be counter-productive. I appreciate everything. Thank you.

Re: Hello and Sorry That This Will be a bit Long

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 9:20 pm
by SpiritTalker
Hi - welcome. I would hope the link-up procedures were recorded and that you don’t rely on memory. I’m not doubting; I’ve done trance channeling and yes, it gets weird. If something makes sense in another realm it doesn’t necessarily mean it will in the here-and-now. So it helps if you verify the information you got.

There are an assortment of levels within the “other realms” and it’s good to “add a grain of salt” & not to take anything as a flat truth because the non-physical laws in other-realms are different than the physical ones we’re familiar with. Events can be real in another fashion than in 3-D. Keep them separated as best you can.

When empathy bloomed over into telepathic bonding to see what another person was seeing, did you factually verify results to your own satisfaction? How did you know that what you saw was valid? Validation is great when we can get it.

When you “feel out energies and manipulate them” & store and use energy from surroundings it’s useful to know you can recognize the individual sources after time has passed. Keeping notes helps to train us. We can feel identities of spirits & different personalities of the deceased, and tell one “type” of non-corporeal being from another. It’s not that uncommon. Mediums & psychics do it by following the threads of energy that connect things.

Re: shadow people. The term’s a bit vague and can refer to transparent “shades” or ghosts as well as to the absence-of-light type, like a hole in space/time. Lots of people see one or the other or both from time to time. There’s a few posts on the discussion board on both. It would help if you better defined what your experience involves.

Can you explain your term “soul world” or how you use the phrase? Is the experience within the mind, like on a view screen? Or Is it experienced 3-D out of body in what often is called an astral state? Or maybe as channeling in which the “other” presence speaks through your voice to tell it’s worries and woes? We need to be sure we’re on the same page with definitions.

And may I ask your ages? The mid-to-late teens seems to be the age at which these particular experiences occur, and I think it has something to do with the pineal gland (3rd eye) changes. I’m familiar with how the fascination eats up time better spent y’know, like thankyouverymuch but I have a life of my own to live. Well anyhow, you’ve learned that already, plus learned about energy as a real thing. Linking from the now of having a wish to the moment it’s manifested and knowing it is done is the basis of spell casting, among other visionary skills like remote viewing.

Documenting your experience for your own reference can help train yourself to observe, interpret, and know when to butt out which is what will help you to keep your balance spiritually, emotionally and mentally. The woo-woo over load can be managed.

So welcome to the fold :D

Re: Hello and Sorry That This Will be a bit Long

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 10:25 pm
by SpiritTalker
Aaand an after thought - each of the experiences can be identified once you define them. That gives you a proper search term to use to research the abilities. How you develop them will be revealed as you go. I‘Ve never found a one size fits all guide book. My best teachers were encountered within out of body dreams & spirit guides.

So-o, Knowing your guide is sort of a market standard when exploring the many levels of other realm interaction with our 3-D realm. Knowing your higher-self is another safe guard.

You speak of a soul as though it’s separated in an other-realm existence. In my understanding usually when people refer to soul it’s not “I have a soul” but “I am a soul inhabiting a body.” “Soul” is such a vague word. Supposedly our souls are attached to the physical body and many refer to a silver cord. We humans can go out of body. We can stay in the 3D realm, go to other realms, anywhere and any when. The cord keeps us attached so we come back to this physical realm and don’t waste the incarnation. But I’m starting to ramble.

Re: Hello and Sorry That This Will be a bit Long

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 6:20 am
by SapphireRoad
DarkButterfly wrote:I can't really get my hands on any proper books.
Celtic Twilight available on might be useful
also Hermetic Arcanum, quite odd but nice read

Grimoires of Witchcraft would be the best... pirating an excerpt from a book of living author got me an instant curse but you can still look around the net and see what is available. In my teens we pirated some meditations and when I reached out to author he did not insist on instant finance recompense so you might as well just ask, contact some authors and get e-stuff.