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What Kind Of Creature Is This?

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 11:25 pm
by Hazel Moon
I know this forum might be closing some day in the future. But before that day arrives (and hopefully it won't come at all), there is something I'd like to discuss. This is one of the main reasons why I came here, to see if any of my fellow witches could help identify this creature.

This creature came to me more than a decade ago, before I began practicing witchcraft. Back then I was able to see some small magical entities such as fairies. But this was the first time I'd seen such a large magnificent beast.

I remember sitting in my back yard on a cold, cloudy day. The skies were grey and the clouds were racing past, when suddenly this large bird flew out of the clouds. He was solid blue, looking like he was flying in slow motion over my back yard, and he was very large. Probably a height of six or seven feet with an enormous wingspan.

A few things stood out in this encounter that separated it from other encounters I've had, the first being that this creature was more visible than other magical entities I've seen. I feel as though he exists in a world outside our own, and that he had chosen to reacher further into our world so I could see him better.

The other thing was this creature's magical element, a combination of fire and ice. He had the ability to conjure "cold fire", or at least that's what I've chosen to call it. When he flapped his wings, there were burning snowflakes falling from his wings before fading into the sky.

I don't know what he is. Initially when we first met, I dubbed him " the ancient snowbird" because that is how he appears to me. More recently I've started referring to him as a frost phoenix, though I don't know if that is right or if such a being even exists.

Oddly enough, this frost phoenix as I've chosen to call him, does not get along well with my regular phoenix. The first time they were together, I sensed that he was jealous of her, though I'm not sure why.

The frost phoenix has been with me a very long time. Even now, though I cannot see him at the moment, I sense that he is close by and knows that I am writing about him.

I've drawn a picture of him that I'm including with this post. Maybe someone out there can give me some more information on what exactly this is.

Re: What Kind Of Creature Is This?

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 2:10 am
by Firebird
This is interesting,
I also had a big blue bird show himself to me. Mine had a beak like a raven though and resembled a raven or like a cross between a raven and a blue jay. Mine just identified himself as "friend" and appeared when I need cooling calming energies, I guess it was his blueness?!
I think the qualities of manifesting creatures is what we need to identify. So I wonder about these flakes of fire that turn to ice? Could he be helping you burn through something that is old and cold? Or frozen, is there something in your life that has been stuck and not moving as if frozen? The blueness of his feathers could be a similar energy that mine had, blue is also for peace, trust, spirituality and qualities associated with water like intuition and emotions.
It would be interesting to hear if there is a history of such a bird. Thanks for sharing the cool picture!
BB, Firebird

Re: What Kind Of Creature Is This?

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 3:20 pm
by Hazel Moon
firebirdflys wrote: Mon Mar 30, 2020 2:10 am I think the qualities of manifesting creatures is what we need to identify. So I wonder about these flakes of fire that turn to ice? Could he be helping you burn through something that is old and cold? Or frozen, is there something in your life that has been stuck and not moving as if frozen? The blueness of his feathers could be a similar energy that mine had, blue is also for peace, trust, spirituality and qualities associated with water like intuition and emotions.
Well, at the time when I first met him, I was experiencing some issues in my life. Nothing major, just the unpleasant energies from someone I didn't feel comfortable around. Their energy made me so uncomfortable that I had to leave the house when this person came to visit my mother. Obviously, because this person was her friend I didn't want to speak up or say anything against them. So I just politely excused myself and left.

That's why I was outside during the cold, cloudy weather when we met. It was awful outside, but I couldn't stand being inside with them.

After taking a moment to think on things, it might be that he is blue to represent cool, calming energies. Or maybe fire turning to ice is symbolic of calming down. I know that I feel better with him. There's something soothing and mystical about him, a good kind of energy.

Re: What Kind Of Creature Is This?

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 3:42 pm
by Firebird
Hazel Moon wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 3:20 pm Or maybe fire turning to ice is symbolic of calming down.
Oh, good one!!! I do believe you are onto something there.
Even though you say you are aware he is near, have you seen him lately? Mine hasn't been around for awhile yet I remember the energy well.
bb, FF

Re: What Kind Of Creature Is This?

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 4:40 pm
by Hazel Moon
I haven't seen him for a couple months. I think it was early last year, sometime in January. I'd been thinking about him a lot and was in the process of designing a ritual for him. That was when I saw him emerge from the clouds as usual, but he wasn't trailing burning snowflakes this time. He seemed happier, and just flew back and forth a couple times, like he was enjoying himself in the warm winter sun.