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Love & Roses

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:34 am
by SpiritTalker
Intent - to attract love

Materials -
. One rose in a vase - white=spiritual, yellow=friendship, pink=romance, red=passion
. One rose quartz stone to foster love’s growing
. One candle (any size) the same color as the rose
. Rose oil or moon-water for anointing
. A chalice of wine or moon-water

Timing - Work on the full moon

Preparation - form an up-pointing triangle 🔼 the symbol of fire
. Stand the 🌹rose at the top point of the triangle /*\
. Dab the 🕯candle with either rose oil or moon-water & stand it In the lower right of the triangle. /\x
. Put the 💎quartz in the cup of 🍷wine or 🍸water & set the cup in the lower left of the triangle x/\

Spell -
. Charge all materials in one group with intention. Center by drawing power on the breath to your belly. Focus & push power from the belly & out the hands 🙌🏽 into all spell materials.
. Light the candle and say the incantation thrice. Let the candle burn down fully.

Incantation -
Love, I bid thee come.
Come forth on the four winds might
Come on the tides of the seven seas
Come in amber dawn’s flaming Light
Come striding upon the earthly leys
I open my arms to thee
Love, I bid thee come.

When the candle has burned, pluck 3 🌹rose petals & place them into the beverage🍷 cup. Repeat the incantation like making a toast and drink carefully so you don’t swallow the petals or quartz 😃

When the rose withers you can discard it and the loose petals & candle stub (if any). They have done their job. Wash the quartz and reuse it.

Note: Make moon-water by filling a clear glass jar or bowl with water and let stand under full moon light an hour or more.

Re: Love & Roses

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:06 pm
by Firebird
I really like this, be sure to use a rose that is free of pesticides (ie: not form a flower shop)
How about a violet rose for spiritual love as well?