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A spell to Protect me & my loved ones from Sickness/Death?

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 5:44 am
by JoeWinko
First things first, I'm honestly quite new at witchcraft and not to experienced but I have been wanting to learn and practice it more.

There's certain people I want to protect, including myself. As you all know, this coronavirus/covid19 virus has been spreading around and killing a lot of people all over the world. DON'T WORRY: I'm not relying entirely on magic/witchcraft! I'm still following all the CDC guidelines, including washing my hands all the time, not touching my face and social distancing and wearing mask. it's just that i'm worried that it might not be enough though.

I want to know are there any spells i can try casting on myself and some of my friends to protect them from coronavirus. I don't want to die at all because there's more stuff in life i been wanting to do. Yeah, i have my ups and downs, and in the past i tried suicide multiple times and all of the attempts obviously weren't successful, but nowadays i was finally starting to enjoy life, and i just think it'd be a Very cruel twist of fate if i did end up dying.

I also wanted to cast spells on my adoptive parents and my friends to keep them safe too. If I lost any them, it would truly destroy me. Plus NONE of them deserve to die either because they always helped me. I'm obviously not meeting them or seeing them at all (they all live far away). but is there anyway i can cast a magic spell on them from afar to protect them from sickness and death too?

I know everyone has to die eventually, and no one can live forever, But I don't want them to go out like this, And I Don't want to loose them anytime soon, because we all still had plans with each other.

ANY suggestions would work ♥ And As Many suggestions as possible would be Very helpful ♥ Any spell that I would be able to do...

& in all honesty, if I could do this, I would cast a spell to get rid of coronavirus so no one else has to die of it :( but i can't imagine how complicated a spell like that would be.

Please help ♥

Re: A spell to Protect me & my loved ones from Sickness/Death?

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 8:39 am
by SpiritTalker
Simple spells involve grounding your energy-body from the crown (or tip of the red cap) down the spine to connect to the Earth, centering to pull power to the belly (often using the breath), and then focusing on the desired result while projecting the energy from the belly and out through the hands. A short incantation can be used to help focus. Use positive words - “(name) is healthy and strong, every day all day long” - and say only what you want, not what you don’t want.

Do magic when you feel confident. Avoid dwelling on fear of loss because you don’t want to put that negative energy into spells. Any time you hear yourself thinking negatively interrupt the thought and replace it with an incantation.

If you work with a deity include prayer.

Some witches cast circles to make a sanctuary to work in. One easy way is to broom sweep in a <~widdershins circle to disperse stagnant energy and then walk in a deosil~> direction, load-point-shoot to project energy and form the circle.

We can practice feeling energy by holding the hands with open palms facing but not touching. Ground, Center, Focus, Push through the hands and notice any spongy resistance or tingling. Shape it into a ball. Add colors. Play with it. Shake your hands to clear the energy.

Investing the time to effectively prepare a magical work space creates a clean slate to build your practice on. Do Daily 10 min. meditations to fill the space with positive energy. Set a table in your planned work area, wipe it down with lightly salted water to cleanse, bless with incense of your choosing, dab-&-wipe with oil to hold a psychic charge, then magnetize the table with your energy (ground, center, focus, push). Repeat whenever the space feels cruddy and sluggish.

See Simple Spells in the Post a Spell section for repeatable all purpose spells. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=36682

Re: A spell to Protect me & my loved ones from Sickness/Death?

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 8:49 am
by JoeWinko
Thank You So Much ♥