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Negative energy spirit trying to do harm

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 1:50 am
by Pinus_ponderosa
MM all,

This story begins last year when I visited Cambodia, which included a trip to the infamous Angkor Wat. I was going around the ruins and happened to pass by a shrine (which looks modern compared to the surrounding crumbling ruins)

A lady at this shrine started waving at me to go towards her. Upon arriving at the shrine her and others were all kneeling below a great statue (I can't recall if its Buddha or other deity)

I lit a joss stick and placed some cash in the donation box as instructed by this lady. After giving my respects the lady placed a string bracelet around my wrist (red, yellow blue) and began chanting as she tied the knot.

As I was on my way to leave this shrine the lady asked me to give her money. I gave her what I had in my pocket, another lady beside her approaches me asking for money also. I replied "sorry, I don't have anymore money" and left there without turning back.

After arriving back in my home country I removed the string bracelet and placed it in my jewelry box, treating it as a souvenir. Months have passed... at the start of this year my health has declined,a constant infection that won't go away despite being on medication. I felt run down and mentally drained, i had no energy nor appetite and feel "spaced out" all the time.

Instinctively one evening I began to wonder if I had been hexed (gut feeling). Somehow I felt drawn to that bracelet in the jewelry box and thought about what happened that day at Angkor Wat and if it's got bad energy.

That evening with the dark sky above me, I scorched the bracelet in flames and chanted to banish all negative energy away from me and to remove any hex bestowed upon me. I buried the remains of the bracelet under soil.

That same night in my sleep I dreamed I was being strangled, something was grabbing me and was not letting go. This being was powerful and strong. I could feel myself using every force I had, although it was a dream it felt so real. I tried to get myself out of this grip and opened my eyes immediately I saw a white colored spirit with an evil presence. I screamed out at the top of my lungs "get away from me" then this spirit drifted above me and vanished into air.

I could not believe what had just happened and kept thinking about this incident days following.I also spent time cleansing my house of any negative energy.

Could this be a coincidence?
Anyone could offer some insight into what happened?

After that night I have not seen or experienced this spirit's presence again.

Re: Negative energy spirit trying to do harm

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 5:38 am
by SpiritTalker
It seems you’ve already intuited the cause, action & solution.

Re: Negative energy spirit trying to do harm

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 8:15 am
by Black Cloud
Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos, have many angry ghosts left from the many years of war. They can get attached to people and follow them wherever they go in life.

Re: Negative energy spirit trying to do harm

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 2:33 pm
by Pinus_ponderosa
Black Cloud wrote: Sun May 24, 2020 8:15 am Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos, have many angry ghosts left from the many years of war. They can get attached to people and follow them wherever they go in life.
Absolutely agree Black cloud, many sites/museums I visited had an eerie vibe. Upon reading up on the history of those sites it's no wonder why they felt eerie. :anxious:

Why do spirits attach themselves to people?

Re: Negative energy spirit trying to do harm

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 3:20 pm
by Lord_of_Nightmares
The chant "Om Mani Padme Hum" removes hungry ghosts and demons. It's a Buddhist mantra that covers all six realms.

You can also try an exorcism: ... -exorcism/

Re: Negative energy spirit trying to do harm

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 6:40 pm
by Eleanora
Pinus_ponderosa wrote: Sun May 24, 2020 2:33 pm Why do spirits attach themselves to people?
I have a theory it's because we're like batteries, and an entity's energy is like a light bulb. The longer an inter-dimensional entity goes without a source of energy, the more it begins to dissipate into the rest of the fabric of the universe, like all other energy does. Energy can't really be destroyed, but it can transmutate into other forms, like how water can be a liquid, a solid, or a vapor. Needless to say, if an energetic being transmutates into something so drastically different from what it originally was, "they" wouldn't exist anymore, which would be like dying. So survival instincts kick in,and it starts feeding on any energy sources around them, including lights, electrical appliances, and especially other lifeforms, and particularly emotions which are thicker and "meatier" than say, static electricity for example. This is why malevolent entities will try to create situations which heighten tensions and negative emotions like depression, fear, anger, paranoia, etc. It's basically like an enriching soup for malevolent entities to feed off of. I've had a few encounters with what I feel is a malevolent shadow entity which I later learned was called the Hat Man.

I'd suggest a banishing ritual (binding perhaps, but I wouldn't do that personally cuz if I were a malevolent entity, binding me into a bottle or something would just make me angry, and if you bury that bottle and it's forgotten for 500 years before someone unearths it by accident, well then they'd have a SUPER pissed off malevolent entity who's been fuming for half a century so yeaaaahhhh...I don't bind malevolent entities; I'd prefer to banish them to another plane of existence LOL. Then just start carrying a talisman around with you for protection from negative energies and frequencies. I suggest making it yourself and all that jazz as it'll be more effective for you personally. This is kind of like taking a placebo. My theory is it's all in the power of suggestion because the body must obey the mind. If you truly convince yourself that you're safe from negative energy, then you will be; law of attraction stuff right there lol. You don't even really need a talisman or ritual if you have mastery over your mind. :wink: