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Clairaudience but no voices, just frequencies

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 9:22 am
by HIsForHekate
Hello guys...
I would like to know if some of you clairaudient mediums hear certain sounds and frequencies, but no voices. Please tell me some experiences.

This description matches exactly my mediunity. I can only identify voices in meditation, like any non-beginner can. But through the entire day I hear frequencies. They turn different if I go to certain places, if I call certain spirits, if I am alone in a room, and from time to time there is a high pitched buzz that lasts no more than 5 seconds (so overwhelming).
My focus on mediunity is the practical use and the use in witchcraft. This render a certain explanation i read somewhere awhile ago, that this kind of clairaudience works by tapping into the changing energies of the universe and our spirits translating it into these frequencies I hear, a image of this gift being useless. And I know a gift is never useless.
By peoples experiences I was hopeful I could divine a use for this gift.

The method I use for developing this gift is the Corridor Meditation, and I can later describe it in this forum if someone is interested. After like, 13 meditations, I can notice the frequency being higher, louder and in an ampler spectrum of tones, and there was this time where i heard a different sound, like dirty old fabric being rubbed.
All i am asking is a useful result :lol:

blessed be

Re: Clairaudience but no voices, just frequencies

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 9:11 pm
by SpiritTalker
I think “mediunity” refers to repeating out loud the voice comments you receive from Spirit as opposed to “channeling” a personality other than your own. Have I got that right? I’m a trance-channel type medium but I also hear side comments from my Guide. I occasionally see or hear other Spirits in-passing but it’s sketchy. Sometimes I pick up random tv news bits - an event or a few words - like a passing wave? The huge power line towers make my hair itch.

If I Center & pull myself into a middle chakra focus I‘ll see color on my mental screen and feel vibes of a hum and what I can only describe as earth tones. I’m remembering times past when I would sit on the ground and sing the tones that vibrated from the earth and passed through me from root to crown; very Ohm-ish. It just seemed like the thing to do. I couldn’t not voice it as it was that commanding. I sensed it was training me to raise and lower focus on different vibrations or you might say frequencies. Focusing on one frequency and holding that position was needed for later work I did channeling teaching sessions for groups for a few years.

I don’t know if that’s helpful or what you had in mind.

Re: Clairaudience but no voices, just frequencies

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 1:19 am
by Firebird
I hear noises too. Irritating as heck sometimes.
And sometimes it seems I can make out words, but not usually. On one occasion in particular the tone had suddenly been turned up more than a notch, like full blare, and I swear I could hear the people in the house next door talking. I say that because it sounded like my neighbor, yet it was so garbled and muffled it was hard to distinguish words. She did confirm she was talking to her brother in the room closest the side of the house that flanked the side of my house but both our windows were closed and there is quite a bit of yard on both sides of the wall before you get to either house. I think if I'm going to have super hearing I better be able to hear what the message is. Mine is probably tinnitus but it has gone two tone before. We who have had family involved in MIC seem to have a higher rate of this ear noise. Is it spirit or is it something that was intentionally set forth to experiment upon our bodies with, I cannot say or know.
Maybe meditate on the sound and gently ask what is it you want me to know? And then let yourself be open to what comes up. Have a little note pad and jot down the seemingly random thoughts. Over time you will begin to see if there any patterns and if any of it is panning out. You may also be able to pick up on when the tone are just random or if there is something you need to tune into.
BB, Firebird

Re: Clairaudience but no voices, just frequencies

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 12:06 am
by RosieMoonflower
I hear the high pitches buzzes too. They can come on strongly but don’t usually last too long. I use to hear voices but I shut them out because I realized I don’t know who’s they belong to. Even if I ask, how do I know I can trust them and they aren’t lying? Tough call. Sometimes I hear music too. Soft instrumental types mostly. I don’t mind that so much.
