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How to boost this “gift”

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:02 am
by BatOrchid_1
I’ve always had the ability to see spirits in my sleep, and awake. I’ve had dreams that later came true. This has happened since i was a child and now being an adult it still happens. Like anything, you practice to get better. But how does one practice communication? Or “mediumship” ? I've always assumed you cant and you just have to kinda wait around for the universe to tell you something or just hang around and a spirit will contact you if they need you. Is it possible to enhance your communication skills with spirits and dreaming? Does it just mean meditating deeper when I’m awake?

Re: How to boost this “gift”

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 8:25 am
by SpiritTalker
Hi welcome to the fold.

Invent ways to practice like sensing different living people's vibes so you can recognize them to identify spirits. Empathy has uses. Feel the energy before you enter a room. Center and reach out from within center to touch other energies without being intrusive. Feel the different vibes from trees, pets, all beings compared to people.

Look up books on developing psychic senses or specifically mediumship. Develop telepathy receiving. Find some friends to practice with. Take turns sending and receiving.there’s a book review section with Chris Day’s Witch’s Book of the Dead review.


Thursdays are good days for psi practice. Designate a half hour at the same time every week to work only with your spirit guide. Then meditate with the guide. Keep the appointment faithfully. See where it goes. Water scrying is another idea as water aids psi. Spend the first sessions getting to know your guide and ask them to vet any spirits who would come to you first.

I don’t recommend cemetery visits as it’s too overwhelming, & unless it’s to a relative or known individual’s grave, too much like entering a bar room and taking home whoever sits next to you. Not a good idea.

Re: How to boost this “gift”

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 4:36 pm
by stormofwind
What is the basic ideal are looking for enhancing your gift?