Help - Why did my spell backfire?

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Help - Why did my spell backfire?

Post by [moondance] »

Hey guys n gals, I did a spell (or a prayer even) to the goddess recently to help me when I go to auditions - also made myself a kinda "positive energy" charm to carry with me. But it seems since doing this spell / prayer things have gotton worst .. ? For example, today I went to an audition and totally screwed it up - it was JUST one line - a VERY short line too! ... another eg str8 forward / easy audition I had yesterday and manage to screw that up as well (gosh didnt even have lines in that one!)
Thanks xxx
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Post by thatguy »

I'm sorry to hear some of your auditions didn't go so well. If it were me, I would take that as a sign that maybe I should more thoroughly prepare for my auditions.

You seem to be giving the impression that some exterior force is causing you to fail in your auditions. Who is in control of you? Some mysterious 'negative' force or you? How do you expect to be able to control magical energies if you can't control yourself? I'm not trying to be harsh but you asked why your spell wasn't effective.

For another point of view, imagine that you wish to grow a pear tree. Let's say that you're an almighty sorceress and can call down the rain, make the sun shine and enrich the soil with mysterious plant growing energies. So in your endeavor to grow your tree you pick your spot and unleash all your magical glory. You make the rain come, and you make the sun shine. You fill the soil with all the soily goodness that can be had. You conjure all manner of goddesses and angels to watch over your plot of land. After years doing this you wonder why no pear tree is growing. Well, the simple fact that you never got down on your knees, dug a hole and planted a seed should be your first clue.

Ok, now I might be seeming hard on you, but honestly, myself and everyone else is like this as well. We all want spectacular and fantastic results without very much personal effort or sacrifice.

I hope for the best in your future auditions,


T. Guy.
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Post by [SanityIsLost] »

I saw your other post on this subject and I saw that you are taking lessons. How long have you been taking these acting/singing/dance lessons? (I'm sorry I don't remember exactly what kind of theater you work in.) Maybe you just don't have all the experience necessary yet. I know it took me at least 2 years of voice lessons to get my voice to behave. I took 4 years of acting classes and I think it also took me 2 years to actually start getting into shows. Maybe it was not the spell that went wrong. Perhaps it was. Maybe you don't need a spell at all just more experience. Or is it that you get nervous at auditions?
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Post by [moondance] »

Thatguy - thanks alot for your comments, no please dont apologise - I appreciate honesty - thats why we are here: to share opinions and thoughts.

Yes I agree and hear where you are coming from. This is something I pointed out some where in another post ... alot of ppl try to do "miracle spells" and expect things to magically change - I mean, I think spells are like an added "something" to give you that extra boost / positive energy you need along with you working to your goals - no point doing an employment spell and expecting a job to turn up at your door and not attending interviews, doing applications etc.

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Post by [moondance] »

Sanityislost thanks for your input. Yes you are right .. it could be that I need more experience ... but its tricky - how can you get THAT level of experience when no one is willing to give you a chance?! Mind boggling!Well I have been to drama schools most of my life .. my parents were involved within the "industry" - hence why they have been so supportive I guess ... so I became involved in theatre from a very young age ... I have done many productions but again this was at "student" or "amateur" level and not on the same level as one of these bigger funded productions, therefore it doesnt hold the same "weight" as say if i was in something on broadway ... i am constantly trying to attend various different acting courses too whenever I can afford it, but yes I defo need more experience .. everyone is always learning - no matter how much we think we all already know! But I need to be successful at these auditions first to get more experience .. grr .. well im not sure if I did anything wrong in my spell ... hence why things seem to have gone from bad to worst since doing it ... ? Dont know ... plus I dont htink anything of the threefold rule applies .. unless perhaps it was seen as something wrong or materialistic or selfish or seomthing ... so it came back to me 3 times as bad ...? I dont know .. :(
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Post by hedge* »

Another way of looking at it is that the spell did work and these auditions you are doing are not the right ones for you.
Spells don't have a time limit - they'll work when they are ready - so just be a bit more patient and keep going to all the auditions and your time will come.
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Post by [moondance] »

hedgewitch wrote:Another way of looking at it is that the spell did work and these auditions you are doing are not the right ones for you.
Spells don't have a time limit - they'll work when they are ready - so just be a bit more patient and keep going to all the auditions and your time will come.
Thanks Hedge ... always wise and experienced :) x[/b]
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Post by hedge* »

'Tis allways wise to get rid of any negativity around you :D
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Post by [moondance] »

Thanks hedge
Just Jane

Post by Just Jane »

this might not be correct, but i have heard that if you dwell on a spell, or constantly think about it after it is done, than you could hinder it. that you are just supposed to complete it and then move on.
is it possible that maybe you were constantly thinking about it wondering if it would work or not?
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Post by Elem »

It's the same with most things, Just Jane. The act of thinking about it, and obsessing over it, often causes exactly what you don't want to happen.. to happen :).

Case in point - I had a friend who was deathly worried of tripping over on stage. She worried about it so much she couldn't sleep the night before the musical she was in.. And, sure enough, slipped up when she was on stage because she was desperately trying not to.. So, as such, misplaced her footing (out of thinking about it too much!) and fell.

As it happens, it was only during the dress rehearsal, so no biggy :). At least she was alright, is all I can say! I managed to convince her to just relax and enjoy herself.. And she was fine come the actual performance.

Lesson learned? Don't obsess / worry about things to the point of actually causing them to happen ;). If you sit around biting your fingernails after doing a spell "waiting" for it to happen.. It's likely you'll be sending out so much negative energy thanks to your worrying that you 'undo' (or wash out) the effects of the spell.

Just be yourself. I couldn't agree more with hedge on this - Spells 'work' when they're ready.. Just be patient, keep at it, and see what happens. The positive mental attitude, above all else, will give you the energy to wow the judges :). More than anything, they want someone who brings a little of 'themself' to the character.. Showing individuality.. Whilst at the same time being confident enough to get up there and say "This is how I think the character is, and I'm so sure of it 'm willing to get up here and give it my all!"

Your time will come, just relax and stay positive!

Will be thinking of you and wishing you the best of luck,

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Post by [SanityIsLost] »

I totally agree with the above posters about thinking of it too much. When I was in a show this year I had to do this dance scene. I don't dance so I was really worried about messing it up. During the dress rehersal I was so worried about it that I did mess it up. Thankfully, the next night and real performance, I just didnt think about the dance. I let go of my nerves and found I remembered the dance just fine it was my nerves and thinking about it that had made me forget. Trust the spell to work for you and move it out of your head. When you get into the audition the only thing on your mind should be "I can do this. I know the part, I know myself and the "judges" will love me."
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Post by thatguy »

moondance wrote:Well in my case, I have done everything I possible could to work towards this - I have made ALOT of sacrifices - and also my family who have been so supportive of me: gave up a well paying job to focus my full attention on this a few years ago and , doing low paying / sometimes even demeaning jobs, I earn enough to cover my bills & cant afford to have much of a social life, therefore have alienated most of my friends: I have acting classes as often as I can afford it and i managed to FINALLY convince a good agent to sign me after being knocked back by perhaps 100 agents ... I have done everything I could physically possibly do in working towards my goals ... my next thought was: seeing as I have done all the physical & pratical stuff I need to do, I needed to work on my spiritual self too.
I have to say, that's inspiring. It's great that you're dedicated to your goals, you're an example worth following. I hope you stay true to your dedication and keep your eyes on the target. It takes a lot of courage to pursue your goals in the face of real failure.
moondance wrote:See generally I am not successful at auditions - whenever I go to auditions - I generally get the feedback "you performed it just how we wanted but ..." always down to a look - maybe they wanted someone older, shorter, taller, younger, diff race, bigger built ... who knows ... but generally something along those lines. I mean, thats not the sort of feedback you can think "well I can work on that" .... the way we look isnt something we cant "work on" ... I get very worried too as I worked so hard to get this agent ... and to not be succesful at auditions, I feel that she may eventually drop me ... and believe me it was hard getting signed by her! So if she does get fed up of me, then that will be it for all my efforts - cos I wont be able to find another agent ... not being negative here but realistic .. cos like i said - got turned down by bout 100 .. its easy to find an agent - but to find a GOOD one, thats hard!
If you stay true to your craft and to performing it well, putting this above all, I think you'll be truly successful (if maybe hungry from time to time ;)

Keep in mind that when you're fighting an uphill battle, you have to keep body, mind and spirit strong and healthy; giving up or backing off your efforts are terrible tactics. Even if you lose, not trying at all is even worse. Don't lose hope.
moondance wrote:Anyway so that is what lead me to doing this spell .. I have done alot of soul searching to see why my life has been going in this direction / seems the harder I try to further away I get ... then i realised I had no beliefs, spirituality in my life ... hence how I started getting into wicca etc .. as it involves so much positive as opposed to other doctrines that seem to involve so much negative ie - if you do X then you will go to hell etc ... whereas wicca seems to be bout positive stuff, building on your own self / thoughts / emotions etc anyway so from all that ... that is how I ended up doin this spell / prayer to the goddess ... but now it seems since doing that .. well I explained in my previous post ...
I'm always happy to hear about someone seeking out and nurturing their spirituality. In my humble opinion, it's pretty much all we've got and we could all stand to do more of this. I hope your spirit grows strong and healthy.

best wishes,

T. Guy.
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Post by [moondance] »

Heya - thanks for your replies, I appreciate it all ... i really love & enjoy acting
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Post by [moondance] »

Thatguy thanks so much for your positive words and encouragement .... ... thanks x :)
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