11 Smokeless Ways to Cleanse Sacred Space

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11 Smokeless Ways to Cleanse Sacred Space

Post by SpiritTalker »

Some of us just can’t “do” smokey incense and sage smudges. I browsed resources & crinkled my brow for inspiration...

. Aerosol mists - brew a minty-lemon potion, let it cool, then strain & decant it into a spray bottle as room mist. Or use lavender essential oil and a bit of alcohol in water to make a spray.
. Crystals - place white quartz or selenite in two diagonally opposed corners of a room and iron-based hematite in the other 2 for a crystal grid.
. Fanning - use a hand-fan, or just your hand, to fan as you walk a widdershins circle; see in your mind as white light is spread around.
. Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram - this ritual clears oppressive energies.
. Oil diffusers - either the oil & water in a dish over a candle type or the reed oil diffuser type that’s air freshener. Use sage, lavender or make a blend of any of the citrus scents - lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit oils.
. Onion - this folk magic method uses your broom to roll a peeled, whole, sweet-onion around the floor of all rooms and finally out the door to be properly disposed of.
. Salt - place pinches of salt in all the corners, on window sills & across doorways. Sweep up & discard; replace monthly. Or spritz the area using a branch or twig bundle dipped into blessed salt water.
. Sound-making - ring a bell or tap a tuning fork, drum or a spoon on a glass, or pot lids as you circle around the area.
. Sunlight - open the blinds and curtains, if indoors, and let purifying UV sunlight pour into the room; open a window.
. Sweeping - sweeping a widdershins circle with your 🧹broom or air-sweep with whisk broom around your space.
. Vinegar - place small bowls with 2-3 TBLS of vinegar in the corners & allow it to evaporate; use vinegar as an aerosol.
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Re: 11 Smokeless Ways to Cleanse Sacred Space

Post by RavenClaw »

Thank you for the tips. If you don't mind, I'd like to add one more which I feel is overlooked.

I'm speaking of altars. I have a main altar where I do my work such as writing and the occasional spell casting. This altar has its own energy which helps with cleansing items and if the item can be charged (ie crystals) I simply place an item on the altar and wait. The waiting time depends on what the item is made out of. I know this doesn't work on cleansing a house but I do find the method to be safe for all items and health since I can't handle smoke and/or fragrances.

For cleansing the house, I prefer whistling or ringing a bell.
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Re: 11 Smokeless Ways to Cleanse Sacred Space

Post by SpiritTalker »

Oo, good ideas 🙂
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Re: 11+ Smokeless Ways to Cleanse Sacred Space

Post by Firebird »

How do you do with fragrant herbs RavenClaw? In line with the sweeping, SpiritTalker mentioned, I make a broom with herbs 🌿 doesn't have to be like full size broom or anything. A wisk style with a few branches tied to a wand or other small branch (oak for strength for instance) Then utilizing the energy of the herb towards the work at hand, like maybe a rosemary for better memory, or pine for protection, lavender for peace, geranium for fertility and love, etc...it's a great way to add to the energy of the circle. Offer herbs to the land spirits after or burn if you have fire, or perhaps dry to burn later or make a potpourri sachet in line with the magic of the ritual.
Thanks for bringing up altars, I've noticed (over time) that when my altar becomes burdened with too many "cool" trinkets my energy and the energy of the room feels sapped, then it's time to clear it off and that makes a tremendous difference.
Not to mention all the, "hey, thats where that thing went" moments! LoL :fairy:
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Re: 11 Smokeless Ways to Cleanse Sacred Space

Post by RavenClaw »

Thank you for sharing what you use herbs for.

How do I do with fragrant herbs? They are fragrant so do trigger asthma. The stronger the fragrance the more it affects my asthma and all it takes is a whiff of fragrance. To be on the safe side, I simply don't use them. I'm okay with spices and mild herbs (like dill) but at this point, they're not a part of my practice. I'm working on getting rid of my allergies but will take time so in the meantime, I do my best to avoid what triggers a reaction. This also includes flowers and everything else that has an odour.
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Re: 11 Smokeless Ways to Cleanse Sacred Space

Post by Firebird »

Oh dang Raven, sorry to hear it, my daughter did struggle with that some but she mostly grew out of it thankfully. She still get really bad allergies though. I sympathize with you.
Do you miss not being able to use incense at all?
Oh,.... how about baking? does that trigger an episode? It seems the scents of pumpkin pie changes the energy in the house.
A sense of peace and comfort I guess is what I usually experience from that particular sweet. smileylove

Anyway Raven, you are not alone for sure, we had a semi regular attendee and she had bad asthma, so we did away with scented things when she was there. BTW, thanks Spirit for bringing up smokeless alternatives smiley_dance
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Re: 11 Smokeless Ways to Cleanse Sacred Space

Post by RavenClaw »

My sympathies to your daughter too.

Ah, the aroma of baking. Thankfully enough, food odours don't bother me at all so I can simmer spices in a small pot if I want. As for incense, I've never used it in my life though it does appeal to me. Problem with that is there's smoke plus fragrance so a double whammy. The day I figured out how to light and extinguish a candle with the least amount of smoke was a happy day.

If there's such a thing as a small electric cauldron that can simmer water, I'd probably buy it. Like how cool would that be?
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Re: 11 Smokeless Ways to Cleanse Sacred Space

Post by SpiritTalker »

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Re: 11 Smokeless Ways to Cleanse Sacred Space

Post by RavenClaw »

I was looking in amazon too, lol. Thanks for the link but I'd like something a lot smaller.
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Re: 11 Smokeless Ways to Cleanse Sacred Space

Post by Firebird »

Oh there's a smaller one!, its called "little dipper" it holds 16 ozs. I got one at the discount store for 5 bucks it works great for steam scents. I like doing cinnamon, cloves and orange.
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Re: 11 Smokeless Ways to Cleanse Sacred Space

Post by RavenClaw »

I'll just keep an eye out for one in a thrift store. The spice combination sounds good. For now, I can use a little sauce pot and simmer spices on the stove. Thanks for the idea.
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Re: 11 Smokeless Ways to Cleanse Sacred Space

Post by SapphireRoad »

Summon guardians
such as Goddess at full moon by lighting white candle with engravings of her name
add white vine as offering and let the moonlight enter (if no moonlight put her picture at altarso that you have 3 things representing her, for strong summoning)

Similar as lesser banishing ritual, making something strong and allied enter and help you.
ᚩ ᚷ ᛒ (God and Goddess runes in union)
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