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Two Spirit Guides

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 12:49 pm
by earth_love
I met 2 spirit guides who protect me. One is male & one is female. The female is one of my deceased great aunts. I've been seeing her since I was a very young girl. I would visibly see her. Shed be right next to me, giving me good advice. She is always near when I am having serious problems. She comes when her wise words are needed. One time as a girl, I asked her name. She told me she was my moms great aunt & her name. So I then asked my mom, who is___? She was amazed & told me she was her aunt that died, many years before I was ever born. I never had heard her name mentioned before. So I did legitimately meet her. Also I described what she looked like & my mom again was amazed. To this day, ive never seen a photo of her. My mom doesnt have one. This guide is always next to me in my adult life, whenever I'm in trouble. My life has been a lot of serious traumas & hardships, so I sense her, a lot. The male spirit guide I saw 1 time only, visibly, in my waking life. He always visits me in dreams, tho. The male looks to be a more elderly man. My great aunt looks like thirty-something, in her age. 'm going to ask them for guidance, today.

Re: Two Spirit Guides

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 3:23 pm
by SpiritTalker
My gramma died when I was young but I recall her “tucking me in” the top bunk every night of my first week away at college. The attentive care from those who’ve passed on can cross all boundaries, IMO. I’ve seen my spirit guide in dreams as far back as I can remember as a toddler. Same guy and great sense of humor.

I guess it’s not so unusual to have these experiences and to deeply value them and thought-voices. Your comments seem authentic to me.

Re: Two Spirit Guides

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 1:05 am
by earth_love
Hiya SpiritTalker. Right, as far back as toddler age. That's so cool how u sensed/saw your Gramma tucking u in, first week of college! I bet she was so very proud of you!