My gifts

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My gifts

Post by Pagansister »

I've been studying wicca since i was 10, i found out as a teenage i could predict weather e.g. before a thunderstorm arrives i get headaches, i can also levitate as well, not brilliantly but i'm working on that
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Post by juliaki »


A word of advice about this particular message board. Generally people who talk about "gifts" that appear to be based in fantasy instead of reality or are inspired by Buffy, Charmed, etc., are not well thought of. This site encourages people who are legitimately interested in spirituality based in reality, not a fan club for fantasy.
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Post by LaFiamma »

I've been studying wicca since i was 10, i found out as a teenage i could predict weather e.g. before a thunderstorm arrives i get headaches, i can also levitate as well, not brilliantly but i'm working on that
Honestly, things like getting headaches before storms can be scientifically explained. Not to steal your thunder (no pun intended) but you know how people with arthritis or rheumatism often complain about their joints aching before a storm? It's the same thing. It has to do with the barometric pressure of the environment and a few other factors. Same thign can cause headaches. Some people are just more sensitive to it than others.

Not to say that it's not good that you can have an idea of when the weather is going to change because of it, but understand that it's not some special supernaturally-endowed power.

And Juliaki said, claiming to levitate and other such things will get lots of snide comments and snarkage from folks around here.

Post by Pagansister »

but i can levitate :evil:
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Post by thatguy »

Don't worry, they're just kidding around with you. Most of us levitate too, we just don't like to admit it.

If you're cute, you can levitate by my place any time. :D
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Post by juliaki »

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Post by Elem »

Ever noticed how just before a lightning storm the air tastes slightly 'metallic' too? Or how the hairs on your arm stand on end? Similar to aching joints / headaches, these are just common side-effects of the build of up charge / change of pressure in the atmosphere when a storm's coming along.

I believe the lights in my bedroom could possibly be psychic too, though. They flicker just before lightning hits when it's nearby. Spooky and psychic, eh ;)?

Apologies for my flippancy. I'm tired, and not in the mood for storm-headaches / levitation tales.

*levitates off to bed*

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Post by thatguy »

Hello again Pagansister,

I'm sorry that a few of us, including myself, are having a little fun with you. That's not very fair and I want you to know that you're still welcome here.

I think the waning of the moon is putting some of us out of sorts ;).

Claiming that you can levitate is a pretty grand claim, but I'd like to believe that anything is possible.

T. Guy.
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Post by Elem »

Apologies for my post, like I said, I'm just a little cranky since it's well past my bedtime and I can't sleep.. Again ;) haha. Oh the life of an insomniac :roll:.

As thatguy said, claiming to levitate is a pretty large claim to make. Even the most open-minded of people would be hard pressed to believe you. The sheer amount of phsyical energy required to lift a fully grown person up into the air.. Even the most stick-thin person.. Is more than I believe anybody in our world can summon up.

It's not to say it's not impossible.. No, theoretically, it is. You just need a force 'pushing' / 'pulling' you upwards and maintaining equilibrium with the pull of the Earth.. Thus, keeping you balanced in the air. Although, when I say 'balanced'.. I rather imagine levitating would be more dangerous than walking on ice. There's not a whole lot of friction holding you in place there in the air.. Shift your weight even slightly out of balance, and you'll end up 'flying' into the wall / floor with quite some force ;) :lol:

I'd be more willing to believe your claim if you had evidence. Something you're likely not going to be willing to provide.. After all, why should you have to? It's my problem if I don't believe you ;).

All I can suggest is that you take your gift to the experts. Get onto this website here: and apply. They'll give you a million dollars for your efforts.

See you around, sorry for the flippancy in my post earlier :).

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Post by [SanityIsLost] »

Maybe if you told us why you think you can Levitate we might understand a little more. What are some experiences you have had with levitating?

Post by Tinu »

Wow, someone that can levitate. I'd love to hear more about it. As for predicting the weather and when it will rain, I can do that as well. I used to be able to look out my window and see it from the way the shadows looked from the trees. There was just something about it that always told me that it would rain that day.
Can anyone else smell the rain before it comes? I'm sure alot of us can do that. Its raining now here in Mass, and I love it. Its one of those lazy rainy days where I'm glad I don't have to work today.
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Post by [Epothes] »

Hmm. Weather. Anyone ever try to effect the weather patterns and change them with magick? Such as making those professional meteorologists look like a bunch of monkeys in lab coats by making it rain when they say it will be sunny? :twisted:

Post by Tinu »

Don't they do that all the time anyways? Get the weather wrong? ;)

No, seriously now...I've never tried to affect weather, probably because I've been through Katrina and seen one of the extremes. Weather seems to be quite volatile with just a small change ending up bringing on major disaster.
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Post by [Epothes] »

Tinu wrote:Don't they do that all the time anyways? Get the weather wrong? ;)

No, seriously now...I've never tried to affect weather, probably because I've been through Katrina and seen one of the extremes. Weather seems to be quite volatile with just a small change ending up bringing on major disaster.
Chaos theory. The reason meteorologists get the weather wrong all the time is because of all of the different variables. Turbulance, temperature, moisture, barometric pressure, etc. The funny thing is that a couple days before Katrina my uncle said to me, "I feel a large storm coming," at random just looking at the clear blue sky at night. Funny thing is that we were in California at the time. Someone give me some feedback please. :shock:
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Post by Elem »


From experience, it seems that many people can 'tell' when a storm's coming. I know that even up to a day before a storm being here.. I tend to be able to just 'feel' that one's due. If you've lived / experienced weather enough (as all of us have, unless some of us have never been outside the house :)) and take enough notice of it.. You tend to be able to 'work out' what's on its way.

It's not a psychic ability.. Simply human intuition. Our brains take notice of patterns / take in a lot more information than we realise. We perform many things during a day entirely subconciously.. Even the act of walking (controlled falling, if you will) is complex on an absolutely amazing scale.. And to think.. Often we'll be standing up / walking whilst doing at least two other things at once (i.e. talking, carrying a drink and reading a mobile phone).

Our minds are capable of processing massive amounts of data, so it stands to reason that.. After experiencing certain weather phenomenon enough.. Our mind starts to build up its own little subconcious 'database' - whether we realise it or not :) - and can actually 'predict' the weather (in some basic form at least).

Despite not being some inate psychic ability, it is still rather interesting / amazing that some of us can do it, though.. Even if it has a slightly more 'normal' explanation than some people might like? :) haha.

As for controlling the weather.. My viewpoint is that if there really were people out there able to magically grab the clouds and shake things up.. Why do they let so many regions in the world suffer with drought? They're obviously very selfish, fickle people if they're willing to bring the sunshine here for their party.. But not give rain to those who actually need it.

*shrug* Just my opinion.

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