Voodoo Doll

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Voodoo Doll

Post by kittiekat93 »

I read somewhere that voodoo dolls can be used to help make a dream come true or something like that.. is that true? i dont want to search voodoo dolls on google or anything, because my dad would suspect something if he checked the internet archive thing on our computer, visiting this site is a big risk for me, but i love it and i cant stay away lol :P ok . . . back to voodoo dolls, can anyone help me learn more about voodoo and voodoo dolls? thnx a ton

Kitty :type:
Kitty :type:

BTW I might not be on here very much anymore, because my dad installed net nanny, and he doesn't know I am into 'this kind of stuff'

Sorry for any common questions or dumb answers.. im mostly new at this..

Post by killawa »

On the forum the is a voodoo doll post with alot of input there, ya might want to check it out. ::coolglasses:: Voodoo comes from an african religion in the good ol days, it has many followers all around the world. but, back to yor question, most dolls are used for one person it can cause harm and also can do good things for that person it all depends on how you use it. I hope I helped you out. any other questions just ask!!!!
Merry Parts,
Killawa :wink:
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