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Cat Care

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2022 5:27 pm
by stormofwind
This is lesson when taking your cat to the vet..
My cat was sick throwing up for a couple days..
I took him to only vet that was open on sunday..
I thought he was going to help him.. but he over medicated him.
but which I didn't know was burprenx is opioid pain reliever ..
He wasn't pain... then they gave him something called cerenia something to stop he throwing up
it worked .. he stopped eating and drinking for two days.. I had to hand feed him liquidfied can food.
And water.. He was in daze for those days.. I took back to vet because he was dehydrated ..
I demanded iv fluid as a family friend told me that it would flush out the medications sooner..
It worked.. by wed night he was slowly drinking and eating on his own..
He's 100 % percent.. better.. I don't have smart phone . I looked all this stuff on my home computer..
Anybody that goes to vet please take your smart phone.. in case they try to over medicate your cat..
You can decide before do anything.. you have power of looking up medications before they do anything

Re: Cat Care

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 10:32 pm
by Firebird
Wow what a mess Storm. Is the cat feeling better still?
bb, F

Re: Cat Care

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 9:47 pm
by stormofwind
He's back to his old self thankfully...