New Year's Visitors

Discussion of nature and nature spirits and dragons.
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New Year's Visitors

Post by Firebird »

Wow, was I surprised to find a Salamander in the garage last night. I wonder if it was seeking refuge from the rain or just got lost. I have never seen one here or anywhere near here in the wild. And I have only seen them in the wild on maybe a couple of occasions. He was so small about the size of an earthworm, which is what I thought it was initially, but then I saw his little head and eyes and four legs and feet. He was pretty cute mostly a blackish brown color. Really wish I would have taken his picture. He was at the base of the garage door when I last saw him and I put a wet leaf over the area, but this morning he was gone.

Now this morning I found a Ladybug walking across the tile inside the house near the front door. What? in the middle of winter? She was making a beeline towards the kitchen. I placed a paper in her path which she happily crawled upon, and I think was relieved to be placed on a geranium plant out front, because she seemed glad to face the sun (which did come out today, it has been pretty overcast for a week) and it looked like she was washing her face with the front legs. I did get her picture and even a video.

Seems these two visitors were of a most unusual appearance, and I can only guess that they can be perceived as my New Year's augury/blessings for the crossing of this calendar year threshold?
Pretty magical.
bb, Firebird
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Re: New Year's Visitors

Post by supremz »

There're lizards everywhere in my area. A lot of frogs, too. For those who believe humans are killing nature, I hate to break it to you like this, but it has found a way to survive in spite of all the threats to its habitat. :P They always come out of the least suspecting areas. In places close to the equator, it's a good location for them to find warm places to hide all year!
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