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What is it Like

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 9:50 pm
by stormofwind
To no longer have childhood you feel and see..
What is like to have nothing of kind anymore..
And you barely see in short film clips is scattered and incomplete..
What is like hit a wall when you try to remember child hood friend that passed..
And you can't or feel the loss of that person because you don't remember.
What is middle school or highschool places I have never been because those memories
are longer as that person who owned them is gone..
What is like to be to feel so alien .. so different..
This what is walk in is to be.
No memories a small guide book but vastly incomplete..
To feel certain way with memory of family when I was most likely elsewhere..
What is like a computer reprogram that failed in the middle or the end..
It's hard to contend to fit in .. I take comfort when young child smiles and see the real me..
Such difficult ideal for some like me.. a map but where to go.

RT. 22