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I Outstanded My Psychic

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 10:44 pm
by stormofwind
I use.. more to come.. Lets say he never experience something I did..
Which reaches movie sci quality.

Re: I Outstanded My Psychic

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2023 8:16 pm
by Firebird
Ok then don't keep us in suspense forever!

Re: I Outstanded My Psychic

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2023 4:08 pm
by RavenClaw
Tell me more!

Re: I Outstanded My Psychic

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 11:18 pm
by Firebird
Storm! we are waiting!

Re: I Outstanded My Psychic

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 9:24 pm
by stormofwind
Okay, like in Harry Potter Voldemort , My soul is fractured So I can piece of it where I wanted
After talking with a psychic a few times.. So I had my answer why I could see myself in the past
first year highschool ,at a dept store.. my younger self felt like something was watching him.
It was my present me.. Then I did again in highschool around 9 or 10 th grade
The term, they use I slammed to hard in that body caused memory loss and past life to surface.
Using astral projection..
Being I sent part myself to that time. I changed so things I believe I would been in bad relationship.
And some others. I never went to dances or dated or prom..
Just felt it was unnecessary .

I'm a ancient soul, like I stated before, this plane of exstince is little too much..
Most likely I was teacher of sorts or high priestess of Atlantis ..
The psychic said it's coming back to me my abilities I once had.
Yes, i'm that strong..

Alot trauma in a few past lives that caused my soul to fracture..
Death of my children in civil war. Being unfeeling cold dark socialite in late 1880's
Project Montuak, did me in 1960's I want that place reduced to rubble.
For what they did ..
I'm more at ease with trauma I have..
I can't forget.

Re: I Outstanded My Psychic

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 9:20 pm
by RavenClaw
Wow, that's incredible experiences. Thanks for sharing. I believe that we're stronger than we think we are. I also believe that we have access to our past lives so we can regain what we used to know and, if we choose, do it again. For example, in one of my past lives, I knew magic so those memories are there but it just isn't applicable to my current life. It seems to me that what was done in past lives can certainly affect our current lives regardless if we're aware or not.

Thanks for this interesting topic.