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My Epilepsy-free life has been blown out the window

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2023 2:28 am
by Anubisa
I don't know if I have mentioned this to you all, but I have seizures. I have been having seizures since I was born and was diagnosed with epilepsy. So my life has been pretty much dominated by seizures. I have what are called tonic-clonic (or grand mal) and generalized absence (petite mal). So a few weeks ago, on a Friday, I woke up and began making my box (for all the meds I take). I started to feel shaky and jerky which is how I feel before a seizure. I have a Vagal Nerve Stimulator which helps lessen my seizure time when I run a magnet over it. Anyway, I had one and I found this out because I woke up in my bed on the third floor (living area is on the second floor). I thought my mom or dad had found me and took me up. I went downstairs and found my pills on the floor and began to make my box again. The day after that was pretty much nonexistent. My father and mother told me that I five seizures and three has been at home. I had fallen at home on my ribs against my arm. My parents then told me I had two more seizures on the way to the E.R.

So what feels like two hours really is two days. I woke up the next day thinking I had been out for only two hours. The thing that sucks is that I won't be able to drive for six months and my parents are going to have to drive me to work. I just feel so bad. I saw my neurologist and we found that I will have to change my battery next year. I just don't like to put my parents off and I don't like for them to experience me having my seizures even though they have seen them all my life. I just pray that I won't have any more issues any time soon with my epilepsy.

Re: My Epilepsy-free life has been blown out the window

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 12:09 am
by Firebird
Have you ever tried cannabis? I had a fried who swore they kept his seizures at bay..
Sorry about the driving, that is a super big bummer since I imagine it takes away your sense of independence and self reliance. Try not to be so hard on yourself, this is not your fault.
Bb, Firebird

Re: My Epilepsy-free life has been blown out the window

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:37 am
by Anubisa
Firebird wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 12:09 am Have you ever tried cannabis? I had a fried who swore they kept his seizures at bay..
Sorry about the driving, that is a super big bummer since I imagine it takes away your sense of independence and self reliance. Try not to be so hard on yourself, this is not your fault.
Bb, Firebird
I've tried cannibis a couple times, but I don't know if my neurologist would want me to take it. I've always been taking medicine. So I really don't know if he would want me to experiment with cannibis or not. So I am not sure, but now I am feeling better on my new regimen. I'm also looking at the Keto Diet because it is supposed to help with Epilepsy.

Re: My Epilepsy-free life has been blown out the window

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 12:19 am
by Firebird
You might want to bring up the conversation with him. Many doctors are beginning to see the benefits it can have for a number of aliments, but epilepsy was one of the first I think, there was a story about some parents giving it to their youngster then having to fight for the right to keep their kid. I can't remember the whole story, but I think they were trying to stay away from chemical drugs, and the cannabis worked.
bb, F.

Re: My Epilepsy-free life has been blown out the window

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:39 am
by Anubisa
Firebird wrote: Thu Oct 26, 2023 12:19 am You might want to bring up the conversation with him. Many doctors are beginning to see the benefits it can have for a number of aliments, but epilepsy was one of the first I think, there was a story about some parents giving it to their youngster then having to fight for the right to keep their kid. I can't remember the whole story, but I think they were trying to stay away from chemical drugs, and the cannabis worked.
bb, F.
Thanks. I will definitely have to ask about that.