Old Members

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Old Members

Post by [SanityIsLost] »

It's great to see a lot of new members but, has anyone noticed that a lot of the old members have not been around lately? I know Elem told us why he wasn't going to be on but what happened to everybody else?
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Post by Witch1693 »

i dont know, i think it is all of the new ignorant memebrs and the porno spamming.
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Post by [SanityIsLost] »

I have not seen any ignorant new members, and by making it plural, I assume that you think a lot of these members are ignorant? :? We can't all be experts, I guess.
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Post by Witch1693 »

no thats not what i mean, i mean that lots of the experienced witches leave becuase of the fact that kids come in thinkning they are experienced and really are not, this may annoy some people, it annoys me, i dont claim to be the most amzing withc, i am a good witch, but i am still learning and thats why i am here. do you get what i mean? maybe its just because as memebrs get older they have no more time.
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Post by Sobek »

there would be many contributing factors. but i think your view was right with all the people coming in saying like "i need a curse so no one can put make-up on as good as me" and "i need a love spell because no one loves me"

i find them amusing as i think most people do in the beginning but it would get really old really fast.

other then that i think lifes problems take over.
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Post by Witch1693 »

thats probly ture
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Post by Exilus »

personally I beleive it could be a lack of discussions carried out in a serious, way.

A few discussions showing that we beleive what we teach and are willing to discuss it in some way that shows research and thought into what we are saying.

I think alot of older members get bored or tired with some nonsence posts, that are not discussed but instead turn into wars when someone posts a stupid comment on a serious discussion. Maybe if we tried actually discussing things in an adult way we might see some people returning.
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Post by Witch1693 »

what a good idea!
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Post by Elem »

Sorry to resurrect such an old post (I know, I know! I'm a hypocrit, doing something I hate being done haha) but.. I'm glad to see that some of the 'older' members are still here (as in, ones that I remember from my time here before) as well as there being new members who provide equally stimulating posts :).

It's sad to see that there are people who used to be active that either don't post, or post very infrequently, here now.. But I guess that's life and change, eh?

The board seems almost as active as I remember it, and just as compassionate and helpful. I'm just glad to be 'home' and back again :) haha, I've missed the discussions that go on here! Hell.. I think I even missed the 'annoying' posts about 'Hey, how do I change my eye colour?????'

Ahh, the joy of Forums :).

See you all around!

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Post by Nikita »

Im not on that much as i have my own wiccan forum and im trying to start a new class for the members called dragon magick :)

Post by spiralwind »

Old post, applied to a new season of happenings! Oh, I guess I'm one of the newer ones...I've really been short of time 2 months now. But sometimes find other things to do, just to relax. With stress comes a need just to find yourself...
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Well, I think it's still relevant, but then I'm pretty laid back about bringing up old posts... After all, it seems like the replies are a bit thin on the ground.

Trying to do my part to help out... but I'm not sure if it's the way the new posts are reported when you first log on, or if people are really making fewer posts than they used to. I found a bunch of posts I never saw... and they were recient. Maybe that's it?
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Post by Eretik »

I remember when I first joined and got 'hit' with a glamour request,I then 'went off on one' and ranted about it[ not to the person who asked,by the way,she's cool ],my posts are still here,somewhere.I recall lots of members coming to talk to me and calm me down.At the time I was really disappointed as I thought I 'd found an excellent place, then wondered if it was afflicted by the 'curse of the fluffies' I 'd been trying to escape from in coming here. It turned out my first impression was correct and it is a great place, I have learned to be tolerant of newbies who ask about such things and realised we all start at the beginning etc. By the way,I just want to reiterate that I don't think newbs are fluffies,but they can be sometimes. I had just escaped from some hardcore fluffs [oxymoron?] who had years of experience of being up themselves,incidentally. It is a bit quiet right now,but I think it is at least in part,seasonal - folk are out and about more when the Spring/Summer comes in, [Autumn/Winter in the Antipodes,I know,but you guys get out more then too Sobek,when it's not so blindingly hot there?] I don't mind seeing old posts come back up,they tend to still be relevant,I come on when it's quiet ,J Crowfoot and zip around the older posts,looking for interesting topics etc. I like to read through them all.

Post by spiralwind »

I'm on my second computer now. When I bought the first one, Windows 98, checked out the Wiccan message boards. There was not any reason for me to join one. Went away from the boards, not joining even 1, because of the disscussions about nit-picky things.

This is the very first Pagan/Witchcraft/Wicca forum for me. Had no experience posting in such a board.
But, the ones looked at before spent endless disputes over ethics, even money spells where in question. Some started saying healing was ethical or unethical. An entire forum shouldn't center on ethics, we do need them in balance though.

I launched a couple posts tonight, letting it all out. I should have my chance to lash out too! I hope everyone forgives me (just check out the elements board). I wouldn't have been here if didn't like it. There can't be a forum without discussion.

I read posts made by others. I don't think people have anything against another (unless they say so). People have a right to defend their beliefs. If the other person has a valid point, fine! I take what looks right to me. Some are looking for friendship, or a way to chat with like-minded people.

There should be an order:
1. Friendly first
2. Beliefs second.

Does this make sense to anyone? Or am I just rambling on?
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Post by Sobek »

yeah Eretik, the seasons influence. i tend to be outside more in winter. The buzz from the bee's is we are in for a particularly harsh and iced winter, so heres hoping!

lol, spiralwind, i'd hardly call that "lashing out".

i tend to be friendly but it doesnt stop me from saying what i want too. im just that lovable...lol...i can also be an idiot at times.
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