Meditation Tips

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Meditation Tips

Post by Adularia »

Anyone have any tips on getting into meditation? My mind seems to wander :?
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Post by Sobek »

so does mine, i just let it wander eventually theres no where for it to go.

or you could listen to the sounds of your breathing BUT without paying too much attention too them.

meditation isnt one of my strong points so it sucks that i cant help more, but both of the above help me out alot.
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Post by Storm »

I'm with you on that one. My mind buzzes all over the place and I have to make a real effort to bring it under control!

I find that taking ten deep breaths help, just focussing on the air moving in and out of my lungs. It also helps me to stare at the flame of a candle and try to focus only on that flame.
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Post by hedge* »

The mind wandering is perfectly natural, afterall we have been trained from birth to keep the mind firmly in the body and learning to do the opposite is going to take time and practise.
My advice to you is to just let it take its natural course. When your mind begins to wander, acknowledge it and then try again. Of course practice makes perfect and if you're serious about meditation then I suggest you take half an hour to an hour each day to practice.
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Post by Storm »

I agree hedgewitch. What works for me is taking the same time every day to be still and focus. Most nights I light some candles at my altar and choose a picture of the Goddess (I have hundreds!) upon which to focus.

I also find that a simple chant helps me to enter a light trance state and keep my wandering mind in line!

Saying that - there are still nights when I am simply too preoccupied and have to give up. But that's life!
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Post by Sercee »

Well, last night I was successful. I won't say I'm an expert on this, since I've only successfully meditated a few times, but here's what I've found so far:

- Just as Hedge says, it's ok if your mind wanders. Simply acknowledge it and try to focus again. It will probably take a lot of practice to be able to stay focused for long periods of time.
- Make sure there aren't any distractions: ticking clocks, roomates, pets, etc trying to walk in, construction noise etc. If it helps use some natural or meditative music (at a low volume) to help block out extra sounds. I use babbling brook music on my mp3 player except if it's to help me sleep, then I use gentle rain.
- Make sure you're wearing comfortable, loose clothing.
- find a position that's comfortable to you. You don't need any goofy lotus position, that won't work unless you're very flexible. Try not to cross your ankles; that blocks energy flow. I've been told this a lot now.
- Start off by concentrating on your breathing. Breath slowly, but not so slow you feel breathless, and use your stomach to breath not your chest. Feel the coolness of the air entering you and bringing in pure energy, filling you more each time, then the warmth as you exhale the 'dirty' negative energy from your body. After you've been successful at this a few times then move your focus to an object or an image.

If you try to meditate every day you will eventually get quicker, more successful and more comfortable with it, and you'll find the things that work best for you. Also, if at various times during the day you find a couple minutes to just take a time out you can do a short breathing exercise like what you would do to start meditating, only the purpose is just to calm and center yourself rather than go into a trance.

Post by Rellah »

I'm the type of person who falls asleep whenever I try to meditate. (I really like sleeping.) To try to get my mind to wind down but not shut off, I had to come up with visualisation techniques. The one that works best for me is a breathing/visual technique.

Get comfy in your spot--don't worry about posture or anything, just be comfortable. You'll probably find that the clearer your mind becomes, the straighter your spine becomes as well. (Or maybe I'm just weird.)

Close your eyes and picture something you find peaceful and gorgeous. (I generally go with a forest scene--you'll see why in a second.) Inhale deeply, but slowly. As you inhale, imagine you are breathing in all of the colours of the vision in your mind. Feel the wind carrying those colours into your body (my leaves flutter towards me when I inhale) and traveling through your body, rooting you to the elements around you.

Exhale slowly as well. As you exhale, imagine your breath is breathing the colours back into your vision. (Here, the trees sway away from me as they are painted with my breath.)

It usually only takes me three inhales/exhales to ground, take root, and center. After that, I'm ready to do just about anything, even if it is just falling asleep!

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Post by Sercee »

Wow, awesome visualization!

Post by Rayne »

I agree, that is a fabulous visualization! I am another one who has trouble turning off the mind. And sometimes if I am not careful with the breathing technique I get a little dizzy.

Post by Rellah »

I don't remember how I came up with that. It could have been a combination of things I've read and heard in circles, it could be one of those things that just kinda came to me. I'm still not sure. I do know it's the only thing that can keep me on track without making me either stress about being on track or fall asleep instantly.

(Now if only I could figure out how to fall asleep instantly when I want to!!)

Post by Rayne »

What about the one were you consturct your mental alter? Does that work for any of you? I always end up making lists of things I need for my real alter.
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Post by Sercee »

LOL That's a dangerous one for me! I'm the same way, I end up sitting there going 'and that would be cool, and I need one of those, ...'

Post by Matthew »

I was taught that the mind wanders to find the answers. Let it do so and acknowledge what you see. In time it will calm and you'll become aware of you're surroundings and yourself.

Post by Jeanne84 »

Yeah, at first I almost gave up because my patience was running thin. But, out of sheer stubbornness and one amazing vacation I can turn off my thoughts (kinda like a light switch) and visualize my perfect place. It took YEARS, though the results are most definately worth the wait!

Post by Fintroll666 »

i read a site that tells u to visualise ur problems and thoughts being placed into a box or container of some sort and then picture it being locked and pushed out of ur sight. this works for me. i also read that u can stare into the center of a candle flame which also seems to work.

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