piatniks zigeunerkarten

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piatniks zigeunerkarten

Post by Lamaria »

i have those for years.they were my grandmas.i have nothing about them but i'd like to learn to do with them and can't find anything that could help me.sooo if anyone could help me...thank you!
http://www.roeesoteric.com/Karten/Karten.htm (2nd picture)
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Post by Eretik »

My German is non existant, [ if it's Dutch, sorry but I don't speak that either] so I can't follow what the link says. There is a topic on 'which tarot deck is yours?' in the for everyone section, it has a link to a site with lots of decks, this may help you with details of your deck. A general book on Tarot could be helpful too, is yours a standard deck with 78 cards?

Post by Lamaria »

no it's not a standard deck...iz has 36 cards so...
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Post by Eretik »

May be it's what's called an 'oracle deck'. If I see anything in my travels, I 'll come back, sorry I can't help more. It looks good , from the picture - detailed artwork.

Post by Lamaria »

i'm not into tarot very much, but i'd like to learn more and since i have only this deck i wanted to learn about it...if i don't find anything about it, i guess i'll just have to buy some new deck:).
thank you!
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Post by Sobek »

you shouldnt buy a new deck if its that one you wish to use. you seem to have related it to tarot so you could atleast attempt it to relate to the major arcana, its not uncommon for readers to use only the major.

Post by Lamaria »

the thing with those cards is that i just can't get rid off them.they are always near me.
since i was a kid i would always come across them somehow.
they were my grandmas, and all these years they were around without any box or something that would keep them together and yet there's none of them lost or broken or something.so, i'm just attracted to them:).
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Post by Eretik »

Can you post pictures of the full set? It may be helpful. It would seem to me, that the cards are attracted to you too. They have a history in your family, that is special. You can do 'attunement' exercises with them, to get a feeling for them, handle them, look at the images, meditate upon them etc. See what you feel and note it down. A book on oracle cards may be good as it may show you how to work with these cards, or using them like major arcana, as Sobek said , may be just as good.

Post by Lamaria »


well this is the only site about this deck and it's on german so...that's a problem.i do study german, but it's hard and i'm still not very fluent.
just scroll down and you'll se cards.pictures on them are from everyday life.i'll try to find anything about them on english...
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Post by Sobek »

ok, i looked at several of the pictures and alot of the actually resemble tarot cards and some even share the name, such as the death card, each card has like 6 languages or something on them, i think they could be decently adapted,
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Nice Cards!

Post by jcrowfoot »

Personally, I think they look pretty self-explanitory. It looks like the kind of deck that you would do a three card reading with to see about hidden influences or "what stuff do I need to know?" They seem to relate to every day experiances, rather than spiritual stuff, for the most part.
I think you have a unique opportunity to make them into your own divination tool: from experiance. This does mean it will take work.
Hopefully that won't deter you. They are lovely cards.

This is how I'd work with that deck under your circumstances.
First, get a notebook especially for working with that deck.
Then, do less than 5 readings with them every day, and write down the cards and what you think they mean. It might be helpful to have a diary where you write down what's going on in your life, as well. Write down any feelings you get from specific cards when working with them, especially if they combine to have specific meanings. Unlike the Tarot, where one card can say a lot, these seem to have a limited range of meaning individually, and are probably stronger in combination.

You can also just combine the cards to tell a story several times.
I have found this a useful technique for cartomancy systems in general.

Why less than five readings? Well, it's up to you, but I find that doing more than that, even as a dry run, can add up to frustration and confusion.
[Ebony Rose]
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Post by [Ebony Rose] »

Sorry this is a late reply and perhaps you have already figured this out by now. but here's a link giving all the meanings for the piatniks zigeunerkarten http://www.vaylinor.de/index.html?zigeuner.htm
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Post by [ravenwing] »

Lamaria, that deck is actually called 'GIPSY Zigeuner Wahrsagekarten' and there are two versions-

One is 36 card oracle deck and the other is a 52 card 'Art Deco" version of the same deck. Neither one of these included the instruction booklet.

If you have the 36 card set, you might want to buy the "Lenormand Oracle Cards". Theyre inexpensive, but the important part is that these oracle cards match the ones you have and come with a book, and the meanings in this book are exactly the same as you would use for your deck - card for card. There's also a version of this deck to match your 52 card set as well if you have that.

I can special order these if need be for you although it could take as long as 4 weeks to obtain them.

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