Regret casting black magick spell - need help

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Regret casting black magick spell - need help

Post by lisa2712 »

A few days ago I tried a few simple spells I found online for banishment (of someone I live with who has been giving me a lot of problems for the past 2 years), and some wish spells (wishing to get this person I live with to move out of our house and live with friends). They were so easy and simple I didn't think they would do anything. These are the first spells I've tried. Since trying them everyone who lives in this house (2 other people besides me and the person I want to get to move out) have been very fatigued and tired (they keep saying "what's wrong with me, why am I so tired"), everyone's in a bad mood and fighting over nothing (normally they never fight), and I've also been feeling depressed since then, and also naseaous, weak, and sick to my stomach all the time. Even my cats are in an unusually bad mood. It's like I messed up the energy in this house. I feel bad that the 2 other good people who live here are suffering because of a spell I did, that I thought would only affect me and the person I want to get to move out. I want to get things back to normal again. I tried burning sage throughout the house today for cleansing but that didn't seem to make any difference. If anyone has any advice on spells or anything I can do to get the energy in this house back to normal and reverse or un-do these undesired and unexpected effects from these spells I tried, I'd really appreciate it, I really need help with this.

Thank you for any help
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Re: spells- need help

Post by LaFiamma »

lisa2712 wrote:A few days ago I tried a few simple spells I found online for banishment (of someone I live with who has been giving me a lot of problems for the past 2 years), and some wish spells (wishing to get this person I live with to move out of our house and live with friends). They were so easy and simple I didn't think they would do anything. These are the first spells I've tried. Since trying them everyone who lives in this house (2 other people besides me and the person I want to get to move out) have been very fatigued and tired (they keep saying "what's wrong with me, why am I so tired"), everyone's in a bad mood and fighting over nothing (normally they never fight), and I've also been feeling depressed since then, and also naseaous, weak, and sick to my stomach all the time. Even my cats are in an unusually bad mood. It's like I messed up the energy in this house. I feel bad that the 2 other good people who live here are suffering because of a spell I did, that I thought would only affect me and the person I want to get to move out. I want to get things back to normal again. I tried burning sage throughout the house today for cleansing but that didn't seem to make any difference. If anyone has any advice on spells or anything I can do to get the energy in this house back to normal and reverse or un-do these undesired and unexpected effects from these spells I tried, I'd really appreciate it, I really need help with this.

Thank you for any help
Lots of people get sick this time of year. I don't know where you are, but in much of the US, the weather has been really wonky for the last few weeks, which does a number on people's immune systems and moods, and can also affect animals. I'd be far more willing to bet that people have a case of "what's going around" than the results of a spell wishing for someone to move out gone wrong. it's also very likely that your own feeling sick may be related to feeling guilty that you think you've made everyone else sick.

Cleansing doesn't always have immediate effects, and if all you did was wave some burning sage around, it's going to take more than that to clear out conflicts that have been existing for a while.

You might want to start with doing some work for peace, harmony and conflict resolution.
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Post by [ravenwing] »

It could be that youre actually missing the spell doing its work. (Remember, spells can be funny things are give you your results in a way you might never have thought of).

Think a moment about this possibility -- could it be that your spell is making life in your house completely unbearable so that the person you wished to have leave does so on his/her own?
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Post by Sobek »

ravenwing could be right there, you should atleast give it some time to see where its going.

Post by Istaqa »

:) Perhaps both are right. Things do happen in unexpected ways. It wont hurt to drink plenty of fluids get a good dose of vitamin C and rest.
If you add a little lavender to the sage you can lift people moods a little as well and if they do get sick help them rest.

No matter what a valuable lesson
2 other good people who live here are suffering

Post by lisa2712 »

I'm sure these experiences aren't from us being sick. I know they're caused from the spells I tried.

I know spells often have unpredictable and unexpected results, especially for someone who doesn't have experience casting them, and this could be the unexpected results of the spells. I didn't think it would affect anyone besides me and the other person. I hope these effects will fade as the month moves along.
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Post by Sobek »

well in a sense, it's using a "natural" conduit to fulfill the purpose, irritable people are more likely to conflict, conflict can often end up with someone leaving, i would doubt the spell would make him one day up and leave for no apparent reason if all you did was a banishing

Post by lisa2712 »

I did 3 wishing spells, 1 banishing, and 1 spell for her to move out of our house, the one I found on this site (where on a piece of paper I write her name 9 times , outside of a picture of a house with an X thru it, put the paper in a bottle, pour in vinegar, and bury it in the earth- I don't have access to a body of water so I buried the bottle instead). 2 days after doing this spell, when the problems began with everyone who lived here, I dug it up, poured out the vinegar, and tore up the paper and threw it away, but it didn't make a difference.
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Post by [ravenwing] »

lisa2712 wrote:I did 3 wishing spells, 1 banishing, and 1 spell for her to move out of our house, the one I found on this site (where on a piece of paper I write her name 9 times , outside of a picture of a house with an X thru it, put the paper in a bottle, pour in vinegar, and bury it in the earth- I don't have access to a body of water so I buried the bottle instead). 2 days after doing this spell, when the problems began with everyone who lived here, I dug it up, poured out the vinegar, and tore up the paper and threw it away, but it didn't make a difference.
OK, I dont want to sound the least bit rude because I am not trying to be....but answer this for me:

Where in the above statement to you see ANYTHING done to protect others within the realm of the spell? In addition, where is there anything said about HOW you want the spell to get her to move?
My point is, you didnt specify it -- therefore you left it wide open as to HOW the spell would work, or what energies would be used. My opinion is, the spell is doing EXACTLY what you told it to do -- making life unbearable for this person -- but its doing it in a way you didnt predict, by making the HOUSE unbearable for anyone, including you, and all your roomies. You cant undo this by "undoing the spell" either. The only solution is another spell to reverse the effects of this one. Spells arent something that you "turn on and off". They are actions that produce results. Once the action is taken, the result will occur. Now if youre dissatisified, then you have to deal with the situation as it is NOW, and forget about going backwards --- thats not going to work.

Post by spiralwind »

I think all these posts are right to the point...I add also my experience of doing a few wish spells close together. It made me get sick, I did them when fairly experienced--about my 3rd or 4th year of learning Wicca. These were wish spells using the Moon, east direction, Hecate (name of power), white or silvery colors, wish herb (Dandelion) which is much different than good fortune spells using Jupiter colors to the west.

Did I get sick? Yes, headach, there was still some people getting the flu at the time also. I wondered myself if the wish spells were in conflict making me feel bad. Now that you have mentioned it, I'm sure of the possibility.

I never had a problem until using them for a controlling purpose. So, since that time I leave wish spells alone. I'm sure there isn't any harm in doing just one in a wishful way.
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Post by Sobek »

"I did 3 wishing spells, 1 banishing, and 1 spell for her to move out of our house"

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Post by Eretik »

Has the house been checked recently for Carbon monoxide safety? Here houses in multiple occ. [student digs] etc. have to have regular safety checks for this etc. Poisoning can cause symptoms like that. I probably sound paranoid, but eliminate the physical before assuming the magickal.It's a bad time of year for viruses etc. too. You were way to general, what if this IS your magick working? Maybe you 'll all fall out and leave - vis a vis - you get what you want but not how you wanted or expected it? I 'm with Sobek, overkill. Do you have anything of the charm or ingredients where you can retrieve them? If so, try uncrossing your intent, i.e. work the rituals in reverse back to the start and store or destroy parts seperately. Or find reversals, rites of undoing[ not to knowledgable on that, maybe someone knows of these?] I tend to keep physical items of rituals for the Month following casting, which I don't do very often, but I go for the bag and box type stuff, makes it easier should I need to change or reverse. You should take time to think and keep notes , helpful again, if you need to make changes.

Post by lisa2712 »

No, I didn't do anything to ensure the spells couldn't cause harm to anyone, I didn't know I was supposed to with these spells. With the 'Move Out' spell how could I have ensured that the spell couldn't cause harm to anyone? I was vague with the spells, my wishes only were for her to move out of our house and live with friends. I only mentioned her name in the spells so I thought the spell would only affect her and me.

These are the wish and banishment spells I tried:

1- writing my wish on the back of a bay leaf, and keeping it in a box
2- writing my wish on a piece of paper, folding it 3 times, adding 3 bay leaves, folding it 3 more times, and putting it in a place where it can't be disturbed
3- drawing a large pentacle on a sheet of paper, writing my wish inside the middle of the pentacle, and burning it, visualizing my wish coming true

Banishing spell- writing her name on a small piece of paper, putting it in a cup, pouring water over it and freezing it

I don't think the house has ever been checked for anything, but I doubt it's from anything else other than the spells I tried.

I have the bay leaves from the wish spells, but that's all.
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Post by Eretik »

I use bay leaves often, there are posts from me scattered all over the forums concerning I never use them to 'name' or personalise, at it's magickal strongest bay is a purge. Way too strong for this intent. I am thinking you could work with the leaves you have, keep them and the undisturbable charm, I 'd reverse it [rewrite the paper with a blessing/goodwill charm] and place it with the other one, but make it'overwrite' the previous charm. Exactly how to do this,well, I need to go look up some stuff. I think Hoodoo may have some answers, uncrossings are a feature in Hoodoo, which is a belief system I respect deeply. You could smudge again, using a diff. herb,more suited to your specific problem, that is something I 'm not sure on, also, I use lavendar if I smudge, it represents Air, fresh air may help clear things up? I'll see what I can find.
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Post by juliaki »

Unfortunately, this is one of those cases where you'll just have to let a spell run its course and take the lumps as they come.

Bay leaves can be useful for warding off enemies, but because bay leaves have a sharp edge, it is very common for the person utilizing the spell to get "sliced up" energetically. (Generally, that would be part of a working that I'd do when I wouldn't mind getting my hands a little messy, which is not often due to my strict code of ethics.)

But of more concern, it sounds like you've got conflicting spells going on. Freezing someone in water the way you've done prevents them from this case, prevents them from leaving.

Good rule of thumb... be specific in spells unless you have a good reason not to, because the universe will take the path of least resistance. If you simply put out there that you didn't want to live with this individual, it might be easier to get you to end up not being in that house (through a willfull move or something more long-term harmful to you and those around you) than it would be to get that person move, especially since you've magickally prevented them from leaving.

Like I said...going to need to let these run their course, however.
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