Candle colour

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Candle colour

Post by Adularia »

I made some nice beeswax candles and now i want to make some with different colours....can anyone please recommend any websites (UK preferably) where I can get dye or whatever is needed for colouring candles? :D
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Well, I know Candlewic is very good for that sort of thing, but I think they are a US Company. I've had very good results from them, and they have the cheapest prices for dye around... and really good quality stuff.

Some UK people I found:

This page might help, too.

I found these results by going to google and typing in "candle wax UK".

Also, here's some instructions for making poured candles... in fact I learned a few things from it. You can use plumber's putty for stopping up the hole at the bottom of the mould... I was busy being robbed by
the candle-maker's supply houses over putty for that job. :-)

A few tips, from a candle-making witch:

1. If you want to dye beeswax, you should use white beeswax, because the natural yellow color really messes with your results. Black winds up becoming a nasty shade of green, etc. If you want to add a little red to see what kind of orange you'd get, work in really small batches at first, in floating food tins first so you can see what kind of color you get.

I used to do this for proofing newly purchased candle wax, or when making chancy experiments with color or scent. The idea is to make just enough to fit into one votive candle... And you can wire a handle onto the food tin by drilling two holes just under the lip of your food tin and putting uncoated coat-hanger wire through the holes to make a handle both to be able to handle the tins while hot, *and* so you can hook it over the edge of the pot so it stays upright and floating. I also put a piece of brick in the bottom so it has something to sit on if it gets heavy and wants to sink.

2. Adding *some* regular paraffin wax to the mixture before you mould will actually get you better burning results. I'd say %30 paraffin and the rest beeswax is a good blend, but you should experiment. Also, you can use a more normal sized wick for that candle.

If you decide NOT to do this, then you will want to use a larger wick, say one size larger than is usually recommended by the manufacturer. If this doesn't work, then try one again larger. The problem is, that with a normal sized wick the candle doesn't burn all the way to the edge and has a tendency to suffocate itself. This can be bad if you plan to use the candle for spell casting!
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Post by Adularia »

Blimey I just had a look on the Candlewic site and it's so cheap! Plus there is heaps of colouring blocks, dyes etc on there! That's really helpful thanks so much for your time :D
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Post by Syndica »


i got my candles at "where feries live" shoppe where very cheap even for the silver and gold candles. :)
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Post by Twisted_Pixie »

I just use crayons to colour my candles... =)
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