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so close...

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:33 pm
by Zero_TheBenevolent
i spent about three hours practicing astral projection. i could feel my body tingle after awhile before it started to go numb. a little while later i felt myself starting to rise, but it just felt so weird and i collapsed back into my body. grrr :evil:. after that i tried a few more times. every time i started to go numb it'd feel like there were bugs crawling on me (not a tingly sensation, more of a tickley one, like tiny legs on my skin) and it'd break my concentration. every time i ruled it out as my imagination (which i know it was) i'd feel the sensation on another part of my body. i never got as close as i did the first time, but i know this is a big step for me in achieving an OBE :D

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:42 pm
by Sum1Got2
:] like I said- I believe in you. You'll get it- who does the first time? ly.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 6:51 pm
by Peregrine
I want to practice this again so much. It reminds me of when I started experimenting in channeling around 1990. I got similar sensations, almost a numb feeling but also tingly, but not like bugs, more like a breeze blowing over me even though the room was all closed up, and the sensations of floating.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 9:09 pm
by sunstoneleo
Oh yeah, Sephiroth!! Anyways..... I have tried to astral project, I acutally started this 90-day program that comes with a brainwave generator, but i haven't been able to do it for a long time. I have been having a lot of problems in my life lately, so it has been hard to keep up with things. But i did start it, and it still didn't help, but i suppose i would have to actually finish it to succeed in astral projecting.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 12:09 am
by jcrowfoot
I don't think one needs a brain wave generator to OBE. Though it may help.
Practice also works.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 10:36 am
by Revolpathon
i used to mess with brainwave tape's from robert monroe.

they taught me quite allot of technique's to astral project and RV-ing and some other stuff.

i have succeeded in astral projecting quite a while ago now (few months) but i used it without the brainwave tape's to achieve it.

the tingling sensation is something that you can achieve within 10 minute's
just tell your body to fall asleep and when it starts tingling try to focus on that tingling and moving it to your other body parts till your whole body tingle's.

try to familiarize yourself with that feeling and try to make yourself at home with that feeling.

and take it from there, as in use your exit technique that works for you.

hope i helped you some

[edit] learn from my recent mistake and don't spend to much time in the astral plane's at first but build it up.
i can harldy remember anything from my visit when i did that and i slept for almost 2 day's straight after that only to wake up misserably

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 10:29 pm
by jcrowfoot
I think that this is what one calls "elf sickness". One sees dire warnings all over folk lore saying that one shouldn't spend too much time in the spirit world... Thomas the Rymer comes to mind. While sleeping for two days straight isn't the same as sleeping 100 years, one can't help but think that the tale grew by the telling... or as a means to keep the lesson in mind.

I hope you've recovered, Revol!

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:30 pm
by QueenOfTheDamned
It is so hard to astral project. Last time i tried i felt the tingle and then i had a sharp pain in my neck and then it felt like some sort of entity was passing through me. Then i had a stray thought and everything stopped.

But we'll both get it...eventually

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 9:03 am
by XxVampirePuppyxX
ummm just woundering seen ive been told by different ppl seen you have bee nclose do you shut your eyes or close them to do APing

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 9:40 am
by Zero_TheBenevolent
i close mine. pretty sure thats what you're supposed to do, unless you're one of the lucky (in my opinion) who can sleep with their eyes open. for what i assume, when you project you won't have the use of your physical eyes so those will of course stay closed. rambling a bit. anyway, i was kinda wondering that too. when i get that close, i don't know whether i'll suddenly be able to see, having my astral body's eyes open, or whether i have to open them. what i've read is that you obviously won't have access of your nerves or muscles, being out-of-body, so its probably more like...thinking about opening your eyes?

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 1:53 am
by XxVampirePuppyxX
hahah yeha it makes one wounder a bit >.<

but thanks for the help...much appreciated just ive read alot about it but every article or book doesnt mention anything about your eyes being open or closed :? but i shall try it tonight well in 4 hours or so i dunno

thanks for the help =]

Re: so close...

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:01 pm
by AudreyRiverstar
Zero_TheBenevolent wrote: i could feel my body tingle after awhile before it started to go numb. a little while later i felt myself starting to rise, but it just felt so weird and i collapsed back into my body.

I know exactly what you mean! I'd have a weird tingling sensation in my body, and if I concentrated on it I could move it to different areas like my foot or arm or leg, etc. Then it felt like my body was spinning a little bit, and then it felt like something was pushing me up from underneath, like I was rising. But I always get excited at that point and then I collapse into my body. :?