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What’s your favorite oil brand to use in spells?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:30 pm
by Mozelle Ellis
I'm new and I've used the searched to see if this topic has been posted before. What is your favorite brand of oil to use when doing a spells?

Personally I use Riva Products. regularly, In addition I do love to wear Attraction by Sun's Eye. I like them is because I see the herbs. But it pleasing to my eyes. Plus I'm just to lazy and inexperienced to make my own oils. Candle making is a task by it's self. A pleasing task, but it does take time.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:48 pm
by jcrowfoot
Hey now, I'm actually pretty lazy myself. :-) I make my own oils, but that's largely because I buy essential oils that come with dropper tops and make my own blends. But my taste in oils is odd, because I am allergic to most artificial scents, so it behooves me to test what I have *and* know whats in the oils and salves I use. Also, I'm a humble tinkerer. I like making my own products more than I like doing the spells! :-)

That being said, I've liked the Naturals line by Sun's Eye. Honest to Goodness little freaking herb bits floating in that oil. Makes me smile. :-)

When I make my own oils, I tend to use both the essential oil and add some leaves of stuff I've either bought or wild harvested. For example, I find it silly to buy cinqfoil since it grows wild around here and is easy to harvest. As an added bonus, is a cantankerous weed and most people would thank me.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 3:57 am
by Eretik
I buy pure essential oils from my local health food store and blend as I go. I bought some oils from an occult store once,but they were hideously expensive,past best and awful -threw them out,learned my lesson.I have heard good things about Anna Riva products,but not used them myself. I tend to pick local herbs/weeds too.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 7:42 am
by Mozelle Ellis
It's good to know I'm not the only one allergic to most oils. The next day after using strong oils. I usually wake up with allergy problems. Face a little puffy. I don't like taking allergy meds on the regular. But when it happens I have to take meds. Maybe I would have less problems if I made my own oils. Can some one tell me the basics for making oils. The books I've read make it sound like you need thousands of flower or bulks of herbs. But I know it can not be true that you all are purchasing that much stuff to make one bottle of oil. The oils that seem like the might be good in the store here are a little expensive as well. I've even seen some that flowed like they were nothing but colored water in stores. No substance to them at all.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 5:46 pm
by jcrowfoot
Those essential oils are formed from complex materials that are sometimes aqueous solutions. They often contain mononeuclaic acids which are classified as oils, and are thinner than water. Depending on their content, "essential oils" can are thinner than water or thicker. If you use vetivert, for example, it is viscus and thick. It almost has the texture of a good balsamic vinegar. Whereas rosemary is thin and watery, and very pale. In fact, it looks like water until you add it to water. However, if you mix rosemary essential oil with water, you will still see the little blobs of oil float to the top. The secret to telling what's real and what's not lies in this. The water test is one.

Second it should smell strongly of what it is, and I mean STRONG. If you are making a small vial of blended oil, you only need two or three drops of essential oil to 10 ml of base or carrier oil to scent it strongly. One, if you like a light touch.

Third, you buy from reputable sources. Food Co-ops tend to carry the stuff, and they tend to carry the real deal. For inexpensive oils, like lemon, you can pay say $4-7 dollars. The mid range is from $10-15 dollars. From there, you can pay as much as $30-50 dollars for a 10-20 ml bottle of the oil. While this sounds like a rip off, remember. You may use five to ten drops total of essential oil for a cup of carrier oil. The stuff lasts a LONG time.

I have a bottle of Vetivert essential oil that's about ten years old at this point. Now many oils go rancid over a period of time. Three years seems to be the limit for floral oils. However, wood/bark/resinous oils tend to last longer, and Vetivert has a tendency to increase in quality as it ages, like a good wine. My bottle of cinnamon oil is just as old, and it's still going strong.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 6:17 pm
by Mozelle Ellis
Mozelle here with another stupid question.
You may use five to ten drops total of essential oil for a cup of carrier oil.
Does this effect the out come of your work that requires a certain oil. Or that's pretty much what we are already buying from some name Brand?

Plus there is the question on essential oil & fragrance oils. If I read correctly somewhere. You can label a fragrance oils as essential oil. Now is there a way to tell other then the price range? Because I could see the reverse happening a high price fragrance oils being passed of as an Essential oil.

Re: What’s your favorite oil brand to use in spells?

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 4:07 pm
by SpiritTalker
I like NOW brand because they come in 1 oz size for a reasonable cost; I also use their vitamins