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Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 7:05 am
by Abren
Do you have to have an Altar because in one book I read said that you should set one up so I did. Then I read another book which said not to because people would figure out that your Wicca and that you should hide that fact, so not to put an Altar up. I was hoping some more experienced Witches could help me, I don't know any of you Witchcraft as a religion rather then just doing spells (I don't mean that as it sounds) but if anybody can help please let me know.
Also what are people's views on the book which said about keeping your religion if it's Wicca a secret. I think thats slightly silly because people don't think to keep it a secret that their Christian or Muslim or Hindu, so why Wicca?

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 4:09 pm
by moonlit
I know.. I think it is crap that some wiccans have to hide there religion.

I say.. If your parents or whatever are cool with it.. set up an alter... if they arent or dont know.. dont set up an alter or set one up where they wont find it. just my opinion.

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 6:18 pm
by GenevieveDawn
I keep all of my altar supplies and candles, oils, etc. in a big box hidden in a closet and then drag it out when I do a spell and then set it all up. I actually use the coffee table in my living room. I just make sure I wipe it down with salt water first. If I didn't have people dropping by that I didn't want to see my altar (like my family) then I would keep one up all the time. Somethng besides the coffee table of course. For me personally, I always set up an altar when I do a spell.
Hope that helps.

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 8:05 pm
by SilverFox*
Well hunnie, I agree it sux having to hide. i dont so my altar is in the back "room" area of my room, and all my candles, etc are in two big organizers(those tall plastic ones u can get from like Walmart)and the altar is an old desk so it had drawers too. If you have to hide it, if you have a good sized(doesnt have to be huge)table it can work fine...and yea, just keep ur "tools" somewhere they cant find them.....hope everything's ok for ya tho hun!

PS. hope no one minds me calling them hunnie/hun cuz its kinda something I've been doing lately...LOL

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 2:31 pm
by morgan
dont hide it, be prowed of it. thats what i say

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 1:05 am
by poetry_princess
yeah, well some people have to hide. i have a friend who's parents would kick him out if they knew he was pagan. its not that he isnt PROUD....its that he doesnt want to be homeless.

anyway.......i have an altar set up in my room.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 4:17 pm
by morgan
i just use a little box with a lock on it, i do whatever i need to do with the alter and put the stuff in the box it works pretty well.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 10:00 pm
by Mommywitch2
I set up an altar if I am doing a spell. With my Kids it would just be impractical to have one set up all the time. I usually use the kitchen table and purify with salt water first...Don't hide it if you don't have to. Be proud of who you are. If it will cause you strife or trouble, though, just be on the safe side and hide your tools when you need to. Good luck!