Bad Vibes?

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Witchy Woman

Bad Vibes?

Post by Witchy Woman »

Does anyone ever get bad vibes when they walk into a house or room or something? Like you get a rush of bad feelings?
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Post by Elven555 »

Yeah, not very often but it happens. It works the same way for really good feelings... that's why I moved into my current house, the vibe was lovely and everyone thought (still thinks) i'm crazy living here because it's so old and is literally falling down.
But I love it.

Aaaaaanyway, it's instinct, gut, 3rd eye, spirit guides, angels, whatever you want to call it, listen to it.
It doesn't necessarily mean that there are evil presences there, although I'm sure sometimes it would, it just means that you're being told (either by yourself or a spirit) to get out.

I find it happens with people more often than it happens with rooms.
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Post by Spell_of_The_Isle »

Most of my "vibe" experiences have also been when I stepped into a certain, usually dark room. Having a natural fear of the shadows and what lurks inside of them, I usually scare myself out of the room. But sometimes there are no reasons for it and I just am like "I'm going to get out of this room."
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Post by Blazewind »

Yes. I do get the feeling of "bad vibes" once in a while. I find though that wiht myself, it not onle happens inside certain rooms, but can occur around soem people or in a certain outdoor area. I have met people who I have simply intantly not gotten along with at all, or who have liked me just fine but at the same time have scared or annoyed the ever loving crap out of me. I have long believed that this happens for two reasons. Either we have know each other in a past live and something went wrong in our realations with each other, or it is writedn in both of our live plans for this lifetime, that for soem reason we not get along.

The only truely stupid question is the one that no one had the nerve to ask.

Post by glindella »

yes, the worst time was walking across the Bridge of Sighs into the old prisons in Venice, Italy. It was horrible, I couldn't breath, I felt dizzy, it was just horrible.
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Post by sunstoneleo »

My boyfriend actually felt bad vibes walking into his apartment yesterday. It was so bad, we had to leave. We had not been in his apartment for like 2 weeks. It was weird, but he swears he has a ghost.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

I lived in an apartment that had a "cursed" kitchen. There just wasn't any better way to put it. Everyone who went into that kitchen felt nasty, even the previous owners, and they didn't even believe in energy! One of them said to me, "you believe in energy, maybe you can fix it."

I wasn't able to fix it permanently. I mean, I could make it better temporarily, but I always had to work hard to make the place welcoming.

Also, my mom's house has nasty vibes to the point that some of my friends won't even go there. When I asked an highly competent energy worker friend how to fix it, she said, "tear the place down and start over. You may want to get rid of the dirt, too..." I was effected adversely by it until I had this strange dream. In this dream, the place was infested with stereotypical, almost cartoonish vampires. My mom started screaming at me to get rid of them. (I didn't live there anymore) I told her NO, then the house shook... The house was just... swallowed by the swampy soil underneath. Once I woke up from the dream I was able to ignore the bad vibes. Go figure.

The really bizarre part of this dream is that I'd had it repeatedly before, and every time I tried to fix the problem, the vampires just "killed" me in the dream. It wasn't until I said "NO" to fixing the problem that the vibes stopped bothering me.

Post by twilight »

Last year I was buying a bed, and walked into a shop and had to leave, it just had such an awful feel about it.

Apart from that I normally want to cry in old buildings.

Post by kiaza »

On the flip side I have felt those really good vibes. Years ago I was looking at homes to buy. I went to one house where literally I had a wave of warmth, comfort and peace come over me the moment the door was opened. I wish I could have bought that house :(

Post by dancinhamster »


I believe that it is a basic human instinct.
We have all had 'gut' feelings about people and places - and most of the time these feelings prove to be right.

When looking around houses we all pick up on atmospheres - whether they are uncomfortable or happy. As a paranormal investigator I have gone to certain places and felt the hair on the back of neck prickle before I've heard that the location is allegedly haunted.
That said - there is an overwhelming amount of evidence to show that faulty wiring and low-frequency sound can affect us. They produce the feeling of being watched, temperature changes, general uneasiness, and the sensation of being touched.

Hammy x x x

Re: Bad Vibes?

Post by meaghann »

Witchy Woman wrote:Does anyone ever get bad vibes when they walk into a house or room or something? Like you get a rush of bad feelings?

I got this to, that is usually because you are very sensitive, One time we visit with school our cityhall and we came in a sort of office and I felt so bad in it, it felt so weird, a very dark place who liked pressed on my, its hard to explain.
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Post by Suppose; »

My house is overrun with bad vibes.

= (
It gets so bad I feel like I'm suffocating.

I'm very prone to feeling vibes. I'm sensitive to "general atmospheric emotions" as a friend put it once.

I love my family, but that's why I can't wait to turn 18 and move out. For my own mental safety. :(
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Post by JacklynSnyder1o1 »

I get bad vibes when I enter a dark room. I feel like something is in it just waiting to swoop down on me and either kill me or lock me in.

I also get bad vibes about people. I don't think it means that they are bad people just that they have a dark side in them. (That sounded so dorky)
In light,
To feel like
Feeling like a teargas
Which slides like an hybrid emotion
To feel like
Feeling like a teargas
Which hurts like artificial love

Post by BunnyGurl »

ANYTIME I have a bad feeling something bad is going to happen, it does happen. Like my car will break down or i'll lose something important or someone will get hurt. I wish I knew how to channel this energy so I could figure out what EXACTLY the bad feeling is trying to tell me....
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Post by [Enlightenment] »

Yeah, it's kind of like your gut instinct, and I always trust that and any good/bad vibes I get, as 99% of the time they're right :wink: I'm brilliant with it with books on Amazon, I don't even have to read the reviews or anything, I will just look at the name and cover and will know if it's the one lol. I'm very rarely wrong. I'm not as good at this when it comes to buying books from my local New Age/Pagan store because of other people around me, walking into the shop, etc. it throws me off scent slightly, I'll start to pick up their energies and then can't focus properly on the books, it's strange :!:
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