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Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:58 am
by Arcane
Obama just won the Iowa Caucus lol. Hes the man for the job u bet. OBAMA 08!!!!

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:50 am
by elemental_13
I'm not much of an Obama fan. I like Edwards but sadly I don't think he's going to get too far.

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 12:59 pm
by Revolpathon
i think that obama guy is compared to martin luther king, thanx to that speech he gave when it was anounced he had one.

luckily the election's in the state's hardly get news coverage here :P

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:32 pm
by [ForestWitch]
I'm pretty excited about Barack Obama's candidacy myself. I'm tremendously impressed with the number of first time caucus participants he brought out. If he can energize the whole country that way it should be something to see. I would compare him to JFK in that respect.

I'll vote for Obama in the primary, but I have to admit that I like Edwards. I wonder whether Obama might approach Edwards about being his running mate if he wins the nomination.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:59 am
by Wolf Heart
I'm all for Edwards. However if Obama were to opt Edwards as his running mate, then I would most deffinetly vote for Obama, those to would make a great team I think. Obama is my second choice.

No offense to Hilary, but I just don't really see her being a great president. Bill did a good job (except for the whole Monica thing) but otherwise he did great.

The only problem I have with Obama is his years of expierence, it seems as though everyone else has had more years than he does. Not sure if this would affect his being president, but it could.

P.s. I think anyone would be better than our current president, so I'm not too picky, lol.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:10 pm
by [ForestWitch]
Wolf Heart wrote:P.s. I think anyone would be better than our current president, so I'm not too picky, lol.
Ain't that the truth? I'd be okay with any of the Democratic candidates and I think all the Republican candidates would be better than Dubya's been. Although Huckabee's win in Iowa scared me a bit because I think we're already too close to a Christian theocracy in this country.

Issue for issue, I should be an Edwards supporter. There are a couple of issues where I don't really agree with Obama, but to me it's not just a matter of lining up issues - it's also whether I think he can seriously get things done. Obama has a history of not burning bridges with Republicans and his charisma is off the charts, so I think he'll be more effective in implementing his ideas than Clinton or Edwards would be.

I tell you what, though - as gracious as Obama and Edwards were to each other in last night's debate and as smoothly as they tag-teamed against Clinton, I'd just about bet that, one way or another, they're looking to be a team.

I'm old enough to remember Jimmy Carter's presidency. From the perspective of 25 years later, his ideas were amazing if not downright prescient, but he had no leadership or charisma at all and thus will go down in history as one of our most ineffectual presidents. I agree that Bill Clinton was an excellent president in many ways, although he was pretty centrist for my taste. I'd sure love to see a real Democrat with some real leadership take office. I've been waiting a long time for it.

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 3:22 pm
by LawrenceDreaming
Yeah, I like Obama quite a bit, his vision for america is just so inspiring. I mean Hillary is alright, but I hope he wins the nomination.