What attracted you to Wicca?

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Post by stormer89 »

for me a lot of it was my love of nature and animals.
the more i read, the more intrigued (dunno if thats spelled right) i was.
everything about wicca and/or pagan just seemed to fit perfectly with my intrests and personality.
blessed be.
peace and love and blessed be
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Re: What attracted you to Wicca?

Post by LaFiamma »

lbstar26 wrote:and he also told me that in order to accurately read tarot, the deck has to be given to me from someone who feels like i have a "psychic" ability.
This is utter nonsense. If you want a deck, go buy yourself a deck, it's only going to prevent you from learning and using it properly if you think it will.

That said, it's impiortant to keep in mind that not everyone is going to work with every deck. i actually was talking about this on another thread recently...I'll try to find the post and link to it so that I don't have to type it all out again.

I'm trying to do research online, but I don't understand the connection between wicca and tarot. [/quote]

They're not really connected per se. it's like any other means of divination, some Wiccans use tarot some don't.

lbstar26 wrote: So i guess to better phrase my question, what is it that attracted you to wicca and these beliefs?
No one here can answer that. Only you can. What attracts you to Wicca?
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Re: What attracted you to Wicca?

Post by LaFiamma »

http://www.everythingunderthemoon.net/f ... ght=#65741

Here's the post I was referring to. In it, I'm talking about how tarot is a personal thing, and how you might be able to read really well from one deck and get absolutely nothing from another, I also list some of the decks I've worked with and the sortt of experience I had with each one, to give an idea about how varied it can be.

There's also a link to what i consider to be the best tarot site on the net.

hope that helps.
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Post by Ashe »

For me it is the inner peace i'am finding. I grew up with the whole christian backround. To me it kinda seemed like free will was not really anywhere in it. Eiher you did or didnt and if it was against the bible (most anything is) its worng and your a bad person. I hated that! With wicca I decide who it is i pray to, what is acceptable and what is not. I feel much more at peace and in charge of my own life. Things i was afraid to do before are less scary now (like making it on my own without help from others). Anyway as far as feeling drawn yea i feel it to. The people on here are great and i'm still learning but i know i can turn here for help. I really hope you find your way! :) Blessed Be!
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Post by Eretik »

Hehe.Absolutely nothing.I am not Wiccan.Fair question, but it excludes a lot of our members.Perhaps what attracted you to Paganism/Occult would be more representative?lol.

We have numerous Tarot threads in 'Divination' including one on the'superstitions' of/related to deck aquisition.LaFiamma recommended a fantastic site.Aeclectic tarot.I'll link it in a mo.


The site has a forum,for questions etc.you may find it helpful.
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Post by [Obsidian] »

Hehe, Eretik is out local heathen lol. I got into wicca because of the following reasons:

1. I like the idea of the divinity that is not anthropomorphised because it is too vast for us to comprehend. It makes sense to me that we would anthropomorphize certain aspects of this divinity to create gods. The christian idea of god never made much sense to me.

2. The idea of karmic debt (not the bhuddist one) was something I had unknowingly always followed, since I was a kid.

3. The idea of reincarnation makes intrinsically sense to me. The idea of the summerland does too. When I read that in one of the many books I have read I was on the way to Georgia and had stopped for lunch. I still remember that instant very well. I read it and though to myself "That's it! For some reason I just know that's true!"

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Post by [AmberRose13] »

I totally agree that having to wait for someone to give you your tarot cards is a bunch of hooey. If your friend thinks he is so intuned maybe he should get them for you, lol. My best advice is to buy them in person. A lot of people are buying their cards on the web today. I don't really understand this.... how do you get to feel connection to the deck to then purchase it? But maybe its like doing a reading over the phone or internet. A lot of people can do it really well. I can't I have to feel the energy and see them, or atleast have a photo.
So, go to a store, find a deck that speaks to you and a good tarot book. Sleep with the cards under your pillow for a while. And then, just experiment!

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Post by [EarthWitch] »

I am not wiccan, but close to wiccan, with several other things mixed in....I was drawn to this path. I feel strongly about nature, herbalism, and that each soul possesses a unique energy that can be used to the betterment of all, if one so chooses. It is a relaxing peaceful way of life, a connection to the earth and to others that I cannot explain. I have found my peace in the God and Goddess.
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Post by Wolf* »

I'm with Eretik, absolutely nothing. But I was drawn to paganism and the occult in search of knowledge and hoping to find something that made more sense than the Abrahamic religions (not like thats hard anyway).

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Post by Eretik »

Hi Wolf.Love the new avatar. I guess I could answer the question,only from a non Wiccan perspective,of course.lol. I never believed the religion I was taught.Christianity never made any sense to me and everything has to make sense for me,for me to believe in it.It was devoid of spirituality for me,I never 'connected' and when I began to read on other cultures and belief systems,I moved further away from what I was taught.Archeology /History/Mythology opened my eyes to other paths and exposed many inconsistencies in the Abrahamic faiths.
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Post by [Obsidian] »

I'm in it mostly for those hot high priestesses that worship skyclad hehe


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Post by Tymar »

I am not wiccan,
But on a more open ended question, i found my spirituality / paganism
by finding opportunities around me, leading me in the direction, if it was either leading me to read on the subject, or just spark my interest to get me past my fears of delving into it the subject more.. :D
Till i found it touched me deep inside and it answered so many questions that were haunting me since i was a child..

BB Tymar
BB Tymar..

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Post by [EarthWitch] »

Obsidian wrote:I'm in it mostly for those hot high priestesses that worship skyclad hehe


that's a scream! hehe
...not all who wander are lost... (tolkein)

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Post by [Obsidian] »

I could have added something about the great rite but I thought that would be tasteless :lol:

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Post by Makbawehuh »

I've always been something of a research hound and, once I was free of a household where I was allowed to read nothing but textbooks and the Bible, I read everything I could get my hands on. I ran across Wicca first, because it's what's got the most publicity, but paganism in general followed quickly behind on my list of things to study...

Somewhere along the line I ran across the Principia Discordia, and my life hasn't been the same since.
~St. Makupuff the Awesome~

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