Spirit guide...angel? not sure

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Spirit guide...angel? not sure

Post by ForestNight »

about 2 years ago, i had a feeling that something was always around me, always with me. it had feelings and a color....the color was red, but it wasn't an aura it seemed more like wing colors to me...well whenever i felt sad it seemed like whatever this was it was helping me not be be sad.....but at times i felt it's sadness....i got a name from it....however it's not a name it told me..i just knew what to call him (it?). also certain things i just knew, that i know i could never have come up with myself.

1) am i crazy
2) what could it be?

i haven't exactly been "feeling" him around lately...and i kind of miss the feeling...i don't know if i made him go away or...?

wondering people's views on this

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Re: Spirit guide...angel? not sure

Post by ATraveller »

ForestNight wrote: 1) am i crazy
Does it matter? If you were crazy (were, since this feeling seems to have gone away now), then wasn't it a good kind of crazy?
ForestNight wrote:2) what could it be?
If you read about ceremonial magic, then they claim that we all have a guardian angel, or a higher self. However, that being is very elusive and hardly something you come into contact with out of the blue. However, guides are also a well known concept in all magic workings.

There are many things that can happen with such a guide - sometimes you outgrow them. However, in your case I'd guess you strayed apart for some reason.

Now, for the next bit, please keep in mind that I'm a stranger over the net who has never spoken with you, and is basing her impression on this post alone. But the following things spring to mind:

1. Gratefulness - often we think that we're saying thanks, when in reality our mind has already moved on. This is quite natural - the bad stuff is over, and we're just glad to be out.

2. Quid Pro Quo - maybe your guide wanted something from you in return. Are there areas in your life you haven't been paying as much attention as you should have? Typically, I'd guess the occult, but it's up to you to figure out if this is true, and what exactly it might be.

In both cases, an evening of meditating upon the name of your guide and past experiences should do it. Use his name and his colour, relax, and work your way through past interactions with him, up to the present.

Good luck,


Post by ForestNight »

^^ thanks I will try that :D i'll have to do it when the family isn't home though lol

thanks for your help :D

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