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Heka's Random Ramblings

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:29 am
by Heka
Hello everyone and merry meet,

i just decided that itd be fun to start a blog. im sure ive got lots of things to say so yeah. where to start...

i got a tea pot for easter. its a gorgeous thing. i got in adelaide at T bar tea salon and its beautiful. ive been waiting to get it and drink tea. ive got this rather lovely tea caled 'dragon pearl' its a white tea and its nice hot or cold (i dont usually like tea cold) but i have no idea what exactly is in it. but its really cool cos its starts of as little balls and ends up as leaves everywhere in the strainer. quite cool...

i really neeed to do more rituals... ive missed the last, oh, 6 sabbats i think.. and i need to pick up my game cos samhain is coming up(i live in the sourthern hemisphere and have turnd the wheel) and i havent missed a samhain ever since first 2 yrs ago... wow ive been practicing for 2 whole years already!!!.... and i need to do something at yule cos itl be the first aniversary of my dedication to the craft and i feel i need to do something....

i cant beleive ive been practicing for 2 years!!!! ive been dedicated and openly wearing my pentacle and not denying anything for almost a year but i cant believe my first ritual was a whole two years ago... i still remember it to... i snuck out and traced a little circle in the dirt, marked the quarters with crystals and ate an aple infront of a mirror... i also baked soul cakes and took them to the nearest cross road as an offering to Hecate. im quite proud of that first one.

this is weird i dont usually run outa things to say... apparently i talk to much all the time non stop...and now ive run out or things to say....

ill get of now and as soon as i do ill thing of something else to say...oh well

blessings to all and merry part


Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 2:02 am
by Heka
hello again!!

ive actually made this go to two posts!! haha

i didnt end up thinking of anything else to say. got sum things now tho...

im making a website. i wrote about it in members websites or what ever its called. hopefully it works out really nicely. thats my plan anyway.. for any and all who care the url is

theres not much on it at the moment but i plan to have heaps on it soon.

well not much else to say. iv gone and lost another friend. thats 3 in 2 mnths. mayb im doing somehitng wrong. for the first two i requested a reading from tigerlily and got some amazing results but iv gone and lost another friend. mayb theres actually somthing wrong with me??
i try not to think that. i believe im in the right in all cases but mayb not. theres doubt in my mind atm.

but then im a hormonal teenage girl... i can blame it on that haha :P

got nothing mre to report..



Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:48 am
by Heka
hmmm im still having issue with friends. i really only have one good friend here in port and weve been getting annoyed at each other lately. which is crappy cos i cant afford to lose him. hes all ive bloody got.

im a really talkative, loud and fast talking person and its not something i can help. and he was kinda having a bit of a go at me about it. but i cant help it. i really cant

and people at school are calin me 'one and a half people' and im no where near fat. i have a slight pudge in my belly and a fat arse (what chic dont) but im not fat. and definately not more than 1 person. and its getting to me. but the schol is dodgy so not going there for help. plus my friend that ive been having trubl with (lets call him tom for ease) sniggers when they say it. sure its kinda humorus but it still dont make me feel good. i msg him today saying ' itd be nice if sum1 stuck up 4 me for 1ce' andi admit thats rude but he sent bak 'itd be nice if sum1 was thank ful for all i do for them' (hes really been helping me get fit and hes a great friend) but i am thankful!! i really am. i love him for it so much. and i have told him how grate ful i am. i dont know why he doesnt see it

im a bit miserable today...can you tell?? bloody tom (hehe cant believe im calling him tom) your a pain in the arse

lets change it to something good....


omg thet reminded me today of how great the egyptians were and are. ive gotta get back into the egypt stuff. its brillinat. i have an anubis and a bastet statues on my altar. theyr beautiful little black statues. i love them so much. i think i have an affinity with anubis. i loves him as a little kid.

i wonder (hope-with-all0my-might haha) that its some kinda child hood things that kids have. you know like the special abilities etc??

i wish i had some interesting story about my abilities as a child or some amazind story about how i found the craft etc. just not luckyh like that...

i love those sigs that jacklyns making. ive added her to myspace to get one. wat a brilliant idea shes had. love her for that idea.. wonder why she says shes 55 tho haha funny chick.

proly shud go now..



Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 7:35 pm
by Heka
ive just been having a bad week. had a falling out with a realy good friend (things are starting to slowly get on track but theyr taking their time), had issues with a bully which are hopefull sorted out now (how dare he call me one and a half people), got a pretty bad school report, and the blokes at umpiring (im an AFL umpire for my local league) cant organise anything ever. bloody hopeless. just so angry and upset. been really emotional.

this all happened before now but i didnt wanna post straight away cos i dont wanna write something ill regret.

also hopefully making up with another old friend that i had some issues with today which will be good.

and schools finished for the term. two weeks holidays YAY.

i cant wait to get away from port augusta (i go to school in port but technically come from a little country town way up north) i just want my life to be simple.

going to adelaide on monday for study courses. i really need help in maths. YAY shopping!!

now more forum related, im not going to posting for 2 wks cos i will be in my little country town with no internet. if i do some how find a chance i will be lucky. but ill be able to read this book i have on advanced chakras and write some info for my website which will be good.

not to mention massive holiday revision sheets

but i wont be posting for 2 weeks. to all other people on holidays (mostly aussies) have a good holiday!!

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 2:55 am
by Heka

at least to all those fellow southern hemispherians. to u in the north, HAPPY BELTANE!!!

well i had a good holiday. went to adelaide for some year 12 maths studies courses. actually learnt alot. in the 2nd week just stayed at home and work my arse off. realy busy in the restaurant. made myself about 120 $. quite hapy actually

last night (well, this morning) i did a little samhain ritual. ad lib'd the whole thing. just cast circle, elements, deity, ancestors etc etc. concecrated my mala beads, and opened everything back up.

OMG MALA BEADS. i ordered them forever ago and they came a few weeks ago and i went and got em yesterday!!!! wow theyr beautiful. ill post a pic as soon as posible. its so exciting.

that reminds me, ive gotta post pics of me in the members pic section. might start organising that in a minute. i made a photobucket to do it with. shud work out ok.

well must cruise...

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 5:12 am
by Heka
And I'm back.

Life is a piece of shit. School sucks, friends are a pain, sleep is hardly existant and being sick plain sucks.

But I will survive.

I wonder if anyone actually reads this. YO! reply if you do. I'm intrigued. I hardly read anyone elses. la la la la la

I hate it when you can't find the 'sign up' button.

Now somthing more normal..... (OR abnormal)

I dedicated my self to Wicca last Yule, but the more I'm on this forum the more I realise that I'm just a witch employing Wiccan concepts. I'm also getting confused as to what the religious bit in Wicca really is. Or if it's just a more formal form of witch. Hmmmmmm pondering....

Must do more with crystals, mala and runes.....

F*****G STUDY!!!


Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 5:17 am
by SeekerGray
Ha ha! Well then, I'll reply. :D

I also started off in the Wiccan ways, but now I realize that I'm more eclectic than I ever intended to be.

I'm on at the same time again as you. :?

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 5:22 am
by Heka
Bahahaha I knew I could count on you to reply.

(BTW you said that you had a question, was it the magical invisibility or is there something else that I haven't found. PM if you'd prefer)

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 2:53 am
by Heka

Yes I'm crazy.

Did you know I am now a member of like, 5, great forums. And I've gotta some how keep up with all of them. I love Favourites :P

Not much has been happening lately. I'm gonna put some more pics up soon. Managed to get my memory stick adaptor to work. YAY

My boyfriend helped me buy a new memory stick for my phone. I've updated from 512 meg to 2 gig!! WOAH!!

Now my life spiritually.... Hmmm I can't really think of anything. Wait just occured to me now that Yule isn't that far away. I should start thinking. I should also start doing homework.... Hmmm

Better cruise. SOOOO much to do.


Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 9:47 pm
by Heka
Sloooooowwwwly school is working it self out. I'm glad to. Except for the fact that I'm getting up at six!!! ahhhhhh.... but my Boyfriend is helping to motivate me. He gets up at 6 to go for a run. So were motivating each other which is good.

I havn't tried the magical invisibility thing yet. I keep forgetting, not to mention I just plain don't get the time. But I will try soon. Not quite sure exactly what I'm doing but I'm sure I'll work it out.

I want to go to a crystal shop and browse (bahaha browse my arse. Buy more like it haha). I know I've got plenty but that's no reason not to get more.

Oh I'm so excited!!! I'm gonna get my birth chart soon!!! I did some other one and yeah, but I'd much rather see what Chris has done for me. he's such a darl. haha Thanks Chris!!!

Hmmmmmm I think I'm outa things to say for now. Might post back later. I think I've got pictures to post anyway. I can't remember.


Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 2:21 am
by Heka
no one replies to anything of mine now. this isn't fun

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 2:29 am
by Fallen.
I'll reply :D

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 3:23 am
by Heka
haha thanks. it just iv got these interesting (to me anyway) posts and not one person has said anything. oh well

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 1:23 am
by Heka
I hate people. I hate teeenagers even more. f*cking teenagers. I officially have no one to go to the formal with. My last hope just rejeted me. Yep I'm not 'cool'. Fuk ya's all

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 1:46 am
by Heka
Well heres the story. I would have said ignore that last post cos i ended up going date like with a chick friend of mine and a different guy friend, yeah we did the threesome thing.... and it was good... then at the actuallly formal, people still couldnt grow up enough to have a dance with me once in our last formal together ever. dick heads grrrrrr.

anyway, it was my birthday on monday. got quite a fewawesome presents and getting more tomorrow. yay!!!

nothing spritiual to say atm.... maybe later...