Colubra's Serpentine Lair

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Joined: Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:13 am
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Colubra's Serpentine Lair

Post by Colubra »

I've decided to start a blog here. I really want to become more active here again. I think it's important that I stay active in general...inaction does not lead to progress.

To be honest, I don't really care who reads this or what anyone thinks of it, so keep that in mind if you do happen to be reading it. This blog is meant as a means to express my thoughts because in their expression I tend to gain understanding and perspective. Basically, I mean to improve myself.

That's all for now. Nice little introduction.
Posts: 131
Joined: Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:13 am
Gender: Female
Location: IL

Post by Colubra »

I just took basically the biggest test of my entire life as a college student...COMPS. I'm relieved that it's over. Actually, I didn't even really study. Nor was I really concerned at all. But it was still a major test, seeing as you have to pass it to graduate. I know I did well though. I'm just glad it's done and out of the way.

Other than that, I have homework, as usual. I'm currently working on an article about astral projection, a play on a retelling of the Biblical Genesis story, a movie script outline on I-don't-know-what-yet, some movie synopses...I have a midterm next week on medieval literature...and I need to figure out my thesis for my ten page medieval research paper that is going to deal with magick and literature in some way. Fun times.

Also, I have a lot of medical shit going on. I have to see two doctors next week, and then the week after that I am having another cornea transplant.

Anyways, enough about the everyday stuff. Today, my friend Marsha and I went to Witchy Wearables, a metaphysical store, and bought a bunch of stuff. Well, I bought a bunch of stuff lol. I decided to splurge on supplies. I got a couple of black and white candles, a dragon's blood candle, a friendship candle, a dragon candle holder with tea light, a Lilith candle, stones (amethyst, moonstone, bloodstone, serpentine, obsidian, hematite, rose quartz), and oils (dispelling evil and psychic awareness). I love supplies shopping. These will last me a while too. I have a lot of supplies already lol. I was tempted to get a stuffed dragon, but my stuffed snakes are sufficient. :p

On another note, I am very excited to have gotten one of the first 1000 copies of t.A.T.u's new single that is soon to be released because it will be signed and numbered by the band! :D I have it pre-ordered.

Oh, my story The Garden is going to be published in the online magick zine Rending the Veil, and I am also starting to be an editor there.

I am going to need to get a full time editing job soon. I graduate in less than a month. Arg. I have applies a couple of places, but no one has answered yet.

Once I get out of school, I want to work on my writing more. That's really hard to do when you are an English major and have so many writing assignments.

My computer just got a tune-up. I had a new memory card installed. Yay!

I'm really bored right now. I texted a couple of friends using AIM, but they aren't responding. Oh well. I COULD start my homework...I'm kinda lazy though...

Oh, I just got the Playstation game Lunar. I really want to play it, but my system is at my dorm, and I am not going there until Sunday. Blah.

Anyways, that's a very big update on a ton of stuff that none of you really probably care about lol. :p I mean, considering I barely know 98 percent of you. The other two percent...well I don't know where Sobek has been. I miss him. :( That's really it.

I'm feeling pretty good though. A little stressed with mundane life, job, graduating, health...but other than that, I'm peaches and cream. :)
Posts: 131
Joined: Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:13 am
Gender: Female
Location: IL

Post by Colubra »

I'm so tired that I almost feel nonphysical...that kind of detached feeling where your legs won't move because they don't feel like they are a part of you...or maybe this is just some weird thing I get, ha. I tried to sleep, honestly. And I did drift into mini sleeps...but it was more like half-sleep states with little dream/hallucinations. None of them pleasant. Eh.

I'm writing this before I go to an early class. Listening to music. Feeling generally out of it.

I found myself in a horrible mood the past two days. Emotions...they seem to have lives of their own sometimes...PMS is extremely unfun, especially when crampage comes and you have no pain meds left. Ugh.

Haha...I just stood up to get some tea and nearly fell again. Dizzy. It's the period plus the no sleep. I always get so drained and blech during my period to where I just want to sleep all day. And look, I've gotten none.

My attitudes are changing. I mean seriously changing on major topics. I think it's a good thing. The other way of thinking was destroying me. This way of thinking makes me feel stronger and more self-sufficient. I'm just so sick and tired of allowing myself to be hurt.

I'd like to talk about something magickal, but there is nothing going on currently that has to do with that. I haven't even had time to study it. I've been focussing on school.

Well...I mean there is the usual...seeing 22s and 16s everywhere...but that's pretty irrelevant right now.
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