Retroactive Magick

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Retroactive Magick

Post by Colubra »

I'm reading a book called Space/Time magick and it has a chapter on retroactive magick in it. That is, magick used to change the past based on the theories of parallel universes, non-linear time, and the probabilities associated with quantum physics.

Basically, you can do a ritual in which you place yourself in a trance and relive the event you want to change in detail in your mind. Though this time, you do something differently. You need to tap into that time...really BE there...send your consciousness there...and change it. Or in another theory, tap into a parallel universe in which you DID do things differently. After doing so, aspects of your life will be changed.

I am wondering what everyone's opinions on this are.
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Post by Szette »

I'm not really sure what I think about that yet. Its interesting though, kinda got my wheels turning, wondering if that is possible, and if it is can you change things that someone else has done? OR atleast try to? I'm just not so sure that we can really go back in time and change things, and if we go back and change the past, do we also alter our present? Not sure I would want to change my present. I kinda think that my past screw ups have made me who I am today. Although, I would definately like to read that book, to see what it has to say. I'm ready to see what others have to say about this one, too!
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Post by Colubra »

You can only really change what YOU did I believe. And the changes that would affect your present would be more of like a change in perspective. It isn't like you would wake up and have a whole new life lol. That'd be nice. But your changes would then affect others' perspectives as well...the author of the book noted instances of this working.

And of course you have to keep the butterfly effect in mind. One change would most likely affect other things....
The Mystic Pilgrim
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Post by The Mystic Pilgrim »

Honestly, I'm not completely sure that I would want to change the past even if I could. Even with the best of intentions there is no way of knowing what consequences such a thing would be.
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Post by hedge* »

If we were able to change the past but it was done through our perspective then that's just a case of changing our perspectives isn't it?
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