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The Life of Rifts. someone please remove the poll...

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:21 pm
by Rifts
I've been a member for about two days now and thought I'd start a blog, my first blog ever, so be gentle. Feel free to post here on it or pm me.

--Entry 1
Well I guess I'd start with how I've got here, as in that, how & why I decided to be a wiccan. Well it started with a book a year ago, the Sweep series, It was the fist time I have ever heard of Wicca. So then I started looking about 11-10 months ago. and I started looking online and once in a while for information. Then about 5-6 months ago I got a book on Wicca and Witchcraft, called Witchcraft today (funny part it was made in the 80's) and then I stated lookin hardcore status. And in the last two months I had collected a quite of information and facts and, most importantly beliefs. I loved the beliefs, so much more than christianity's, Becuase it had them all and more (except that christ thing, but I LOVE the Nature and earth is divine bit, not like i ever felt it in christianity) everything I thought and believed before was in there. So it was an easy thing to say I want to be a Wiccan (but further investigation shows that there are things like druids and what not so now i have more choices than i thought, and yes I know about the Gardenerian thing and Alexandrian and the rest of them.) But, of course this is easier said than done in my household, full of die-hard christians, unreasonable christians, so yeah it might have to wait a few years, or months/weeks till I get my license and can just find my own spot to practice. For now research continues.

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 9:16 pm
by witch505
You've read Sweep? Me too. Have you read the Balefire series? It's kind of a chick series. But, I really like them.

My split pesonality

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 1:03 am
by Rifts
Hmmm... where to begin on this subject

Well first off It stated when I was 6-8, somewhere in there, I stated Having Really really random and violent thoughts that left me stunned, like where The HECKLEFISH was that from? So for years he would tell me things, bad things usually, smart, but a little unethical things and such that are so not me. Worst pats are the visualizations. I "see" myself doing the things (Gruesome murder spinal rips disembowelments, like zoning out but i see it. & sometimes, rarely like 3 or 4 times i felt it)but until 4 years ago I just knew he was there so i decided to acknowledge him and name him. Currently His name is chronos. so yeah call me weird but it happens ALL the time to me, the zone-out murders that is.

Usually makes me feel violent randomly.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 9:19 pm
by Rifts
I'll guess I'll do this on on friends...

While this is short Becuase I've only had about five Freinds
1. Andrew (3 years)
2. Nathan (8 years)
3. Erwin ( 2 years)
4. Noob (on going)
5. Ohan ( on going

That is pretty much all. dont have many, or need any, i prefer a small group of close freinds

right now i'm drawing the cover of .Hack// legend of the twilight 3 :) YEAS! Its a a great series, but a hard draw:\ though still fun:D

I think theres no point in being sad but thats later

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 12:29 am
by Rifts
I've never got the "being depressed" thing, ever. I have always thought or at least as long as i can remember thoughts on the subject my thinking has been thus: If you got a reason to be happy be happy. If you dont, be happy because you do, trust me. If You have every right to be angry or sad be happy, its better and the universe'll never see it coming :). It's probably why emo's confound me so, they think just the opposite...


Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:13 pm
by Rifts
I got into a wiccan guild for gaia (Yeas!) and its pretty cool. My quest for all beatles music continues. anyway i thought a shirt with a guy with on of those head devices for the drive through that an employee wears saying the voices in my head want a large number two. Well I thougt of the best way to tell my parents that I kinda practiced Wicca behin thhere backs is to not tell them at all. Sorry for the interruption in your bliss, sir you may now continue. XD

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:26 pm
by Rifts
I'm is celebrating my first Imbolc, yeas! this, of course, also marks my first true wiccan holiday. also I officially have no 6th period so everything is friggin' amazing!


Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:49 pm
by Starwitch
I like your blog. :)

Bright Blessings,

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:10 am
by Rifts
Sorry that it has been a while, I usually did this on my phone which broke in half, so... yeah...

Anyways, I went down to Barnes n Noble and picked up 2 more wiccan books: Crafting wiccan traditions and To ride a silver broomstick. Yesterday was th last day that I will run for a school ending a 6 year athletic school career of doing so, mixed motions on that :) :( . Also the most magical device that is an iPod for books. they combined my two favorite things, Technology and Books. It held 80 books and 7,500 continuous pages. Also hate is the stupidest waste of time ever XD. well i also got the book fire bringer because I own his other books and they were pretty amazing so I figured, why not.

Oh yeah If you so happen to be a gamer, my Xbox360 Gamertag is NavySeal980 and maybe we can play a game or too.


Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:47 am
by Rifts
I got this game called Castle Crashers and it is amazing I already got to lvl 38 :D Its pretty dang hard though 0.o. Anyways Dishwasher The Dead Samurai Is out sometime in the next 2 weeks hopefully. Now that is big news for I have been waiting for a year XP. Anyways I'm starting to setup My Imbolc Ritual, I use that name instead of candlemas because I'm Celtic and that's the Celtic name. I'll post it when its all together. It might just have meditating instead of a ritual due to how low key I have to keep it. Well, uh, XD!

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 10:16 pm
by Rifts
Well, its official. I have played Castle Crashers (its a video game) too much. How do I know? Well when I play a game too much I start too HEAR it (only if i listen to the music whilst playing) everywhere and SEE it everywhere, like the menu and levels I've played alot. When Pokemon came out I heard the music for two-three months :shock: ...

Anyway I heard caffeine and stuff like (i.e. junk foods) that can screw up your spiritual flow chakara and such things like that. If that is true its a miracle I could sense energies given how much coke I drink daily. If thats true I'd love to know and how damaging it is.

meanwhile as far books go, i'm a good way in Crafting Wiccan traditions and its pretty frog-lickin' good. Fire bringers good too.

Also if you thin its getting bad with castle crashers, I will dissapear from the face of the earth any day now when Dishwasher The Dead Samurai. .....Just...No..... i've waited a year and have been checking for updates everyday since its temp demo was removed.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:52 am
by Rifts
Well I thought I'd post in the morning because I can. Anyways I'm a senior in High school (I'm 17) and I have no 6th period, so I'm free to leave at 1:10 but I hang out with my friends, so I leave at 1:40. Now As far as books go, If I was able to read those Three books I got some time ago like I used to be able, (had a free hour in 4th) I'd be done. but I can't so its going waaayyy too slow. On the subject of books I take the saying any story worth telling is worth telling twice to both heart and extremities, example: I have read my favorite book, Bridge to Terabitha 38 times. In fact, One day I finished it flipped It back over and read it again twice in the same day. My reading grade level is 15 (its always been 3 levels above my grade since 4th grade), and i can read all 7 harry potter books in 10 days. I used to do hooked on phonics and then I got hooked on GOOSEBUMPS. Since tthen I have read over 2000 books.

Oh and in chronos news, I got pushed a little, and one HUGE impulse kicked in and I kicked him in the side, he went for 6ft and into the wall (not straight like a stumble) but this guy, I could tell that he was WTF? he didn't know what to say, so he said what was that about, now I myself was a little embarrassed I gave into Chronos like that so I just walked right on by him. Good news is there have been no direct repercussions (this was like 7 weeks ago)

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:41 pm
by Rifts
As for this post I'll deal with MEDIA. In fact I think this will be separated into sections Tv/Movies, Music, Videogames, and Internet.

Lets Start With music.

I love The Beatles. I got into them about 5 months ago and they are amazing masters of awesome. Helps me relax. But I also Listen To Metal, Rock, Gothic metal (Marilyn Manson.), Death Metal (Dimmu Borgir but I only like some of their songs), Hard rock, Classic, Country, and stuff with bag pipes, Mostly seven nations.

I love music I can blast lound enough to make my ears bleed, dance to, Sing along, or a combination of the above. Of course Its has to sound good. here is a link to one of the most amazing songs ever Do my a favor and give it a chance and Ignore the video.

More if I remember more later

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 12:04 am
by Rifts
Lets Go with video games this time around.


I have 3 years of gaming magazines and they are one of the main highlights of my month along with the newest Rosario vampire Chapter and all the's 8-bit theater updates. Outside of that I'm either
a)Finding out about a new game
b)Waiting for a new game
c)playing a new game
d)looking over old releases for good games
e)playing an old favorite
g)Looking at the game guide if I'm stuck
h)any combination of the above
I) all of the above

I just love games I'll be playing when I'm 115 hoping i don't die in my sleep before I can complete the latest Mario

Oh yeah, I write poetry and am trying to improve so I'm doing Freelance, any subject, Though I will have trouble with Religous based ones. But hey, if I can write a poem about a starfish i can write a poem about a pantheon. I hope.

So pm me the subject

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:56 am
by Rifts
I'm just stopping through to say that I couldn't do that cartomancy tarot with playing cards thing so to day I'm getting a real tarot deck.

And to my misfortune the release date for Dishwasher the dead samurai is Dec 31, 2009. Been bust making myself two character sheets for DnD.